To My Dear Mr. Huo

Chapter 618 You just want to take revenge on me

The aroma of food wafted faintly in the air in the living room. This makes the environment feel a little more like home.

Li Qianxue was not in the mood to appreciate such an atmosphere. Her expression was very cold. If Su Qingsang were here, she would know that this kind of Li Qianxue was the image she had been used to for the past twenty years or so.

She left the hotel early in the morning, and after breakfast, she came downstairs to Su Qingsang's apartment.

She sat in the car and watched from a distance as Su Qingsang was sent to work by the driver, and watched as Huo Jinyao left with him. After they left, she sat in the car for nearly ten minutes before getting up.

Li Qianxue has recently taken over the Li family completely. Although she came to see her daughter today, she looked very imposing.

Chanel's classic little black dress is worn with a high-end white suit. The perfect combination of black and white makes her figure slim.

The long hair tied behind her head and the delicate diamond necklace around her neck. Compared to Xiang Caiping, who only wore an apron and had some flour on her hands, she was from two different worlds.

The two of them had had a close encounter before because of Su Peizhen. But because of what Su Peizhen did that time, Li Qianxue felt uncomfortable and didn't say much to Xiang Caiping.

This time it was different. She stared at Xiang Caiping, and when she saw her, she thought of the grievances she had suffered for more than twenty years, as well as Su Chenghui and Su Qingsang who were robbed.

Su Chenghui let it go, she had already divorced him and accepted it.

But Su Qingsang, absolutely not.

The atmosphere in the living room remained silent. She didn't move, and neither did Xiang Caiping. Li Qianxue looked around the room, and finally walked to the dining table and stood there.

There is a lot of flour on the table, as well as the fillings that have been mixed, and molds.

"Making mooncakes?"

Li Qianxue turned to look at Caiping, her eyes cold. Xiang Caiping wiped her hands on her apron and did not answer her words.

"The craftsmanship is good."

Li Qianxue picked up a mold, a very small mold with cute animal shapes on it.

Xiang Caiping took a few steps forward and stood opposite Li Qianxue.

"The look in his eyes is not very good."

Li Qianxue put down the mold, put her hands on the table, moved her body forward, and stared at Xiang Caiping's face with her usual aura in the company.

"Xiang Caiping, I want to ask, where do you get the nerve to stay here?"

Xiang Caiping's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. She didn't like Li Qianxue. She didn't like it before because of Su Chenghui, but now she doesn't like it because of Su Qingsang.

Such a good daughter like Su Qingsang was born to Li Qianxue, which made her feel very subtle.

"It was Huo Jinyao who invited me here, and it was Qingsang who asked me to stay."

Li Qianxue sneered, "You'll stay if she asks you to? Where's your face?"

"Li Qianxue." Xiang Caiping looked embarrassed. She didn't hear what Su Chenghui said to Su Qingsang when he came here yesterday, but she could probably guess it.

Li Qianxue came to her door today, still with such a rather rude attitude.

"Whether I stay or not seems to have nothing to do with you, right?"

"How come it has nothing to do with me?" Li Qianxue raised her eyebrows, her bright face full of arrogance: "This is my daughter's home, the home of my daughter and son-in-law. Xiang Caiping, in what capacity do you stay? "

Xiang Caiping did have some lack of confidence, but it was true that she liked Su Qingsang.

It was true that Su Peizhen was born to her, but it was also true that she had been with Su Qingsang for several months.

She lives alone in such a big villa, and loneliness is inevitable. Su Peizhen went to jail. Sometimes she could hardly say a word after sitting there for a whole day.

No matter how nice Aunt Zhao is, she is just here to help. Most of the time, she guarded that house and thought about her life for so many years.

It didn't matter if she was alone before, because she had never enjoyed the warm feeling when her family was with her.

But later, she didn't want to be alone anymore. Su Qingsang was indeed not born to her, but she liked it here.

Su Qingsang respects her enough and is close enough to her. Apart from the title, they are indeed almost like mother and daughter.

