Ch9 - Easter egg: Zhang Yuan (END)

Chapter 9: Easter egg: Zhang Yuan


The gossip master Zhang Yuan accidentally discovered another gossipy news. This one could be said to be the masterpiece in his gossiper career: their prince consort was actually a bodyguard in the residence and also his colleague: Zhao Feishuang.

During his shift last night, he saw the prince holding hands with Feishuang as they walked out, both of them wearing big red attire and bowed to heaven and earth in the middle of the courtyard. The two lovebirds covered in pink bubbles were grinning from ear to ear, completely oblivious to the damages they had done to his old bachelor’s heart.



He admitted Zhao Feishuang was very good-looking, handsome and tall like white birch. But weren’t they both men? And what was even more absurd was, the one wearing the red veil embroidered with mandarin duck was their family prince.

Zhang Yuan had a difficult time making head and tail of this. But in the end, it was his master business, the thing that tortured him right now was holding himself back from sharing this news with everyone. He had such a hot piece of gossip and yet he couldn’t spread it. After all, this concerned their master’s reputation, and he still had some loyalty. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

But, but, it’s so uncomfortable! Zhang Yuan held it in for a whole night, held it in until he grew three sores in his mouth.


“Dgbatfg Itjcu, ktja’r kgbcu klat sbe?” Cr rbbc jr Itjb Mflrtejcu mjwf bea, tf rjk Itjcu Tejc rajcvlcu rabmx-ralii ilxf j kbbvfc qfraif lc atf mbegasjgv, atf geuufv ojmf ibbxfv tjuujgv jcv oeii bo uglfnjcmfr, rb tf kfca bnfg jcv qjaafv tlr rtbeivfg.

Itjcu Tejc kjr rajgaifv. Lf aegcfv jgbecv jcv uibbwlis ibbxfv ja Itjb Mflrtejcu. Coafg rageuuilcu obg tjio j vjs, tf gfiemajcais rjlv, “Pa’r cbatlcu.”

A rough face wearing a widow’s resentful look really…made Zhao Feishuang shiver with goosebumps. He took two steps back in disgust.


Zhang Yuan’s face got even more resentful, but before he could say anything, his master had opened the door, leaned on it, and waved at Zhao Feishuang, the person happily ran to his side, “Are you awake?”

“Why did you get up so early?” Master fixed Zhao Feishuang’s hair, his eyes were full of contentment like a fox demon just got its stomach full after sucking men’s essence. Zhang Yuan was frightened by his own imagination. He did not dare to continue looking and could only force himself to stare at the sun far, far away.

“I wanted to practice sword a little.” Zhao Feishuang smiled, his ears tips were a little read.


Seeing that,  Zhao Huai became interested and pinched his earlobe, “Looks like yesterday didn’t tire you out enough.” 

“You still dare say that, wasn’t it because you…” Zhao Feishuang abruptly stopped. He glanced at Zhang Yuan who was perking his ears up to eavesdrop, then lowered his voice, whispering something which Zhang Yuan couldn’t catch. Then Zhang Yuan saw his family prince smile and rub Zhao Feishuang’s waist, then he.openly took his hand and walked out together fearlessly.

Zhang Yuan watched their back silhouettes disappear and couldn’t help but hit and punched the large boulder in the courtyard. If they were not intending to hide it in the first place, then for what reason did he suffer so much last night?!

Do you guys know how painful it is to hold back on gossiping? Do you?

No, you don’t. You guys only know how to flaunt PDA. 

Zhang Yuan was so depressed that the three sores in his mouth became even more painful.





Translator’s afterword:
Another story wrapped up. Do you think it was too short? I think so too. The projects I’ve picked up so far belonged to the “read for fun” category. To say it a little harsher, they belonged to the “no plots, no substances” category. Whenever I finished reading short stories like this, I often hoped the author would have written a little longer, or developed it a little more. But then I thought, if it was longer, then the charming elements which only exist in a short story would be lost. And the most important thing is, if it was any longer, I wouldn’t have picked it up in the first place lol.


Thank you for reading~ o((*^▽^*))o

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