This time, he was able to come here as the student with the best skills in name. Mu Gen completely used his status as commander to get it.

He looked at Ollie nervously.

He knows that his skills are not very good, but he wants to see Ollie as soon as possible! When he heard that Ollie was injured, he became nervous.

Chief Olivia, how is the medical officer's bandage doing? "Todd asked again, with a serious tone, which made it clear that Olivia would throw the medical officer out if she was dissatisfied.

...Okay...very good..." Looking at Mu Gen with an expectant look on his face, Olivia stuttered in reply.

Very good! "A medical officer who can satisfy Chief Olivia, who has strict standards, must be highly skilled. Todd was finally relieved.


Your Excellency, the very skilled medical officer, actually... I am also injured. Can you please take a look at it as well? "After scratching his head, Todd decided to entrust himself to the medical officer.

Okay, okay. "Mugen nodded, and then followed Todd to leave to another room. He turned back every step of the way and looked at Olivia who was looking at him eagerly behind him. In the end, he only had time to say:

Remember to take your medicine! "

Then, the hatch fell heavily between the two of them.

Then, through the thick soundproof wall, Todd's heartbreaking roar came from the next door.

Everyone who lives close to Olivia is his cronies. As a matter of course, these cronies have chosen medical officers who Olivia thinks are skilled to bandage their wounds. Then, these roars cease. Stopped!

Although we are still on the battlefield, although the wound still hurts, and although the roars around us are unpleasant, but——

The corners of Olivia's mouth curled up slightly.

The same wounds were treated by Mu Gen, but there were subtle differences in the way Mu Gen treated them:

Others got one box of medicine, but I got two boxes! ! !

Other people's bandages were only wrapped three times, but my own bandages were wrapped six times! ! !

In conclusion, Mugen is best for himself.

Olivia was finally satisfied.

☆、Chapter 109

The Imperial Comprehensive Academy and the Colton Military Academy arrived at the most critical moment for a certain mecha squad from the Grando Military Academy.

This small team's mecha operation skills are slightly inferior. They consume the same amount of ammunition and weapons faster than other teams, and their personnel losses are also higher than other teams.

It's the same situation again this time.

The reinforcements requested from the headquarters have been delayed, and more and more people have been injured. Most of them are suffering from new injuries and old ones, and they are almost unable to hold on mentally. Even though they were admitted to a prestigious military school that was extremely difficult to pass, and even though they had received rigorous military training, the actual battlefield life in these three days was still a bit cruel to them.

After all, they are just freshmen.

The defensive front of this small team has begun to lose ground.

It was at this time that the Imperial College appeared in front of the desperate Grandor freshman. Like angels, they bring gentle comfort and medicine that is urgently needed on the battlefield at this moment! Not to mention how gentle they were when bandaging their wounds!

In the eyes of this Grando team, Emperor Zong led by Mu Gen simply has the Holy Light⊙﹏⊙

After the injuries of the wounded were taken care of, Mugen also learned about the current situation from the captain of the team. During their discussion, various tasks assigned to the team continued. came from the communicator. Noting the ratio of casualties here and their current condition, Mugen finally decided to reinforce the team immediately.

In the following time, this Grando was lucky enough to witness the wonderful scene of a gentle "angel turning violent in a second"⊙﹏⊙

Putting down the bandages and adhesives, Di Zong's students immediately shouldered their weapons and pushed the injured Grando aside. Di Zong directly took their place on the battlefield!

Grandor's mecha warriors have broken arms! You guys take a rest and we'll come!

Grando's long-range gunman's leg was broken (Madan, why is it that his leg was broken? Embarrassing)! You guys take a rest and we'll come!

Grando's communications officer...well, although you're not injured, your eyes must be tired after holding on for so many days. You should go rest and we'll take care of you!

The Grandos were stunned.

Every time an instruction comes from the communicator, the commander will immediately break down the task into several small tasks. These tasks are quickly assigned to everyone, and everyone starts to execute them immediately after receiving their own orders.

The team leader of the Grando Military Academy was surprised to find that after students from the Imperial Comprehensive Academy replaced his own side, his own defense line, which had begun to collapse, actually withstood it!

This is not to say that the students of the Imperial Comprehensive Academy are much better than Grandor in operating mechas. In fact, the team leader does not feel that Imperial Comprehensive Academy is very good in this aspect. In fact, from an average level, Di Zong is actually much weaker than Grandor.

