3 person pov

Seeing Damon lying crying on the floor Stefan and Zach will be surprised.

(demon, what happened to you?) stefam asks looking at demon.

(a monster) demon responds while sitting in a fetal position hiding his face like a child who has just seen something horizeable.

(a monster? I thought the monster here was you) zach asks the demon with venom in his voice not forgetting the atrocities that demon has done.

Stefan sighs at Zech's reaction and asks a funny question to unwind.

(so you found it, a ninja tortoise ....) stefan tries to unwind the atmosphere, but finally realizes that demon has m missing arm

(demon what happened to his arm) stefan asks demon

(she ripped it off and I didn't even see it happen) demon responds cpm under his breath and hides his head between his legs.

(she was a woman who did this to you what kind of "monster" is this woman) stefan asks now worried that a person has managed to break apart demon.

(she is a vampire) demon still responds with her head between her legs

(so this woman is the same kind of monster as you then, you approved and you fought and you lost and now it's all depressing) zach responds with a poisonous look at demon

(you don't understand, it wasn't a fight she simply crushed me with an ant) ​​demon as tears started to fall from her eyes.

Stefan looked worried, there is a vampire in this city who can defeat demon and leave him in this pitiful situation and he finally realized that demon did not deny that provoked such a vampire.

(demon you didn't piss off this vampire, did you?) stefan asked cautiously.

(yes, I pissed her off, she ran over me and I wanted to take revenge, but I realized her beauty and decided to seduce her, but she fooled me and said she was married, and I tried to convince her that I'm better than her husband with ipnose and she got angry and said that I was just a pathetic low-class vampire and it would take a thousand years to reach the feet of her husband, who is an ancestor, so I attacked her and she and crushed) demon speaks in a low voice of afraid and stares into space with terrified eyes.

Stefan went pale, his brother had a powerful, probably very ancient vampire, because he called an ancient vampire a lower-class demon, and most terribly she called her husband an ancestor that means he's older than she is.

(demon like this vampire, so I can apologize to her) stefan asks with fire in his eyes to try to fix the shit his brother did.

(she is a very beautiful woman with white hair, stefan no va she is a monster she will kill us all) demon still terrified

(luna ??) zach talks to myself but demon and stefan listen

(is this the vampire who attacked you?) zach takes his cell phone out of its seat and shows a picture of a thousand white-haired, to demon and stefan

demon immediately shudders and confirms suspicion

(who is she?) stefan asks

(luna wolfmon, mother of two and right-hand man of council leader miranda gilbert, elena's mother) stefan's eyes become aregalan and he becomes a blur and disappears from the room

to be continued

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