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Feng Zhiwei took the natural peel off and peeled off the younger one, saying: "Do you remember the time when the princes drank together in our house that day, the five princes took out the pen monkey and displayed it? I remember that time The color of the pen monkey is golden, but when I look at it this time, I find that it is a lot dimmed, and there will be no shortage of food in the palace, so there will never be insufficient nutrition. I suspect that the problem is not in that ink. Everyone used pen and ink at that time. If it is abnormal, the problem should be with the monkey, but there are too many people who have contacted the monkey.

"Ning Yi." Master Gu took the peeled walnuts and ate them. I didn't know whether the murderer was Ning Yi or he wanted to eat walnuts.

"Or Emperor Tiansheng." Feng Zhiwei stripped off the big one. "He wanted to borrow this to look at the hearts of the sons of the families. This can also be seen from the current actions of Ning Yi. Others are just about to move. , Who is he still playing in, who can see? Who can see? Isn’t Tiansheng Emperor? But then again, I don’t believe that Tiansheng Emperor's selfish person would be willing to try his best to test his son. A better way to test, why bother with yourself? So, who is Ning Yi doing?"

"If it were Ning Yi, he would finally overthrow the Tiansheng Emperor, but he let this opportunity go by in vain, why is that?" Feng Zhiwei was puzzled and sent the walnut into his mouth unconsciously.

A hand stretched out suddenly, grabbed her chin, grabbed the walnut that had been fed halfway, and threw it into his mouth.

Feng Zhiwei's intrigued schemes and tricks flew out of Jiu Xiaoyun, staring dumbfounded at the walnut that was still drooling into her mouth.

"Mine." Master Gu said with satisfaction.

I don't know what it means.

Feng Zhiwei: "..."

For a while, she pressed down the blush on her face, patted Master Gu, and said bitterly, "Master, I tell you that this is wrong and unclean."

"Are you not clean?" Gu Shao asked.

Feng Zhiwei: "..."

"I'm not clean?" Gu Shao asked again.

Nothing in the world is cleaner than you! I know how to wash your underwear every day! Feng Zhi slightly tears: "..."

"Walnuts are not clean?" Gu Shaoye's tone was serious this time. This question is more important than the first two.

Feng Zhi took a deep breath: "..."

"Where is it not clean?" Gu Shaoye, who was thinking straightly, was at a loss.

"It's like this." Feng Zhiweiqi Ruojia's still trying to explain, "It's not clean from the mouth..."

Master Gu Gu suddenly came over.

He has always been three feet away from others, and has never taken the initiative to approach people. This is the first time he has approached people. Feng Zhiwei was so shocked that he forgot to move, and he saw the snowy white gauze breeze blowing, and the looming piece after the gauze The face is getting closer and closer, and if there is a glorious burst in front of the eyes, Feng Zhi closes his eyes slightly.

Immediately, I felt a slightly cool finger with walnut fragrance, and gently touched his lips.

The finger movement was very light, as if with a bit of hesitation. First, I touched it gently, and stroked it carefully. It seemed to be surprised by the smoothness and softness of my finger, so I touched it again.

Feng Zhiwei shuddered and quickly turned his head away, opened his eyes and saw that Master Gu had returned to his original position, leaned his head, looked at the finger that had just touched her lips, and seemed to be looking for dust on it.

Feng Zhi laughed a little, and wanted to divert his attention to the issue of "cleanliness". He didn't want the man to have the most horror but only the more horror. After reading that there was no ash on the hand, he touched the finger that touched her lips to touch his own. lip.

Fingers are white, lightly touched lips, red lips like fire, like jade jaws.

The gesture of that finger on the lips, with a slightly confused look on the head, exudes a sweet and pure breath, natural temptation.

Feng Zhi stood up slightly, then looked at the finger with embarrassment, and flew out.


She will never eat walnuts in her life!

After returning from the palace on that day, Mrs. Qiu quickly replaced the yard for Mrs. Feng and her mother. Feng Zhiwei, who was very popular at the banquet, also began to receive various invitations. Various tea party poems, Feng Zhiwei's invitation will fill the room.

The first talented girl of Dijing has been replaced, but the new first talented girl is no longer involved in any social occasion-she is sick.

Not only is it sick, Feng Zhiwei also thought of giving Feng Zhiwei "sickness".

If Wei Zhi wants to continue this identity, Feng Zhiwei can no longer attract people's attention. That day's banquet was designed by Ning Yi. It was not her intention to make mistakes and hit the limelight.

I was sick for a while, and I didn't see foreigners. Then I went out of Beijing under the name of nourishment and put Feng Zhiwei's identity out of sight.

Before calling her illness, she went to Madam Feng's yard and told Grandma Chen what she said.

"I know." Mrs. Feng sitting in the dark, the expression on her face blurred by the flying dust, only nodded.

Feng Zhiwei heard a bit tired and desolate from that tone.

"You did a good job." Madam Feng looked up at her with a smile on her lips, "I heard about the palace banquet."

Feng Zhi coughed a little and didn't even know how to answer. Over the years, the mother rarely praised her. She is a stern mother. Since her memoirs, she has been forced to learn many things, not only the poetry of the classics. Gefu, as well as practical doctrines such as astronomical arithmetic and geography, will even move out the thick historical books of the previous dynasty, and she "take history as a mirror" to see that the dynasty will be quite politically successful.

What Niang didn’t teach her was the best thing for a woman like a woman to cut. She thought she wouldn’t, but before the armor came into the battle, Niang was also the eldest lady of Qiufu. Miss, how could you never learn these?

At this moment, I heard the praise of the mother, her face was slightly red, and there was a little joy in her heart.

"It's shouldn't be like this." Madam Feng's words turned sharply, and she looked at her mother in amazement. Madam Feng stood up and looked sadly at the direction of the imperial city. "I told you very early, don't be so tall, cut Don’t like to show off, don’t fight against the wind... Now you go out and forget it..."

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