So even though she knew that this situation was just the superficial peace brought about by Su Qingsang's pregnancy, she still couldn't help but be greedy for this feeling of home and was reluctant to leave.

Now Li Qianxue's appearance has revealed the calm surface she thought she had, making her understand that this place does not belong to her.

She was silent, with a somewhat embarrassed look on her face. Xiang Caiping has neglected to maintain her hair over the years, and her hair has grown out, and the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes cannot be hidden.

She looks to be at least ten years older than Li Qianxue. Such an expression made Li Qianxue feel like she was bullying her.

This made her even more uncomfortable. Weak people have always attracted sympathy. Did Xiang Caiping do this to say that she was bullying her?

"Tell me. In what capacity do you stay here?" Li Qianxue's voice became more and more rude: "Nanny? Or chef?"

"Li Qianxue." Xiang Caiping seemed to have finally found her voice, with a hint of anger in her stiff voice: "Don't go too far."

"Am I going too far? You stay at my daughter's house and want to steal my daughter. Who is more wrong?"

"I didn't." Xiang Caiping had no excuse: "It was Qingsang. Huo Jinyao asked me to come."

"He asked you to come and you came? To be honest, don't you want to steal my daughter?"

"I didn't. Qingsang is your daughter, I know it very well."

"Of course you know it. Just because you know it, it makes it even more obvious that you did it on purpose."

She walked around the table and stood in front of Xiang Caiping. She was taller than Xiang Caiping, so she looked down at Xiang Caiping's face.

"Because what you did was just to get revenge."

"Li Qianxue."

Li Qianxue sneered and looked at the eager to argue attitude on Xiang Caiping's face: "You want to take revenge on me, you take revenge on me for robbing Su Chenghui. You also want to take revenge on Huo Jinyao for sending Su Peizhen to prison. So you show up now. it's here?"

"I didn't." Xiang Caiping never thought about revenge. No. Maybe there was at first.

When she first returned to Lin City, she really hated Su Chenghui and Li Qianxue. Even now she hates it.

But she knew too well that there was nothing she could do.

"Don't you?" Li Qianxue pointed to the materials on the dining table: "Isn't your behavior called revenge?"

"You are good to Qingsang, you take care of her, make her appreciate you, and then she can't live without you. When the time comes, my daughter will not be close to me but will be close to you. This is your revenge on me, isn't it?"

"I don't."

Although Xiang Caiping has been doing business on her own for more than 20 years, she has achieved little success. But naturally she can't compare with Li Qianxue, a daughter who has been the heir to the family since she was a child.

Her momentum was suddenly taken away by Li Qianxue.

Her hesitation and pause were the best explanation. Li Qianxue took another step forward, and his voice was colder than before: "You have already done this. Xiang Caiping."

"You have lived here for a long time, right? For such a long time, Qingsang has not told me about your existence, or even mentioned you in front of me? She knows that doing these things will make me unhappy, I still want you to stay, why? Because her heart is already unknowingly leaning towards you."

"But what about you? All you want is revenge."

"Li Qianxue, you are talking nonsense, I am not."

"You said you didn't, but your behavior, everything you did, was revenge on me."

Xiang Caiping staggered in her steps and stepped back a little.

"Are you guilty? Because I was right?" Li Qianxue sneered, with undisguised disdain on his face: "Years ago, you couldn't compete with me and hated me for stealing your man. So many years later, you used excuses to get close to me. Daughter. You want to snatch my daughter away. Xiang Caiping, you are really capable."

"Being snatched away means it's not mine." Xiang Caiping finally calmed down a little. She looked at Li Qianxue and tried to suppress her anger: "You said this yourself back then, and I will tell you this now. If you think that I robbed Su Qingsang, it can only prove that she It's not yours."

"Admit it?" Li Qianxue smiled, with a genuine expression on his face: "Xiang Caiping, do you think I am Su Chenghui? Do you believe that you act innocent and harmless?"

She suddenly brought her face close to Xiang Caiping's, and her penetrating gaze made Xiang Caiping feel like she had nothing to hide; "You may be pure and kind, and I also believe that you do have feelings for Qingsang, but - —”

She stretched out a finger and gently tapped it on Caiping's heart: "It's true that you want to take revenge on me."

