The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 395: Everyone's expectations

  Chapter 395 Everyone’s Expectations

  No one noticed, the princess’s eyes kept falling somewhere.

  But Lulu was inexplicably unhappy.

  The crowd avoided one side, until the princess sedan chair entered the capital with blows and blows, and the crowd lined up to check and enter the city.

  It’s just that the princess has passed by, and the topic has all become her.

  It’s really the focus wherever you go.

   "I am willing to change the city for such a beauty..." A man touched his chin and looked confused.

  Jiang Huaian looked at Lulu's mouth, and reflexed to cover it.

   Before her hand touched her mouth, she heard her say: "Uncle, you think too much. You are at most the type of person who was slaughtered by her..." The little girl still carried a childish voice, spreading far away.

   "That's the kind...that kind of waiting to vomit blood on the ground." The little girl also spit out her tongue, looking like a corpse.

  That guy...

  I wanted to get angry, but I saw that little girl who was still looking at me with a smile, and couldn't say anything to scold me.

  Everyone roared with laughter, and the guy who smiled blushed.

  But no one took the beautiful princess to the altar again, and with one word, she was beaten down.

   Soon, it was Lulu and others' turn to enter the city.

  After entering the city, it is another world.

  Lulu even reluctant to enter the carriage, just stared blankly.

  The ministers said goodbye when they entered the city. They all asked someone to buy a house early, so they had a place to stay for the time being.

  Everyone decided to go together tomorrow to worship Emperor Xie Huang's mighty grace, and then they would return home.

  Actually, saying that it is to thank the emperor for grace, but it is just a situation.

   His Majesty was held tightly by the prince, and he had no real power. Even the imperial decree for returning to Beijing was issued by the prince. I am afraid that his majesty would not want to see them.

  It was the boy who really frightened them.

  Now twelve years old, a few days after the New Year will be a boy who should be thirteen.

  Daddy Lu had never spoken to anyone when he left, but he looked at Lulu with a smile: "Lady Lu, come to Donggong to bring you tomorrow. Donggong's cooking skills are amazing." Lu Lu's eyes are full of smiles.

   This Xia family and Jiang family reconciled, it is the Xia family now has some power, after all, it is sent to others.

  He looked at this girl with joy.

  It can be said to his godson in the future.

  Godson is in front of His Highness as a errand, which is highly valued by His Highness. By that time, life will always be easier, such a delicate child, it will make people feel distressed after being tortured.

  At this moment, the carriage of the Xia family was heading towards the Xia Mansion, but the Xia family was a little restless.

  Looking out the window blankly, taking a deep breath from time to time.

  The handkerchief was pinched tightly, and it was already wrinkled into a ball.

   "Mother, don't be nervous. Grandma won't blame you. They, they have longed for us to go home." Jiang Huaian held his mother in one hand and Lulu in the other. The three uncles had contacted him long ago.

  The rooms have been cleaned up.

  But he didn't persuade him too much. My mother had missed the Xia family for many years, and the knot in her heart was too deep.

   "Yeah, they have been looking forward to me a long time ago, and they want me to look back." Xia's eyes were hot, but he forcibly resisted tears.

  Fear of hometown, the closer you are to home, the more obvious the expectation and fear.

  But really until the moment the carriage stopped.

  Xia’s only left with guilt.

  The Xia family has worked together in these years, and the Xia family has grown stronger. The carriage stopped and Jiang Huaian got his head out of the carriage.

   Helping her mother and holding the deer down.

   Turn around.

  Grandma, the elder uncle's family, the second uncle's family, and the younger uncle's family are all standing outside the door.

  They are all elders, waiting for their family to visit.

  But at this moment, all of them are standing outside the door waiting, with sweat on their foreheads. I don't know how long they have been standing.

  Xia's two children walked up to him.

With a thud, she knelt in front of the old lady in the middle.

   "Mother, the unfilial daughter is back!"

  (End of this chapter)

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