After listening to Isha careful explanation on how to absorb the fire spirit, and integrate it into her fire magic, Jayde sat down and settled her mind.

What she was about to attempt was dangerous, but the benefits outweighed the dangers. Opening up her magical senses, Jayde extended her magical sight, scanning for the fire spirit. Due to its young age, it was hidden to normal sight, and could only be "seen" through magic.

After five minutes, Jayde found it. It was diving in and out of the lava, to her magical eyes it looked like a small flame the outer edges glowed blue and in the heart of the flame, there was a small gold flame flickering. It really was a stunning sight to behold.

Following Isha explanations, Jayde extended her magical power carefully, she did not want to alarm the fire spirit, if it escaped and hid deep in the lava, it would be nearly impossible for Jayde to capture it, she needed to trap it.

Inch by inch, her magical forces, slowly surrounded the fire spirit, Jayde was extremely patient, as she "hunted" her prey.

Only once she confirmed that her magical power totally surrounded the fire spirit and that it had no avenue to escape, did she relax her tense muscle.

After adding most of her power to the shield encasing the fire spirit, did she pounce. Quickly reducing the size of the magical cage trapping the fire spirit, by reducing the size of the cage, the strength of her spirit cage increased drastically.

Alarmed the fire spirit tried to flee but found itself caught in Jayde powerful spirit cage. Smashing itself against the walls of its cage, it tried its hardest to break through, but it couldn't, but the fire spirit didn't give up. It had now become a battle of wills between itself and Jayde, whoever exhausted themselves first would end up the loser.

As the fire spirit continued to fight, Jayde continued to reduce the size of her cage, until the fire spirit could barely move. Jayde now had to hold on until fire spirit surrendered, only once it surrendered could she successfully integrate it into her magic.

Sipping on spirit water from the lily pods to replenish her qi, Jayde waited patiently for the fire spirit to tire itself out, after a grueling five hours, the fire spirit finally collapsed.

Seeing the fire spirit lying limping against her spirit cage, Jayde started to draw her cage closer to her, as if sensing Jayde intention, the fire spirit put up a last final struggle, Jayde had to pour all of her remaining qi into powering the cage, as the fire spirit battled desperately against the walls of her cage.

While this last battle only lasted a couple of minutes the toll on both the fire spirit and Jayde was intense, sweat poured down Jayde white face, her lips were bleeding from having bitten them during this final battle, but finally, the fire spirit had surrendered its will to her.

Exhausted Jayde drank the remaining lily pod water left, with her qi replenished and feeling more energized, Jayde drew the fire spirit into her body, with her power still surrounding the defeated fire spirit, she directed her spiritual cage to her dantian. Only once the fire spirit was safely within her dantian did Jayde breathe a sigh of relief, then releasing her spiritual cage she started the arduous task of integrating the fire spirit into her fire magic.

Now it was the most dangerous part of the whole process, either Jayde integrated the fire spirit if she failed the flames of the fire spirit would burn her alive. Once she started the integration she would not be able to stop.

With her mind totally focused on this vital task, she slowly started to absorb the flames of the fire spirit.

As she started to absorb the flames, the qi energy from the flames being absorbed began to fill her dantian, as she reached the threshold of the fourth rank, all the qi energy in the surrounded area began to flow around her body, due to the intense energy of the lava lake, there was an abnormal amount of fire qi in the air, a huge vortex of qi began to form around Jayde.

This qi started to sink into Jayde's body, unaware of this dangerous situation, Jayde continued to absorb the energy of the fire spirit.

Very quickly Jayde breakthrough to fourth rank, but she was now in a dangerous situation, as not only was she absorbing the qi energy from the fire spirit, which was vast in itself, but the qi energy around her was increasing drastically, and forcing its way into her body, which only filled up her dantian even quicker.

With both of these energies now entering her body, Jayde started to break through the ranks at an alarming rate, and with each increase in rank, more and more qi energy was drawn towards her, forcing its way into her body, which only increased the rate of her breakthroughs.

She was now in a very dangerous cycle.

Fifth Rank...

Sixth Rank...

Seventh Rank...

Eight Rank...

Ninth Rank...

Tenth Rank...


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