"This flower grows very well. Do you women like these things?"

As he spoke, he handed the bouquet to the summer night girl around him.

Xi Xia night exaggerated, looked at the bouquet of flowers in front of her eyes, and then his eyes fell on his handsome face, "I don't know anyone else, I think I like it anyway!"

She said, and then very unkindly reached over and looked down, and said, "The blue enchantress in the vase at home just withered, go back and plug it in, always feel at home. With such little things, it seems more lively, what do you think? Mr. Mu?"

"The lady said yes, go back, and the two of them are estimated to have come over."

When he dropped such a sentence, he started the car.

Soon, the car was draped in a soft golden light pilgrimage to the villa area, with the joy of late return.

Some things are subtly immersed in such a time, just like the gradual sunset of the horizon, after the sunset retreats, it will be a beautiful starry night...


After returning to Fengju, the husband and wife did not stop. After drinking a glass of water, they followed the summer night to enter the kitchen to help them get started.

"Mr. Mu, is this enough water for this meal?"

The girl in the summer night walked over the pot and asked for the enthusiasm of the vegetables.

Mu Xiaochen looked at the line of sight and took it over and poured out some of the water in the pot. "More, um, OK, you used to put the music in the past."

When you said it, you put the pot in the past and plugged it in.

When a man cooks, he likes to listen to very soothing music. The girl in the summer night has asked him. He said that cooking is also a kind of relaxation, of course, to improve the quality of enjoyment.

A lot of clerk, sometimes I think he is the habit of the old man's life, always not too slow, do a meal can often toss for more than an hour, such as a small fire to cook a soup a few days ago He can have such a leisurely feeling that it is a few hours of stewing...

"Which dish to put?"

She glanced at him and asked as he took the towel he had handed over and wiped his wet hand.

"Look at it, it's all in a style."

He said such a sentence, and continued to cut his potato.

The girl in the summer night had to put the towel and walked outside. After a while, there was a soothing and memorable music in the villa.

It’s a very old and very old Oscar, it’s pretty good, very inspirational – Sayyou, sayme...

"Mr. Mu, you make a honey steak, that's delicious."

When she returned to the kitchen, looking at his busy back, she couldn’t help but open her mouth.

"Well, I will do it for you when I wait." He faintly responded, his soft voice was like a father licking a greedy little girl. "You have been eating this dish for a few days, and you haven’t eaten it." ?"

She smiled happily, and made up the past, whispering, "I am the most praising praise for your cooking, shouldn't you be happy?"

"Madam, your praise is really too cheap."

He smiled softly and said such a sentence, put the cut potato silk into the plate, and at this time, the outside doorbell also shook.

Xi Xia night raised his brow and looked at him. He thought that the two good brothers he should have said, and his heart was a little nervous, but he was calmly taking the towel and rubbing his hands.

"It should be that they are here, go out and have a look."

When he said, he walked toward the door. The girl in the summer night looked at him silently. After a while, he followed.

At this time, the sky outside was already dark, and the street lights outside the villa had been automatically picked up, and the dim light was poured into the ground.

Mu Xiaochen opened the lamp in the living room. The bright and warm light suddenly filled the whole house. He subconsciously slowed down and waited for the summer night girl to come up before he continued to walk forward with the steps.

"They are both very good people. You are women. They can only let you, ask you what they think, and if they feel too much, just nod their heads or shake their heads. Don't be so stupid."

Mr. Mu woke up to the girl in the summer night, and the pace was not fast.

"Mr. Mu, are you worried that I will suffer?"

The summer night walking next to him suddenly turned to look at him, and smiled lightly.

"I am worried that you not only did not give me a long face, but instead licked my face." Mu Zhenchen glanced at her, very plainly said, "Mrs, this image of the husband has to rely on you today, no How can you raise your eyebrows and kill the Quartet? You can do it with your heart. What are you nervous about?"

Falling down such a sentence, the summer night girl is trying to ask something, but the man has stepped over and over, slamming the switch button in front of the door, only heard the sound of '咔嚓', and the closed door finally opened slowly. .

What caught the eye was a domineering Raven Land Rover Range Rover. At first glance, it was the signboard of Su Chen. This guy didn’t have to be killed by the old revolutionary revolution of the family. Secondly, in the end, this guy finally couldn’t bear to be a traitor. He directly confessed from Mu Chenchen, and also gave Mu Xiaochen a owe. Phone a batch!

Three brothers, Zhou Zimo Zhou Gongzi and Mu Xiaochen are gentle and calm, elegant and introverted, while Su Chen is resolute and domineering. The whole person looks a bit majestic and may be related to his position.

However, Mu Chenchen and Zhou Zimo know that Su Chen is the temper. The few brothers who play the most are him. Zhou Zimo is in the middle, and it is not bad to let go. Mu Mochen is somewhat quiet and not arrogant, but Absolutely not cold, because his cold humor can quickly return to the warmth of the cold atmosphere.

The three brothers are playing small playmates, and the feelings are not ordinary.

"Young Master! Little Lady!"

Amo’s voice came over, and as soon as he looked up at Xia night, he saw Amo, who was in a black suit, coming over.

On weekdays, several brothers did not drop Amo. In their opinion, Amo was also a good friend of them, so Mu Mochen also directly let Amo come over.

Xia nodded in the evening, and at this time, Amo handed a paper bag in his hand to a gift box that was packed very well. "Mr. Shao, this is the mayor who asked Li Si to give it to you. Just came over, so I just took it."

Hearing the words, Xi Xia night, bowed down and looked at the things in front of him, this time before I remembered the words before the curtain mountain, he did say that there was something for her to give her mother Shen Wenna.

In the afternoon, after she left with Mu Zhenchen, she stopped thinking about it. She did not know how Han Yifeng and Xi Xinyi had made this wedding dinner.

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