After visiting Lawrence, and seeing that he was okay. Jayde has a quick chat with Doctor Shishido Eba about Lawrence's recovery. Doctor Shishido Eba informed Jayde that Lawrence would be fine within a couple days.

Medical science had made a vast improvement over the past couple of thousand years, and unless a patient was brain dead, medical science had a way of helping a patient recover fully.

Knowing that Lawrence was in good hands, and on the road to a full recovery, Jayde had the peace of mind to follow up with the rest of her plans.

It was time to free the rest of the GESS people still enslaved by Xi Corporation.

Xi Corporation was one of the largest corporations in the Earth Federation and was responsible for the most heinous crimes. From human experimentation to the extermination of indigenous races on alien planets —Xi Corporation was guilty of all these crimes.

Jayde's people had come across secret information, that the Xi Corporation was busy installing kill switches into their soldiers. It seems as though the rebellion of hundreds of genetically engineered soldiers had made them nervous and they were determined that they prevented their "products" from joining the rebellion.

With the information gathered by Jayde's subordinates, they had determined that the Xi Corporation had built a secret base on the planet Crypso 3Q3U. It was here that their supercomputers controlled the kill switches for all Xi Corporation soldiers.

It was only by destroying this base that the enslaved genetically engineered soldiers could be freed, and Jayde and her people were committed to this goal.

Knowing that after this mission there would be serious repercussions, Jayde was busy relocating the people at Deshan H24C to a newly discovered planet in a nearby system. It was with this discovery that the Centauri were hoping to start a new life.

With the scientists already freed, their technology was already ahead of the Earth Federation, and the Centauri had allocated a tremendous amount of resources to ensure that their new home was safe. The planet defenses were state of the art.

Jayde always found it ironic that it was the genetically enhanced scientist that the Xi Corporation had created to exploit their intelligence, those who they had enslaved to research and create new technology for them, that would finally allow the Centauri to be free.

While the enhanced scientist and doctors were weaker than the soldiers, they too had been rebelling in their own way, delaying and hiding their research. It was only once they were free that the Centauri found out just how much technology they had hidden away, giving the Centauri a leading edge to the war.

It took Jayde and her subordinates a couple of weeks to relocate all the Centauri to their new home. They had named the new planet Eden, with the hope and desire that they would finally have their own place, a home that they would die to protect.

Visiting Eden to oversee the final transport ship, Jayde's cold heart experienced a feeling of warmth for the first time. She was satisfied seeing young children running about. One of the cruelest procedures of the Xi Corporation was to sterilize all of their "products" this was to emphasize the difference between genetically engineered people and normal humans. Only humans could reproduce naturally. Genetically engineered "products" were produced in vats—this is how they brainwashed humans that the Centauri weren't human beings, that they were a little better from the commercial robots available.

One of the first research projects that Jayde ordered was for Centauri scientist and medical staff to research and find a way to reverse the sterilization of the Centauri. It took them a while, but in the end, it was worth it. Now seeing these young children running around Jayde had to hope for the future of the Centauri, and it filled her with a strong desire to protect and free the rest of her people.

After ensuring that everything was running smoothly Jayde and her elite team returned to Deshan H24C, they were there to pick up Lawrence and some final supplies for their mission to Crypso 3Q3U.

"So Jayde, tell me where have you hidden the rest of the Centauri?" Lawrence asked curiously, he had been trying to find out for a while where the new home planet was.

Smiling mysteriously Jayde answered "After the mission, you will see. Lawrence, you will love it, it is everything that we dreamed of when we were kids"

Jayde wanted to surprise Lawrence when they were kids, they would comfort each other after their torturous training missions, one of the things they would discuss and dream about was having a home, and Jayde was excited about showing this dream home to Lawrence after they destroyed the supercomputers on Crypso 3Q3U.

"Lock and load, Ladies—time to move out" she ordered her troops.

After everyone boarded the spaceship transport, the transport ship left the planet Deshan H24C for Crypso 3Q3U.

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