The three people were temporarily imprisoned, and the rest continued to live. However, the food supply policy continued, and soon the conflict between robots and humans broke out!

The robot's mistakes are all the responsibility of the owner, and this contradiction immediately evolved into a contradiction between humans in the fleet.

Argos did not expect that he would become the protagonist of a conflict!

The apple that Xiao Hei brought him was discovered!

Someone even took a video of the scene where Xiao Hei spit out an apple to him, and then accused the robot of stealing!

With food already so scarce, any small conflict over food can turn into a major conflict that cannot be avoided. But who is Argos? The current leader of the Imperial Guard is most knowledgeable about all kinds of intrigues in his life. He was born in the Government Affairs Council and was exposed to the dealings of various political figures. When he was a little older, he joined the military. Once he joined the military, he became the most complicated Imperial Guard. , this is the army with the highest average quality of the imperial soldiers, the most complex thoughts, and the most selfishness! To be able to climb up the ranks quickly in this place and finally secure his position as the boss, Argos must be a very capable person.

He first denied that his robot's behavior was theft, insisting that the robot picked it up on the floor.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly shifted people's attention from "stealing" to the action of "picking up": What is the situation now? Didn't this army say there was a shortage of food? How can you still be picky despite the shortage? Or even throw away bug-eyed apples?

People's attention instantly shifted from robots to military expenditure.

Immediately afterwards, someone immediately said that all the fruits they had eaten recently were brought by themselves. People immediately thought that the food they were eating now was all their own.

Then, as the previous material manager, Shitou reported the reserves of all remaining materials before taking over.

As a seriously injured man who was still unable to move, Argos cleverly diverted the current conflict. Not only did the refugees who were originally showing signs of division unite, their relationship was even better than before. People are constantly asking the current administrators to announce the use of supplies. People who want to sit back and enjoy the benefits are now unable to sit still and are exhausted every day. Under such circumstances, the daily food supply has returned to what it used to be.

What a fool indeed. "Argos, with a bandaged face, smiled sarcastically again.

Wanting a good reputation and wanting to do bad things at the same time, how can it be that simple? It's a big taboo to do it in the middle of the acting..." Just like he used to do to his assistant officers, he casually talked about his analysis. In some respects, Argos believed that he was qualified to be the dean of the academy. You Look: how instructive and willing to guide he is!

He didn't notice at all, and before he knew it, he had treated the four robots as his closest subordinates.

Listening to his words, Robot Stone tilted his head.

The author has something to say: Those who are close to the ink are black, and the good student Shitou has become a bad student.

ps. Here is a side view of Ifadiya’s current situation.

☆、Chapter 218

Things didn't go as planned and Lieutenant General Pei Nan broke an entire tea set while he was alone.

When Alruf was seriously injured, he successfully obtained the command by virtue of his military rank and prestige, but it was not smooth from the beginning.

When escaping Ifadiya, more than half of the supply ship of Alruf's army was blown up! As soon as he took over, Lieutenant General Pei Nan immediately realized that what he had received was a mess. Fortunately, God saved him, and soon they encountered a wave of...well, an almost perfect refugee fleet: although they were fleeing, they were not panicking, there were no troublemakers, and there were no big shots. They were basically ordinary people. People, and most importantly - they had quite a lot of supplies on board.

This is what solves his urgent need!

It didn't take him long to learn this information, because this team had done this work before, and the headcount sheet was so beautifully done that even he wanted to praise it.

This is a very docile flock - Lieutenant General Pei Nan thought.

The only imperfection about this team is the number of people...

There are too many refugees.

As analyzed by Argos, Lieutenant General Peinan wanted to receive not only this batch of precious materials and fleet, but also appropriate refugees. However, the number of refugees was too many.

Then he immediately thought of a way. This method did work at first. However, something soon came out and messed up everything. The refugees on the ship were no longer as obedient as they were at the beginning. Lieutenant General Pei Nan had to give up. The initial approach.

But this is only temporary, and he has plans in mind.

The destination of this fleet is Bailu Star - Vice Admiral Pei Nan immediately twitched his lips when he heard the name.

In recent years, the reputation of the Imperial Comprehensive College has become greater and greater. It is obviously a comprehensive college, so what is the point of participating in competitions between military academies? If you participate, just participate. What do you want to do after you have beaten other established military academies?