Her voice was very soft and she was very close to Xiang Caiping. Such a close distance allowed Xiang Caiping to see her expression clearly.

Xiang Caiping blinked and gently pushed the finger away: "So what?"

Taking a step back, Xiang Caiping's voice had regained its calmness: "Can't I take revenge on you?"

"You know what you did. You snatched Su Chenghui away from me. For more than twenty years, you raised my daughter to be like that. If it weren't for you, if it wasn't for Su Chenghui, how could Peizhen become what he is? That? What's more, Peizhen only wants you to be her mother, so why can't I let Su Qingsang get closer to me? "

"Sometimes I really think and really hope that Qingsang is my daughter. I don't think I did anything wrong. Just like you when you were pregnant. You came to the door and told me that you had Su Chenghui’s child. Do you remember? You said that before, you could be indifferent. But after you have a child, you and I will each have our own abilities. "

"Li Qianxue, I will return this sentence to you now. We each rely on our abilities. If you can get Su Qingsang to speak and drive me out and drive me out of this house, then I will admit defeat. If not. I am really curious. .What methods and means did you use to make me leave your daughter."

Li Qianxue was in no hurry to accept Caiping's letter of challenge. She chuckled, pulled out her chair, and sat down.

"After all these years, Xiang Caiping, why are you still so naive?"

Xiang Caiping looked at her and frowned slightly. Li Qianxue tapped her fingers lightly on the table. Then he supported his chin with one hand and looked at her sideways.

"You couldn't compete with me back then, so why do you think you can compete with me now?"

"Wake up." Li Qianxue said without politeness at all: "Qingsang is my daughter. If she must choose between hurting you and hurting me, I can bet you that she will definitely choose hurt you."

"If I were you, I would leave on my own right now. After all, it wouldn't look good if you were really waiting for someone to drive you away."

"I won't leave." Xiang Caiping was unexpectedly stubborn this time: "I said, I was invited by Huo Jinyao, and I stayed here with Qingsang's tacit approval. Why should I leave?"

"Your courage is commendable." Li Qianxue nodded, stood up and stood in front of Xiang Caiping: "Then I will wait here until Su Qingsang comes back and see if she chooses to keep you or me."

After saying this, she didn't look at Caiping, but walked to the sofa outside and sat down.

Xiang Caiping stood there, twisting her apron into a ball with both hands, and it was all wrinkled.

She forced herself to calm down, stood back at the dining table, and continued making mooncakes.

Wrap the prepared filling into the dough. Actually this is really easy. It's not difficult either. It doesn’t matter if you make a mistake.

After all, no matter what she did or how she did it, the final result would be eaten by Su Qingsang.

She is really not picky in this regard, unlike Su Peizhen, who doesn't eat this or that.

Her eyes were a little hot, but Xiang Caiping just lowered her face and didn't even raise her head. Within two minutes, there were two more tears on the back of her hand.

The temperature made her hands feel as uncomfortable as being burned. She was even happy at this time, lucky that Aunt Yu had gone home beforehand. Otherwise, she would definitely not want people to see her like this.

Another tear fell, and she didn't even raise her hand to wipe it.

Li Qianxue was mostly right. She really liked Su Qingsang, but she also really wanted to compete with Li Qianxue.

After more than twenty years, she will never forget how Su Chenghui abandoned her and married another woman. But she will never forget it either.

Li Qianxue, who was pregnant at that time, ran to her and asked her to withdraw voluntarily. She said that she had Su Chenghui's child. She said that if Su Chenghui really didn't like her, how could he touch her?

Xiang Caiping's appearance was average, and she was just a pretty girl when she was young. He was of average origin. Her mother was a nurse, and she also studied nursing.

But before she could become someone like Nightingale, she was taught a lesson by Li Qianxue.

At that time, she was stroking her belly and wanted to fight back against Li Qianxue by saying that she was also pregnant. But she couldn't say it. Yes, she is also a proud person. Why should she compete with a woman for a man?

