The wedding reception was naturally very lively. When everyone rushed over, the banquet was also opened.

Because of his pregnancy, the Dongliu Liuyun did not touch the wine, Qi Lei was poured a lot, and after a round, he was a little embarrassed.

Dongfang Liuyun worried about his wounds and stopped him behind.

Then it was still tactful on the grounds of the body, smashing the past, and leaving the wedding banquet in advance with Qi Lei. Anyway, it is not necessary to have them in the East.

Fortunately, the best man bridesmaid group to force, or so a circle to drink, Qi Lei about not only directly drink it, but now the situation is not good to go anywhere.

Holy Water Villa area.

The oriental stream cloud frowned and looked at the man who was unconscious in bed. After a long time, he only shook his head helplessly, and had to help him remove the jacket, then went to the bathroom and took a warm wet towel. Simply wiped him, covered the quilt, and he slept by him.

She took a shower and waited for her to come out of the bathroom comfortably. It was already 11:30 in the middle of the night. She sorted out something slightly and was about to call the East to do it. From the phone, the phone shook.

She glanced at the screen of the mobile phone, but I felt that the number was familiar. It was on the other side of Japan, and there were counts in my heart. After thinking about it, I still picked it up.


The faint sound of the clear passed.

"it's me."

The head quickly heard the low voice of Fujiwara. "I know that today is the big day for you to marry him, so give a phone call and say goodbye to your new marriage."

Fujiwara has almost spent all his effort to say these blessings. Perhaps he should not be willing to work hard to win her, but he is afraid, afraid that they can no longer return to the past, then do, With the temperament of the East, it will only resent him more, which is the last thing he wants to see.

When I heard this, Dongfang Liuyun suddenly paused, and then I faint back. "Thank you. Your words, Lan Xiu conveyed to Qi Lei, Qi Lei also told me, and this time, no matter what. How about, I should say thank you to you."

"To me, you don't have to be so polite, you can't flow."

There was some sigh in the voice of Fujiwara at the end. "I thought we were at least true friends."

"I take you as a friend. We don't want to mention those things, so we will go through this smooth and steady. Qi Lei is very good to me. I can marry him. It is also the luckiest thing I have ever felt in my life. I don't regret to like you, and I don't regret falling in love with him."

The eastern stream cloud slowly walked to the side of the floor window, sat down on the soft sofa, and replied.

Listening, Fujiwara was silent for a moment, then he smiled bitterly. "I can get you such a sentence, "I don't regret it," I think, I should feel satisfied."

"I thought a lot during this time. I thought about our business. Maybe it is because I am so indifferent to people who are incapable of catching up with your steps. It is not your fault, but the contradiction in personality. I Love you very much, flow clouds... you should know."

Fujiwara said low.

"thank you."

"But, I thought about it before and after, comparing my feelings towards you, and the feelings of Qi Lei on you, I have to admit that he is more suitable for you, his feelings for you are not as shallow as I am to you, at least You are happy to be with him. I don’t seem to be as good for you as I thought. This kind of cognition makes me feel a little bit unhappy..."

"And the facts are facts. I can't get in between you again. I see that you are in harmony with each other. I also realize that I should let go of you."

Fujiwara also used all his strength to say these sad words, but he just wanted to comfort her and let his own arrogance in his heart fall.

"You will find the fate that belongs to you... I also wish you good."

Dongfang Liuyun can only say so.

"Besides you, this life is afraid of this. You know, my feelings are so cool, why bother to harm other women? Well, you don't have any pressure in your heart, I want to call you, I want to I sincerely wish you all, very late, rest early, goodbye."

There was a little depression in the voice of Fujiwara at the end, and there was no such thing as the Oriental stream in the end, and he hanged up the phone directly.

He was afraid that he would not be able to control himself if he continued to talk.

Leaving the soul and leaning on the sofa, the whole person also turned around slightly, and raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows. The pain in his face was obvious.

When Matsuda came in, he saw such a wilderness.

The oriental stream is like the soul of the young master. She left, and the soul of the young master is gone.

I felt a pain in my heart, and quickly went over and handed the medicine and water in my hand to the vine field. "Young master, eat the medicine first, you drink a lot of wine, be careful that tomorrow's sequelae will hurt, the weather is still very good. Cold, you have to take care of yourself."

It was said that Fujiwara had raised his head and looked at Matsuda. Some numb fingers reached the medicine that Matsuda had handed over and ate.

"Young master, the lord over you want to stop? He is now..."

Fujiwara Saji was also under house arrest by Fujiwara, and even Matsuda was somewhat different from Fujiwara’s wild and resolute means. He even made his father’s eyes, not to mention other people, this time, but there is a violation. His people were all cleaned up by him. Now, no one in the entire Fujiwara family dares to support him.

Perhaps, such a cool and cold person is destined to be lonely...

When it comes to Fujiwara Saji, the cold face of Fujiwara's face suddenly has a sneer of scorn. "He came to let you be a lobbyist?"

Matsuda listened, his face suddenly white, and he quickly said, "The young master please forgives!"

Fujiwara wildly screamed at him. "Let him swear to sign the property transfer book, and then go back to accompany the mother, I can let him out, otherwise he should know the extent of my poison."

Fujiwara has nothing to care about now, nor does he care how others blame him.

"Young master, this..."

"This is the only condition. If Fujiwara does not agree, he will stay in it for a while and tell him that he is old. This world is already a young world, too reluctant, not a good thing."

Fujiwara said it was not hot or cold.

Matsuda's face tightened, and he nodded later. "Know, Master! I will go to the master to explain clearly!"

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