Translated by Wook
Edited by Wook

Seniel didn’t look at the main character on stage. It was natural in a way. Because he had no interest in the person up there.

Instead, he listened to the pianist’s performance and even evaluated that Vivi’s performance was superior.

He knew that comparing one person to another was rude, but he couldn’t stop it because it was a thought that had risen almost subconsciously.

Stopping the brief appreciation of the music, he looked at Vivi unobtrusively. He couldn’t turn his head openly for fear that his gaze might get in the way.

Vivi never noticed Seniel’s gaze. Her pink eyes shone.

‘Isn’t this Schubert’s Wanderer Fantasy? Why is this here? Is it because it’s a romance fantasy genre? Is this worldview created by imitating reality?’

She knew what song was played at the piano recital, but she thought it was just the same song with the same name. Vivi was thrilled that she could hear the songs she had heard in her previous life here.

She so was busy listening to nice and familiar songs. The twinkle in her eyes couldn’t be put elsewhere.

Seniel lost himself in Vivi’s shining eyes. Then, without realizing it, he inadvertently thought.

If I had been the pianist on stage, would Vivi have looked at me this deeply?

‘Such nonsensical thoughts.’

Seniel was startled at his thought, and his shoulders trembled. He hurriedly erased the thought in case someone found out.

However, once an idea came to mind, it was not easily dismissed. As if the more you’re reminded not to think of something, it comes to mind more. Thoughts did not disappear no matter how much he stepped on them, perplexing Seniel.

It wasn’t just today, actually.

Whenever he thought of these feelings, he censored them like now. But, unfortunately, it had no effect at all.

He had done the same a few days ago when he gave Vivi tickets to the piano recital and when he told her he wanted to be of her help.

He kept thinking that he had no impure intentions other than a pure desire to help.

Was it really so?

He couldn’t say for sure that it was really just such pure intentions.

Also, just this morning…

When he found Vivi sleeping soundly in his arms, he wanted to ask what was her relationship with Kid.

He left without waking her up, but the question still lingered deep inside.

He was just curious about her safety. There was no other meaning, he excused himself.

‘Because being close to Kid…is dangerous.’

But was it really just that?

Seniel looked serious as if someone was laughing at him. He clenched and opened his fists, staring at Vivi again.

The sound of the piano had long gone out of his ears.

Watching her focus on the piano with relaxed eyes made his chest tickle. Dandelion puffs seemed to stir in his heart, tickling it.

… He hadn’t yet faced it, but he had a vague idea. He didn’t want to face it.

[Could it be that I like her?]

Because he was scared of the situation once he faced it.

Vivi’s reaction was expected. She was only doing him a favor, so she was sure to despise him, saying that he acted brazenly for developing feelings.

Also, he feared Kid would find out about his feelings and harm her.

How much should he suppress his feelings so no one will see him? Seniel didn’t know.

Like a man who believed that if he covered his eyes with his hand, the sky would be covered, he raised his hand and covered the sky, vowing never to remove his hand.

Clap, clap, clap. When the performance was all over, thunderous applause rang out. Suddenly, the lights turned on.

After the encore, people were busy getting up from their seats. In the midst of the noise of people, Seniel’s hand was grabbed by Vivi.

“When people go out, let’s mix up with them!”

Seniel suddenly had a question about Vivi’s hand.

With such small hands, how did she play the piano and how did she catch and lead him? They were too small. Suddenly, the difference in size was noticeable.

Vivi struggled and pulled Seniel. She looked around and then put a bonnet over Seniel’s head.

“I’m very sorry about this!”

Seniel’s head was covered with the bonnet that she was wearing. Vivi was sorry but didn’t remove the bonnet. Fortunately for her, Seniel had no interest in the bonnet.

Seniel looked down at the precarious link between him and Vivi. It was so small that if only he tried to hold it, it seemed like it would snap off. Seniel slowly held the hand. The tightly engaged hands were much stronger than before.

Vivi, who was busy running away, didn’t notice.

People started avoiding the burly man wearing a pretty bonnet. Vivi looked at him and shouted at the people to get out of the way, accusing him of having an outdated idea.

The people suppressed by her screaming sighed and moved away. Thanks to this, Vivi and Seniel could get on the carriage very quickly.

“Uwaa. That was hard.”

Vivi sat by the window and breathed hard from running. She could feel the adrenaline pumping from running for the first time in a long time. The moderate run lifted her spirits.

Usually, she would have been annoyed by the fact that she ran, but the performance was so great that even running felt enjoyable.

“Oh, right. The bonnet. Oh, I’m really sorry.”

While admiring Seniel, whose beauty was covered by the bonnet, a sudden laugh came out at the seemingly absent-minded gesture. Thinking of him running wildly after her like that made her laugh again.

‘I can’t laugh. I shouldn’t laugh.’

Seniel already had a delicate mind. She thought she shouldn’t laugh, but the more she did, the more she laughed.

