Small Cave

While Isha and the trainers were busy with the Overseer, Jayde had run into a crisis, she had broken through to the twelfth level, and was now approaching the threshold of the barrier to Knight first rank.

Since her dantian couldn't hold any more qi, the excess energy was starting to build up, when her dantian had started to heat up, Jayde realized the danger she was in. Desperate to save herself, she started to drain the excess energy in her dantian, but she was absorbing qi energy faster than she could drain it.

The qi energy in her dantian started to leak, flooding her veins and meridian, even her cells. Her body started to expand from the excess energy, and her skin began to split.

With her concentration now split between trying to control the excess energy and the integration of the fire spirit, she lost control of the flames from the fire spirit in her dantian, intense pain flooded Jayde body, she felt like she was being burnt alive.

The extreme pain drove Jayde onto her back, her very thoughts became confused as the burning pain combined with the pain of her ever-expanding body. The pain was the worst that Jayde had ever experienced in her two lifespans, she felt as though her very soul was being consumed by the flames.

Tears leaked from her eyes, as she wept at her own the suffering, she didn't even have the breath to scream. Right now she wanted to die, she welcomed death with open arms, all she wanted to do was to run away from this extraordinary pain.

Her thoughts became more muddled, as the pain ate away at her sanity, she could feel darkness slowly overcoming her mind, and with it came some clarity she knew if she succumbed to the darkness she would die, while a large part of her wanted to die to escape the awful pain she was in, she didn't want to give in. No, she refused to give in.

Summoning every bit of willpower she had she fought against the pain, she had too much to do, she had a blood debt to pay for the previous Jayde. She wouldn't rest until the Freehold paid for the suffering they had put the previous Jayde through, then there was that unknown bastard who had created the whole frigging mess, to begin with, who had put both her and the previous Jayde on this torturous path.

Jayde started to list all the reason why she couldn't die, each time she repeated the list over and over in her head, it helped her steel her willpower, to clear her mind.

No she WILL not die, she wanted to live, she desperately wanted to find out if her people in the Federation were happy, she wanted to know what it was to be happy, and she wanted a family, this was her darkest, deepest and most hidden desire, but more than ever she wanted to stand on top of this world, and never to be ruled by someone else's power again.

Reaching deep inside her, she grabbed the runaway flames and wrapped it in her magical power, then forcing her will upon it, she made it submit to her. Her mind running on pure instinct to survive, she forced the blue fame into every organ, every cell, her veins, and meridians.

A bright blue flame with specks of gold surrounded Jayde body, and at the same time, her body started to go through major changes.

The fire spirit flame started to reshape Jayde body, making her bones, muscles, skin, and veins stronger, her meridians expanded and became stronger and more flexible, it burned away all the toxins and impurities in Jayde body.

From the smallest cell to the hair on her head, every part of Jayde's body was remade, stronger, better, and more agile.

But even with her using so much of the fire spirit's energy to reshape her body, it still wasn't enough.

Jayde knew that she was going to fail, there was just too much energy, despair started to creep into her heart, the taste of bitter defeat filled her mouth.

She was ready to give up and let go.

"Jayde, quickly direct the energy to the seal I have placed within your dantian" Isha voice sounded in her mind.

Grasping onto this lifeline, Jayde quickly gathered all the energy she could, and started to direct it to a small sealed off space within her dantian. She wasn't sure what or how Isha had done it, but this sealed off area took all the excess energy that Jayde directed into it.

Finally, the profound pain that Jayde was in dissipated, and the horrendous suction of qi energy stopped.

Lying on the hard stone floor, Jayde stared up at the cavern ceiling above her shocked that she had survived this disaster.

Lying there, she just breathed in deeply, happy to be alive. Her mind was blank as she just relished the feeling of her lungs filling up with air, then breathing out.

For the first time in her two lifespans, Jayde was grateful to be alive. In those final moments, she had come to the realization the death was not an answer, it was the final curtain call, the end. There were no do-overs, she had been incredibly lucky to be given the chance to resurrect in her body.

Up until now, she had been so focused on how rotten her life was, that she had missed the bigger picture that life was meant to be lived, and lived to the fullest — and she had squandered it away just focusing on surviving.

For the first time in her life, she felt truly grateful to someone, and her heart grieved for a small, lonely, unloved thirteen-year-old girl, who had died so unjustly, but by giving up her life, had allowed Jayde to be reborn.

Her heart aching, she started to weep, her tears falling silently, and the more she remembered the previous young girl, the more her heart ached, until finally, she was bawling like a baby, she wept for the unloved girl and she wept for herself.

After a while Jayde calmed down, she felt light and free, as though she had lanced the poison in her heart.

"Little Jayde, I never met you, but I pray for your soul, I wish with all my heart that in your next life that you will only know happiness and love, know that no matter what you are my sister" Jayde whispered, her voice hoarse from all her crying.

And with that, she started to sing the song of mourning. To grieve to the little sister that she never met, but who gave up her life so that she could live again.

After she finished, Jayde vowed that she would live a life as bright as a shining star, she would live for both her and the thirteen-years-old little girl that never got the chance to grow up.


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