erika: anything

then erika's tunic fell to the floor leaving her beautiful n.a.k.e.d body, the man when he saw this opened a smile and took his hand to erika's b.r.e.a.s.t, but before he could touch it, erica took the man's hand and crushed it with one forever

man: haaaaahhha

the man screamed in pain but erika quickly snap his neck and kill him instantly

then the other men left their stupor but it was too late erika was already in their midst and with an impossible speed of accompanying herself with human eyes she started to kill them, she broke the neck of most of them, but she also tore some as if they were paper, the men she shattered were those who were sick

why erika didn't want to give her brother sick blood, after killing almost all of them erika went to the cage and with one hand she grabbed one of the wooden bars and pulled it over the entire door and she entered the cage and killed everyone the two women

without erika noticing one of the men and the only one who survived the massacre crawled and sout the wolf creature, creature slaughtered the man and ran to erika, but looked at the creature and its eyes shone in a dominating red and the creature submitted to erika

so erica gave the creature a little affection and looked at the two surviving women

the black-haired woman: why don't you allow yourself to live?

erika: because you have not lost your hopes of living even though you are in this situation, I admit that, what are your names

ilona: my name is ilona and she is mary, i am from hungary and mary is from france, we were kidnapped by these monsters, now the question is what do you want? truly

ilona defiantly looks at erika, looking erica right in the eyes while standing prettily in front of mary, but at no time does ilona look away from the visual contact with erika, and that makes her smile even more and knowing that she did right thing saving you both

erika: you are right, i want you to become my brother's and my maids and for your first task put all the bodies in the carriage now

erika orders with an imposing voice and uses her magical power to make a statement about ilona and mary, mary cringed on the spot but ilona continued to try to challenge erika's altitude for a few more seconds but soon reached her limit

and in less than three hours ilona and mary put all the bodies in the carriage and they go towards the place where the boat that alecs is resting in a safe and isolated place that erica made sure to save for nobody to find

without erika realizing a bird was looking closely at erika and then the bird flew

somewhere in a castle

a blonde girl with green eyes, and wearing a blue armor dress, she is relatively small with a gold crown on her head was sitting at a throne table

the girl: interesting this woman is really interesting fuuffufufu ~~

the teenager smiles in a very cute way, and looks at the various knights kneeling in front of her and one of the gentlemen stood up

gentleman: my queen, should we capture her ??

girl: it's not just let her free it's more fun like that ~~~

the girl talks about how much she plays with an extremely beautiful spear

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