“I-I’m not laughing at you. It fits so well, I’ll take this back!”

Vivi struggled to contain her laugh and yanked the bonnet away. She put it over her head and messed around with it.

Vivi thought that Seniel would look offended. As the difference between women’s and men’s clothes was clear, she put a bonnet on him here, where gender stereotypes were severe. He must’ve lost all his dignity.

His face, which had been hidden under the bonnet, was unexpectedly smiling.

Seniel smiled along with Vivi. He didn’t know why she laughed. He thought maybe she was laughing at him wearing a bonnet.

But whatever. Vivi looks happy.

So he just laughed along. At the same time, he caught her smile in his eyes.

Eyes full of vitality, always confident attitude, someone whose everything shines from head to toe.

Suddenly, he had a strong desire to see that smile again and again. But the smile faded as he realized that Vivi couldn’t be happy next to him.

Vivi could only be happy if she was sent to a place that suited her.

And he knew the answer to do so.

Although it may take some time.

Vivi coughed for no reason and put on the bonnet. She didn’t see Seniel’s smile die down because she was looking out the window.

She glanced at the scenery outside the carriage and slightly changed the subject of conversation.

“I asked you to come, but I was the only one who had fun. How was the concert?”

She thought it must be a very dull time for a piano layman. She belatedly realized that she was not considerate of Seniel by just wanting to go to the recital.

“I had fun, too.”

Vivi observed Seniel’s face to see if it was true. However, no matter how much she looked, she couldn’t find an expression that said he was bored or didn’t like it.

“I’m glad then.”

In fact, he didn’t even remember whether the performance was enjoyable or boring. Just because Vivi said it was fun, looking back, he thought he must’ve had fun.

Seniel suddenly talked to Vivi, who was smiling. He hoped Vivi liked it, with intentions that he didn’t even know. “If there’s another performance, I will get tickets again. Let’s go together.”

Vivi’s expression hardened slightly when she heard the word ‘another’. But she smiled brightly, trying not to make it obvious.

‘Another, together?’

Vivi knew very well that there was no ‘another’ for her. She had to run away and live like a mouse, so she couldn’t have dreamed of a concert with so many people.

“… Yes. Let’s go together.”

Vivi imagined her future. Even if she couldn’t go to the concert, she comforted herself by saying that it would be better than now.

‘I don’t know. I don’t want to think about that now.’

She didn’t want to think of this reality, so she came here. At least she didn’t want to think about it until she entered the mansion.

Vivi wanted to hold on to the concert just before. So, she started telling Seniel, who probably had no interest in the piano, that there was a song she had played at today’s concert, such nonsensical things.

“Do you remember the fourth song they played earlier?”

“… Yes.”

A slightly delayed reply told her he didn’t remember. Vivi continued to speak calmly with an expression of ‘it doesn’t matter’, “It was the last song I practiced before getting married. Chopin’s Ballad No. 4.”

She was diagnosed with cancer while practicing for her graduation recital.

“There, during the coda, I mean, I remember hitting the keys of the stormy climax so hard at the end of the piece.”

Seniel’s eyes widened as he stared at Vivi. He didn’t seem like someone who hadn’t concentrated at all at the recital.

“Then… What are you practicing now?” Seniel, who was hesitant, could not overcome his curiosity. Actually, there were many other things he wanted to ask.

How did you learn to play the piano, from whom did you learn, what is your favorite song, and who is your favorite composer? Is there anything you like besides the piano? He wanted to ask if she liked flowers, too.

“I’m not practicing these days. I’m playing the songs I’ve played.”

But he wasn’t qualified to ask these questions, and they scattered away.

“… Why?” He plucked up the courage to ask questions, but the carriage stopped at bad timing.

Vivi didn’t see Seniel’s sad face while looking at the open carriage door.

“See you in the evening.”

Vivi, who hadn’t even heard his question, greeted him lightly.

Seniel could only nod his head there.

Returning to the room, Seniel took out the key he had hidden and entered the room Kid had not found. With many rooms in the mansion, Kid didn’t pay attention to the rest of the rooms except for the main ones. Thanks to this, Seniel was able to use this room.

He, of course, never forgot to be careful not to be discovered.

It was already the third day since he last visited the room. Seniel habitually opened the drawer and took out some papers.

The paperwork was full of experiments such as chemical formulas.

He had long given up on trying to separate himself from Kid… I won’t be able to, because—

He shook his head lightly to get rid of his thoughts and went through the papers. The purpose of this experiment was only one. Searching for a poison that did not respond to holy power and could kill a person in seconds.

It stopped after Vivi came, but this was the original research he was doing. However, it had to proceed differently than before Vivi came. He had used his body recklessly then, but now he couldn’t. He had to be careful because he could’ve hurt Vivi.

There was only one chance.

‘… I’ll make you happy.’

Read only at Travis Translations

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