Mugen, happy birthday. "Olivia smiled, and then lightly chirped on his cheek.

Olivia's lips were cold, but Mu Gen's cheeks became hot after falling.

Sandras squatted on the ground and stared at the two outstanding young people staring at each other. He looked at Mugen, and finally his eyes stopped on Olivia.

This year, after completing his internship, Sandras officially joined Olivia's battle fleet and became an ordinary soldier.

In another period of history, in the same year, Sandras, whose father had been wronged, bombed the Hydrangea Spaceport after the death of his mother. His whereabouts are unknown since then, and he eventually became a famous anti-human terrorist in history.

☆、Chapter 195

Mugen and Olivia walked side by side.

Nowadays, the height difference between the two people is very huge. The scene of walking together with arms around their shoulders in their youth is destined to never be repeated. However, when Olivia deliberately slows down her pace, the two people can still move forward side by side.

Although there was a tow bottle behind her butt, and although the scene behind her was a tomb, Olivia was still in a good mood. For him, being able to walk with Mugen under the moonlight (even though it was an artificial celestial body), There are also flowers all around (←although they are flowers dedicated to the deceased on the cemetery), which is already a very good thing.

What's more, after they walked about two hundred meters, the guards hiding in the dark dragged Sandras away, who continued to follow the two of them without blinking.

The world is quiet, there are only two of us~

Olivia narrowed her eyes in contentment.

In order to rush back to Bailu Star, he had not slept for five days and five nights. Fortunately, his body was much stronger than others, otherwise he would not have been able to survive.

On the surface, Olivia looked very calm, but Olivia was actually carefully observing Mugen's every move.

Mugen looks quite unhappy←Mugen’s emotional receiving antenna in Olivia’s heart is straightening.

After thinking about it, Olivia suddenly started to unbutton her clothes and put the coat on Mu Gen. The next second, he suddenly turned into his prototype.

Olivia's prototype is already quite close to an adult body, and the soft down has completely disappeared, replaced by black steel feathers! There are two pairs of secondary feathers faintly hidden under the wings that are beginning to take shape. This is a very strong sub-adult Kantas.

Before Mugen could finish looking at him, Olivia quickly threw Mugen onto the back of her neck, and then ran quickly.

Uh...that's right, running.

No matter how well developed she is, no matter how much she looks like an adult Kantas, Olivia is still a sub-adult under the age of 30. She can barely fly a few times with the help of the wind. Long-distance flight is still very difficult. Think about it.

But even so, he ran very fast. Holding tightly to Olivia's body, Mugen desperately lowered his body. He not only had to fix himself, but also tried to fix Ollie's coat. Fortunately, he was very strong, otherwise the wind alone would have knocked him over.

Olivia's speed has almost caught up with the speed of many intercity hovercars. However, intercity hovercars do not have open tops, so you can hardly feel the speed when sitting in them. But sitting on Olivia is different, bumpy and smooth. Stimulated, Mu Gen's heart gradually beat faster and faster. And Olivia kept accelerating. He ran quickly in one direction. When he reached a certain critical point, he suddenly jumped up high. At the same time, Mu Gen on his back was also thrown away by him. go out……

Mugen's eyes widened in disbelief——

cliff? Only then did he realize that at this moment, there was actually a dark cliff beneath the two of them!

In surprise, he could no longer hold Olivia's coat. The fine-quality coat was like a flag blown by the wind, and finally broke away from Mugen's hand with a clatter.

Suspended in the air, Mu Gen's current posture is just right to look up at the stars.

Ollie's coat flew towards the galaxy - for a moment, these words suddenly appeared in Mugen's mind.

Most of the old and dense planets are filled with crops and there are very few lights. This environment can better highlight the stars. The large and small star gems were scattered together, like a dressing box accidentally knocked over by a lady. It was so beautiful.

Mu Gen suddenly remembered that he had seen such a scene when he was very young. He had seen it once when he was fleeing with his father, Xiao A, and his uncles. He was chasing a unicorn dragon and finally climbed onto its back and was unable to get off. I also saw him when the other party carried him on his back for a day and a night...

Mugen heard Olivia roar.

Completely different from the crisp chirping sound of her childhood, Olivia's roar now is deep and long, just like the dragon's roar in the novel.

With the help of the wind between the cliff and the sea, Mugen saw Ollie slowly flying up.

A little clumsy, a little crooked, but he still flew.

Mu Gen looked at Olivia with bright eyes.