What's more, in addition to pride, she also has a faint sense of inferiority. Regardless of birth or family background, appearance or anything else, she admitted that she could not compare to Li Qianxue.

Such emotions reached the highest point after Li Qianxue came to her door, and then she gave up easily and gave up on Su Chenghui.

From this perspective, maybe she doesn't love Su Chenghui as much as she thought. After all, her pride is still higher than love.

But what happened next? It was when she was about to give birth that she really started to hate Su Chenghui.

Why would she have to suffer like this? Why should we suffer such a sin? She was obviously the one who grew up with Su Chenghui's childhood sweetheart and even got engaged.

But she was snatched away by Li Qianxue. Her child had no name or status, and her man would not be responsible for her.

After comparing the two, Xiang Caiping made an impulsive decision that she would regret for the rest of her life. She threw the child to Su Chenghui.

Her mentality at that time may not have included revenge. After all, for someone as proud as Li Qianxue, seeing her husband's illegitimate daughter hanging out in front of her every day was enough to relieve her hatred.

But what Xiang Caiping didn't expect was that Su Chenghui would actually change the child. This also directly led to the chaos that followed for nearly a year.

What Li Qianxue said was right. If she just wanted to recognize her daughter at the beginning and enjoy a happy family relationship with her daughter. Then after she found out about changing children, her mood was different.

Su Chenghui and Li Qianxue were both the objects of her hatred.

Without Li Qianxue, there would be no betrayal by Su Chenghui. Without Su Chenghui, the two children would not have had a chaotic life.

She really wanted to take care of Su Qingsang and accompany her to give birth to this child. But she also really wanted to see Li Qianxue's jokes.

Aren't you awesome? Aren't you capable? Aren't you omnipotent? Aren't you going to steal my man?

But what about now? Your daughter is closer to me but distant from you. Your son-in-law even came to me for help when he had a problem, but he didn't want to tell you.

Such a comparison makes one feel familiar and distant.

She even thought that when Su Qingsang was about to give birth in the near future, Li Qianxue would definitely come to Rongcheng, and she would be able to give her a good look then.

She Xiang Caiping can do things that Li Qianxue cannot.

But she didn't expect that Li Qianxue would arrive so quickly, and he wouldn't even be able to wait for Su Qingsang's belly to grow again, or for her child to be born.

Just leave like this? Xiang Caiping didn't want to. She promised Qingsang to make mooncakes for her to eat. She can't break her promise.

But what if you don’t leave? Li Qianxue is Su Qingsang's biological mother. Who will she choose? Do you need to ask?

When she was in Lin City, as soon as she met Li Qianxue, she came to talk to her clearly. The current situation is probably not too different.

She had severe morning sickness before, so she needed her, but now her morning sickness has subsided and she no longer needs herself.

Xiang Caiping, if you don’t leave now, when will you wait?

Are you really waiting for Su Qingsang to drive you away? But how could she leave? She likes Su Qingsang and likes to live with her.

She also promised her many things but failed to do so. She was really unwilling to leave like this.

With eyes blurred by tears, Xiang Caiping was upset. She swept aside the materials stained with tears without thinking, and then swept them into the trash can.

Wiping away her tears haphazardly, she entered the kitchen. She had better think about what to eat for lunch today.

Li Qianxue, who was sitting on the sofa, was not as calm as she appeared. She couldn't sit still as she watched Xiang Caiping continue to work on the matter at hand so resolutely.

She had calculated the time very well and it was now morning. Su Qingsang and Huo Jinyao should not be back until the afternoon.

She had a few hours to stay here and watch Caiping pack her things and leave.

But now when she looked at Xiang Caiping who was so determined, she had to worry about another thing.

What if Xiang Caiping doesn't leave? When Su Qingsang comes back, will she tell her to leave, or will she tell herself to leave?

Li Qianxue suddenly became unsure. If Su Qingsang told Xiang Caiping to leave, her face and dignity would be saved.

But what if Su Qingsang was reluctant to ask Xiang Caiping to leave? Instead, let her stay? At that time, she was the one who was embarrassed.