The most important thing is that he is always ranked at the bottom by the Imperial Comprehensive Academy.

That academy is Doran Offa Military Academy.

Since Lieutenant General Pei Nan was promoted to the dean, the situation of Daolan Offa Military Academy seems to have been declining. Especially with the ordinary college like Di Zong as a comparison, people now have more and more evaluations of Daolan Offa. It’s getting lower. Starting from the year before last, Dolan Offa lowered the score line for the first time. Since last year, for the first time, more than 10% of graduates were unable to find a job. Although he relied on his own means to help these graduates who no one wanted. The student arranged for a receiving unit, but this was just a whitewash.

If he can't do any more decent deeds, Dolan Offa may have to change the dean this year. At the beginning of the year, Lieutenant General Pei Nan heard the news that someone secretly spread.

Just when he was desperate and unable to move, disaster broke out. He refused the offer to take refuge at the Grandor Military Academy in the next galaxy, and took the students of Dolan Offa on Alruf's ship. The fleet attempted to take refuge in Ifadia, but they were desperate to find that Ifadia was captured by the enemy. Only one-third of the fleet escaped. A large number of soldiers became ashes in order to protect the students, and they had the heaviest burden. Most of the supply ships are also missing.

Although these people achieved great righteousness by doing so, it also made the situation of the remaining people even more difficult: most of the people who escaped were students at the military academy, a small number were senior officers, and the last remaining ones were middle-level officers. Officers and lower-level soldiers, but the real battle depends on these people!

After taking over, Lieutenant General Pei Nan had a headache and couldn't sleep for several days.

Although he has nominal command power, his opinions cannot be enforced like those of a formally decorated commander. All his orders require the consent of others before they can be implemented.

So Lieutenant General Pei Nan's wish to change his route to another planet was rejected as soon as he expressed it.

Just go to Bailu Star. I heard that it is the safest place at present. "Alruf's mother, Mrs. Delia, gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief and voted against in a cold tone.

As soon as she said this sentence, Lieutenant General Pei Nan didn't need to say anything else.

This mother who loves her son very much brought ten high-end arms supply ships with her son. After all, this lady’s maiden name was Su Mei——

Lieutenant General Peinan froze, and then glanced at a young man sitting next to him - this young man was with Mrs. Delia. Lieutenant General Peinan knew that his surname was Sumei, and he seemed to be a direct descendant of the Sumei plutocrat. member.

There are only two people on the special-class warship he stands at his feet now who are civilians without any military rank. One is the former Ms. Sumei, and the other is this Mr. Sumei.

At the beginning of his escape, it was these two people who he treated with the most caution, but now it was these two people who were the first to stand up and not support him.

Bailu Star is a very barren planet. Except for Di Zong, which has several departments with combat capabilities, the other colleges are all art majors. Now that a large number of people are going to Bailu Star to take refuge, sooner or later, that planet will -" He He tried to struggle and looked at the young man again.


Just go to Bailu Star. At this time, there is no safer place than there. "The pale young man once again firmly rejected Lieutenant General Pei Nan.

In that terrible dream, Bailu Star was the first place to fall.

No one could have imagined that the robot named Sigma was hidden so deeply. After losing system monitoring, he immediately took control of all the mechanical products on Bailu Star, and then blocked Bailu Star. In order to fight against him, Bailu Star activated extreme weapons Kang Starro", it was after that explosion that people suddenly understood the importance the empire attached to the top colleges, especially Bailu Star!

"Constaro, an extreme all-in-one offensive and defensive weapon", only ten sets were successfully produced in the entire empire, and one set was actually placed on White Dew Star——

After a huge self-destruction attack, the entire Hydrangea Galaxy was destroyed. Its movement even affected two nearby galaxies, but the robot named Sigma survived.

Although it was in tatters, it survived.

And then--

Sumerg shuddered!

The advent of those robots was a mistake—

However, some things in the dream are completely different from the actual situation.

Time and time again, he watched in vain as things sometimes moved forward, sometimes slowly, and countless times he vaguely thought that it might just be a dream. However, every time he thought this, the next second he would see characters who had only appeared in dreams. When people he was sure he had never seen or heard of before appeared before his eyes, reality would tell him that it was not a dream.

He successfully left Pandra with enough equipment before another disaster occurred, and then... he still couldn't avoid becoming one of the people persecuted by the disaster.

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