But...I always feel like an angel...No! Emperor Zong looks at it

Come on, look so awesome!

At this moment, not only the captain of this team thought this way, but also the other members of the team who were silently watching Di Zong's every move also had this feeling in their minds.

What makes the students of Grandor feel so good at Imperial College is actually their ability to coordinate and execute.

Just like a family making a pie together, in order to achieve the goal of "eating the pie as quickly as possible", each person is often only responsible for a small step of the matter. For example, one person is responsible for kneading the dough, another person is responsible for making the crust, and another person is responsible for making the dough. The last person is responsible for filling the stuffing, and the last person is responsible for baking. It is actually very difficult to do a seemingly simple thing quickly and well. It is best for them to have the same level and the same speed, so that there will be no filling. The person has been waiting for a long time, but the skin has not yet been produced.

Cooperation on the battlefield is actually no different from making pie.

In battle, each team has its own mission. Each team's mission is different, and the time points to complete the mission are also different. However, when everyone's mission is added up, they complete the same mission.

Previously, Olivia felt that students from other colleges were not comfortable directing students because there was a problem with their cooperation. Before, he suddenly felt that his command became easier, and it was precisely after the Imperial Comprehensive Academy led by Mugen intervened.

This kind of coordination and execution ability is not innate, nor is it naturally developed after years of living together, but is cultivated through strict training in ancient methods.

Leaving some people behind to support Grando's team, Mugen quickly headed to other fronts with the remaining students, receiving a warm welcome wherever he went!

They brought all the equipment that was in short supply on the battlefield at this time, including ammunition, equipment, medicine, and Colton Military Academy! (Colton: We are not luggage!) Many people used excuses to talk to the students of Di Zong, wondering how they escaped with such a large ship full of supplies when the enemy was chasing them. They learned that the supplies on the ship were It was because they were robbing someone along the way that everyone's eyes changed.

The performance of "Bridal Academy" is so strong, their previous appearance is really embarrassing.

With sufficient supplies, sufficient personnel, and spiritual encouragement, after three days of fierce fighting and learning of their current predicament, all the students not only did not feel discouraged, but instead cheered up!

They finally broke through the enemy's base!

At this point, there are still three hours left before the mission time limit issued by Lieutenant General Yoland.


To be honest, Lieutenant General Yoland was very satisfied that they had made it this far.

It is not easy to satisfy the picky Lieutenant General Yoland.

The difficulty set in this system is two levels higher than the difficulty level normally provided to freshmen. While waiting for the result, the technical department predicted the outcome of this competition through the brain. The freshmen can successfully rescue the marshal and win through their own efforts. The probability of winning the match is very low, only about 20%.

Therefore, even though the task was released to the students in the system, Lieutenant General Yoland did not order his subordinates to stop the ongoing task. They have contacted several other generals to prepare and have deployed troops near the imperial capital. Once the freshmen cannot successfully complete the mission, they must start the next step. The seemingly peaceful building that the empire has maintained for hundreds of years will collapse——

Now only Lieutenant General Yolan remains in the technical department. The others have already performed their duties and are in their respective positions. They cannot see what is going on in the system. Everyone is just waiting for the final results that Lieutenant General Yolan will report to everyone.

Report to Lieutenant General Yolan that the cleaning system of No. 1 is ready to enter the infected system. "The head of the technical department reported the latest progress to him in a low voice.

knew. "Is the time for a head-on confrontation with that adult coming...?

There was no change in Yoram Rafael Klezy's expression.

Just like before every battle, he just carefully recalled every arrangement he made, carefully thought about the manpower corresponding to each arrangement, and finally confirmed the backup plan in case of failure...

No, he didn't have any back-up plan for this arrangement.

Once it fails, it is eternal failure.

Lieutenant General Yoland calmly focused his gaze on the screen connecting the scenes in the system. His eyes widened slightly when he saw one of the screens.

That is the Military Intelligence Brain - No. 1. You see, it begins to forcefully break through the other party's system barrier. "The Minister of Technology continued to explain in a low voice.

On the screen here, everything in the system is a piece of code, but each piece of code corresponds to a certain specific product in the system. The image corresponding to No. 1 in the opponent's system is this huge black battleship. "

Please see, its weaponry is very strong. Once it successfully enters the opponent, it will immediately perform a destructive cleanup. By then, everything you see will be destroyed. Your Majesty the Marshal, General Condon, the students, the battleships inside, the planet... and even the entire universe.

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