Hearing this reason, Olivia was stunned.

But he didn't stay stunned for long. Boss Buni quickly waved to him. Understanding what he meant, Olivia hurriedly walked over and pressed her right hand on the button under the console. After a slight sting, the extremely complicated console appeared before them again.

Countless buttons were suspended in mid-air, glowing faintly.

There were a total of 3,301 buttons, which was the limit that a human driver could operate without brain assistance at that time. "Looking at these buttons, Boss Buni suddenly said.

It was very difficult to become a base navigator in that era, and for a base of Tutlanhaida's level, only two candidates were confirmed to be qualified to become navigators. In the end, Lieutenant General Helensa became the final candidate, and the gene fragments were stored in the system. He had the final control of Totlanhaida. "Boss Buni seemed to be very clear about what happened at that time. Starting from this story, he told Olivia how to use the various buttons of Totlanhaida, and finished what needed to be said. Old man He tilted his head and snored while sitting in the passenger seat.

Boss Buni talked about too many important points this night. Basically, there was no nonsense. All of them were essential knowledge that needed to be mastered. Even though Olivia had an amazing brain, he had only mastered half of these contents. Besides, Buni The boss spoke too quickly and asked Olivia to simulate the actual button operations while explaining, so there was no time to record at all!

Olivia regretted not bringing Mengmeng with her. At least she could record a voice or something! Unfortunately, Mengmeng was also recruited away by Boss Bunny. At this time, several robots had their own jobs to do.


Just when Olivia looked a little worried at the snoring Boss Boonie, Mugen, who had been sitting at the back of the room pretending to be a wallflower, came over.

Give. "Mugen handed the thick notebook in his hand to Olivia. He opened it and saw that it was densely recorded with all the contents explained by Boss Buni tonight!

While Boss Buni was giving lectures and Olivia was doing exercises, Mugen had been sitting in the back taking notes.

Olivia happily accepted Mugen's love note. The two of them worked together to lift Boss Boonie and place him on the low couch where Olivia usually rested, so that the old man could sleep more comfortably.

After doing all this, the two people made a bunk on the floor next to the low couch. After sleeping for three hours, Boss Buni woke up and started working again the next day.

Boss Buni was obviously in a hurry.

But they couldn't help but be in a hurry: the food left was only enough for six days, the vital signs of the people Eustasha saved were getting lower and lower, and energy was also a big problem. The perpetual motion machine was broken. After all, the production capacity device manufactured by Boss Buni is not a long-term solution.

Those strange bugs could be used as food before, but recently there have been more and more bugs near the base. At first, I could catch and eat one by one, but later I couldn't eat them anymore. The confinement room was full of those bugs. These worms devoured each other in the confinement room. The surviving worms were getting bigger and bigger. The bigger they were, the harder their meat was. They also had a strange smell. People on the base could no longer regard these worms as food.

Especially when the repair work was carried out on the third day, they discovered the missing Eustasha base nearby.

Before arriving at Eustasha for internship, Olivia once heard Mr. Sisser introduce Eustasha as a very good base. "Using the empire's most advanced base construction technology and the strongest metal shell, the entire base is integrated." , is a perfect city of weapons and at the same time a beautiful metal art piece.

The photos of the Eustasha base are not allowed to be published. Mr. Sisser asked Olivia to appreciate the power and beauty of Eustasha by herself. However, when Olivia and Mugen drove the Ypsilon that transformed into a spaceship to stay in space above the Eustasha base, what Olivia saw was an extremely dilapidated base.

All five layers of protection were damaged, there was no light, and there was no information about human existence. It looked like a ruined city.

They found something resembling an insect egg on the shell of the base. When they poked one open, they could see white larvae inside. They were very small, but their basic appearance was exactly the same as the insects they had eaten before.

There are insect eggs everywhere on the surface of the Eustasha base, and only a few of them have not broken. Most of the eggs have broken, and the insects inside have broken out of their shells.

What terrible thing happened on Eustasa?

Unfortunately, there is no one alive on the base who can answer their questions.

In the end, Beta and Alpha jumped off the spacecraft, and from the main control room of the base, they retrieved the box on the base."

It records everything that happened when the base was destroyed. The answer they want may only be found in the box. However, there is obviously no tool to decipher the box on Tutlan Haida. They can only keep the box and take it back to Jiāo. Let the specialized departments of the military department study it.

