Since Isha still had not returned, Jayde made up her mind to purchase some more body modifications, looking through the list available, she chose the healing upgrade for fifteen points, the bone strengthening upgrade for ten points, the body strength modification for fifteen points and finally the skin toughening for ten points. While a bit expensive Jayde thought it was fifty points well spent.

Selecting to have the upgrades installed immediately, Jayde walked into the medical bay and climbed into the medical pod. Two hours later all the DNA modifications were installed successfully, and Jayde started to fell a bit like her old self.

With her new modifications, Jayde's body natural healing ability had increased by twenty-five percent, her bones by fifteen percent, her physical strength by twenty-five perfect and her skin by twenty percent.

Jayde was happy to find out that her skin was still soft and supple after the skin strengthening, it was just a lot more difficult to cut. After testing out her new body, Jayde was really happy with her new physic, and with the increase in her magical abilities, her fire spells her twice as powerful as before. Jayde also found that she could maintain her fire shield for much longer now as well, and she could release nearly triple the number of fireballs.

After leaving the medical bay, Jayde found Isha waiting for her hold a glass flask containing a bright green liquid.

"Ah I see you have been busy," he said handing over the flask to Jayde. He had noticed how much Jayde physic had changed and was pleasantly surprised that she had managed to accumulate so many points so quickly.

"Take this potion quickly, as the effect will fade soon, but be prepared it will be painful when your qi pool expands" he cautioned Jayde.

Holding the flask in her hand, Jayde took a deep breath, then lifting the flask she quickly drank it all. To say that it tasted vile would be an understatement. It was the most disgusting thing that Jayde had ever had in her entire life — and that was saying something as once when she was stranded on a planet during a mission — she had eaten raw voles — a small stinky ratlike creature.

Isha had not been lying about it being a painful experience, as soon as the concoction was absorbed, massive cramps hit Jayde dantian, the pain became so intense that Jayde felt like throwing up. Losing all her strength in her legs, Jayde had no choice but to lie down on the floor, while Isha looked on sympathetically

Gritting her teeth and holding back the bile bubbling up into her throat, Jayde tried to breath her way through the pain assaulting her.

Cold sweat dripped down her pale face, the muscles and tendons on her neck stood out sharply. Jayde lost track of time, as she tried to just make it through the next second of pain, as Jayde had her eyes closed just concentrating on getting through the pain without screaming, she didn't realize that qi energy flowed and danced around her, sinking into her skin without her being aware of it.

After what felt like an eternity, just as Jayde thought that the pain would never end a huge tremor hit her dantian, then suddenly.


As just like that all the pain disappeared. Still feeling too weak to stand, Jayde rolled onto her back and just lay on the floor, gathering her strength.

While lying on the floor, she let her consciousness enter her body, and directing her mind to her dantian she had a look at what changes had occurred.

Her dantian was no longer the size of a small child's fist, it had nearly doubled in size, and the color was now a soft gold, what really surprised Jayde was that her dantian was nearly three-quarters full with the pure qi energy golden liquid.

Not only had that awful potion of Isha's upgraded her dantian to the copper stage, but it had also absorbed and converted the qi around her. While the price she had paid for what she had just gone through was awful, Jayde was really quite happy with the results.

After fifteen minutes, Jayde had recovered enough to return to the Dark Forest, after bidding Isha goodbye, she returned to her camp just as the sun was rising.

It had been a long but fruitful night.


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