Then Olivia slid towards him, waving her huge wings slowly and heavily. Mugen suddenly felt an upward layer of airflow under his body. Mugen couldn't help but open his arms. When Olivia flapped her wings again, he felt like he actually flew upward for a short distance.

Under the stars, between mountains and sea,

It was clear and low, intertwined with human laughter and dragon's roar.

The wind was getting weaker and weaker, and when the giant sub-adult Kantas was practicing flying, Olivia wrapped her wings tightly around Mugen, and when they fell into the deep sea, the two of them closed their eyes at the same time.

Mugen felt that his body had broken down into countless bubbles, large and small, and he melted into the seawater the moment he fell headfirst into the sea.

It took him a long time... a long time... to regain his body.

Like a plant floating in the middle of the water, he drifted with the water. When he found a place where he could take root, Mugen wrapped himself around it.



Spitting out a mouthful of salty sea water, Mu Gen took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes again, he felt like he was alive again.

Only then did he realize that the object he was entangled with just now turned out to be Ollie. Ollie had changed back to his human form at some point. From Mugen's current angle, he could just see the golden earring in Ollie's left ear.

Only one ear is broken. "Stretching out his hand, Mugen carefully touched Olivia's ear. I remember that when the two met, Olivia had many dimples on her ears, but now there is only one left.

They were already growing in. After I received these earrings, I went to get them done. "Olivia's voice also became deeper, slightly hoarse, and sounded... weird.

Then, Mugen felt his right earlobe being pinched.

The small piece of meat was gently rubbed by Oli's wet fingertips, and the gores on Mugen's back rose, but Oli never let him go.

Then there was a stinging pain, and the next second, Mu Gen felt that there was something hard on his ear.


It's earrings. "Olivia said calmly: This year I finally got a yellow golden eye of sufficient size. I am not as lucky as you. I spent all my salary for this golden eye for a year!"

Olivia said this in Mugen's ear. Although he was in the cold sea water, Mugen suddenly felt that his body started to heat up from his ears.

Starting next month, I can get the salary of a brigadier general, ah... In the empire, only brigadier generals and above can be considered high-ranking officials. However, there are many brigadiers, and there are still a lot of old men and women who are above me. Fortunately, I have my own battleship. However, the bugs in the Totulan Haida galaxy have been almost eliminated. It will not be as easy as before to accumulate military merit. However, the military department will hold a senior management meeting in two days, and it seems that there is something to explain..."

Olivia slowly talked about her affairs, and Mugen was gradually attracted by the content of his words.

The manager of Hydrangea Spaceport belongs to the Minister of Finance. In recent years, the powers of the Minister of Finance have gradually expanded, and it seems that he is eager to take the position of Mr. Sisser..." Then Olivia turned the topic to this time. event.

Mr. Sisser has always been in a state of confrontation with the military. Since the Stargate development plan, his force field seems to have changed in the eyes of the Government Administration Council, which makes some people dislike it. "

The empire without the emperor is actually not peaceful——"

Olivia told Mu Gen a lot of gossip that she had learned over the past few years, and Mu Gen listened carefully. It wasn't until Mugen sneezed that Olivia pulled him and the two of them swam towards the shore together.

It only took a few minutes to fall down, but it took more than half an hour to swim back!

Although Lao Qiangsen's hometown is a rural planet, the boys and girls on the rural planet also want to fall in love. In this place lacking entertainment, young lovers like to fall in love at the beach while watching the stars, so that day When Olivia climbed out of the sea like Mugen the water ghost, she startled a bunch of mandarin ducks on the beach.

When Vog found the two people, he very thoughtfully prepared a complete set of clothes.

He now admires his boss more and more! The news of a love story is so earth-shattering, but officer uniforms cannot be thrown around. From the moment Olivia transformed, the surrounding secret guards began to collect Olivia's fallen clothes along the way. His old man is Kanta Si ran so fast that he didn't care about the speed of others, and he actually did a long cliff jumping afterwards!

It took a lot of effort to salvage the uniform with the brigadier general's epaulettes!

It was so easy to collect and play with the uniforms of His Excellency the Brigadier General, but unexpectedly, His Excellency the Brigadier General’s fiancée started to take off her clothes (← Mu Xiaogen fell all the way, and several pieces of clothing were thrown off o(╯□╰)o)!

By the way, what kind of breed is your fiancée?

Vog became more and more curious.

After getting dressed, Olivia sent Mu Gen back to Bai Luxing's home, and he left in a hurry without even having time to have a meal at home.

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