In addition to the box, Alpha and the others also got back many reusable tools and materials from Eustasha. They moved the last available items from the Eustasha base little by little and used them on the surviving Tutlanhaida. The metal colors of the two bases are completely different. The material removed from the Eustasha was filled into the outer shell of the Totolan Haida, and the Totolan Haida looked extremely ugly.

However, such a base is a combination of the most advanced technology four hundred years ago and the most advanced technology four hundred years later.

Finally finished. \u0026

rdquo;At the end of the fourth day, Boss Buni announced the good news that the preparations were completely completed.

This means they can get out of here.

This night, all the soldiers had a good sleep, and the robots did not have to work. They checked each other's fuselages, but Olivia did not sleep because the actual operation of the base would be the next day, Bunnie The boss wants to give him the final explanation.

The lecture continued until dawn. This time, the first person who couldn't bear it was Olivia, who had been working both physically and mentally for several days.

Looking at the young man lying asleep on the console, Boss Buni put his coat on his shoulders, then walked to the window and looked at the scenery outside the window quietly.

The scenery outside the window at this moment is nothing interesting. All you can see is the inner camp that has been converted into a vegetable field by the indigenous soldiers. The control room is usually located at the heart of the entire base, which is also the most heavily guarded location. However, this is not the case when the true flight mode is enabled. The control room, which was originally located at the heart, will be moved to the front of the entire base, with the best view. No matter what kind of driving tool it is, the driver's position is always the position closest to the front of the field of vision, because only there can the driver focus on his true journey without any distractions!

An incomparably vast journey that belongs only to you——

Boss Buni closed his eyes and seemed to see the endless starry sky.

He thought he could belong to the starry sky, but within fifty years, his dream was shattered.

While lost in thought, Boss Buni felt his pants being pulled. He looked down at the force and raised his eyebrows when he saw a small dragon.

Is it...Xiao Tao? "He has been so busy for several days that Boss Buni has no time to communicate with the original people on the base except for handing over tasks. However, this does not mean that he knows nothing about the people on the base. Look, he doesn't even know the cubs. Know the names.

The little bàolong nodded.

Where did you come in? Oh, so you came here after finishing your work? Aren’t you tired of watching people practice all night? "In Boss Bunni's impression, the patience of the boron is not very good, which is why there are so few borons among large spaceships, battleships, and base pilots.

Xiao Tao nodded first, and then shook her head fiercely: I came here right after I finished my work. It's fun to watch people practice, and Xiao Tao doesn't bother me at all!

Roar~" Xiaotao yelled softly.

You want to be a driver in the future. This is a great ideal. "After touching Xiao Tao's head, Boss Buni smiled with a smile on his face. He bent down and picked up Xiao Tao. Boss Buni held Xiao Tao and sat in the passenger seat.

He very patiently introduced the names of each button on the console to Xiaotao.

With Boss Buni's permission, Xiao Tao also used her paw to touch the button on the console that she had been staring at for a long time. Although the button was in the power-off state, the little guy still pressed it very cautiously.

Ouch! "Raising her head, Xiaotao's eyes were bright.

Well, that's right, it's the fire button. "Boss Buni patted his head encouragingly. Xiaotao was not as smart as Olivia, but he listened very attentively and would never forget it once he remembered it.

We will prepare to go home tomorrow. After returning home, you can go to school. If you want to become a driver, you can take the military academy. Ollie graduated from the military academy. Mu Xiaogen... Mu Xiaogen is not, but he You can also become a very good driver if you want to. "One of the two parties in the conversation was in the shape of a human and the other was in the shape of a dragon. One spoke human language and the other could only howl. However, their conversation was strangely pleasant.

...You will become a very good driver. Let me tell you secretly, I know your grandfather, he is a very good driver! "

Then Xiaotao became even happier.

The old one taught and the young one learned, and they had a lot of fun. Finally, Xiao Tao finally got sleepy. Boss Buni gently hugged the little guy, walked to the room below, and placed it with other soldiers.

There is never day or night on the mechanical base located in the universe. The only thing that can represent the passage of time is the time on the watch.

Boss Bunni looked at his pocket watch: It's already seven o'clock now. If we were on the White Dew Star, it would be dawn in another hour.

Eight o'clock is also the time he and Olivia agreed to set sail yesterday.

There was no rush to wake Olivia up, and after settling Xiao Tao, Boss Buni was in no rush to go back to the control room, and had no intention of taking a rest. With his hands behind his back, the old man walked around all the corners of the Totulan Haida base again alone. .

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