Li Qianxue sat there motionless, looking like an old monk in meditation, but his heart was far from calm. Especially when she saw Xiang Caiping walking towards the kitchen, her face became even more ugly.

What does it mean? She really carried her with her and didn't want to leave, right?

Li Qianxue stood up suddenly. She almost had the urge to go up and pull Xiang Caiping away. But in the end her reason and pride allowed her to sit down again.

She forced herself to take out her mobile phone to handle some official matters. When she came to Lin City, she would definitely leave the company behind for a few days.

After making a few calls, the corner of my eye glanced towards the kitchen from time to time, but Xiang Caiping was not seen coming out.

She moved and almost stood up again, but forced herself not to bow her head first. Whoever bows her head first will admit defeat first. Li Qianxue has always been a person who refuses to admit defeat.

That year, Su Chenghui was drunk, and she was also drunk, and the two of them ended up getting together for some reason.

In fact, she really liked Su Chenghui at that time and really cared about him.

Such an accident even seemed good to her. At least she had a memory.

But I didn't expect that she didn't go home that day and invited Mr. Li. When his father saw the two of them rolling together, his first reaction was to hold Su Chenghui responsible.

In fact, Li Qianxue was unwilling at that time. She knew that Su Chenghui had a woman he loved, and she also knew that their childhood sweethearts were getting married.

When having a relationship with the person you like, treat everything as a memorial and a ceremony. It's actually very good.

She convinced Mr. Li to leave the matter alone. She told her father that it was all her choice.

Mr. Li always loved her and always responded to her requests. Since she said not to care, he didn't care.

She thought she would relieve Su Chenghui's pressure and he would thank her. But what she didn't expect was that at that time, Su Chenghui, who was so angry, would blame everything on him. Su Chenghui actually felt that everything was designed by her.

She was drunk on purpose, had sex with him on purpose, and attracted Mr. Li on purpose. And she deliberately pretended that what she said was just an accident, but it was just retreat in order to make progress. In the end, it was impossible to change anything.

How proud is Li Qianxue? She was furious when so many charges fell on her head at once. It was too late to explain things to Su Chenghui.

She then found out she was pregnant. At that time, she thought, didn't you Su Chenghui say that I designed it? Didn't you say I did it on purpose? I just showed it to you on purpose.

Li Qianxue, who was arrogant and could not bear any grievance, approached Xiang Caiping and told her that she was pregnant.

Tell her that if Su Chenghui really wanted her, he would have gotten married long ago. What a drunken surname. If Li Qianxue wasn't in his heart, how could Su Chenghui be in trouble?

She told Xiang Caiping that Su Chenghui just regarded her as a little sister and sympathized with her. He likes women like her.

If not now, it will be later. That time, she successfully fought off Xiang Caiping and made Xiang Caiping retreat.

So what about this time?

Writer's words

. PS: Some people don’t quite understand the relationship between Xiang Caiping and Su Qingsang. Let me explain it here. First, Su Qingsang and Huo Jinyao went to Rongcheng once, probably around the Mid-Autumn Festival. Not long after that, Xiang Caiping chased to Lin City. He stayed with Su Qingsang until the first month of the year. Nearly four months. The two of them really get along like mother and daughter, which is the building point of their relationship. But not long after Li Qianxue recognized Su Qingsang, Su Qingsang went back to Rongcheng. embarrassed. In terms of time spent together, Su Qingsang and Xiang Caiping spent more time together. Second, Li Qianxue was very kind to Su Qingsang, but in the past many years, Li Qianxue had always felt condescending to Su Qingsang. Even if she wants to get close again, it will take time to eliminate the feeling of alienation that has lasted for more than twelve years. Especially when Li Qianxue made things difficult for Su Qingsang again and again because of Su Peizhen. It's not that Su Qingsang would hold grudges. But it will always be a little less casual. After all, Li Qianxue gave people the impression of being arrogant and superior. Secondly, Xiang Caiping's identity was in a position where she wanted to please Su Qingsang from the beginning, so Su Qingsang had pity and sympathy for her. This mentality is actually easy to understand. Just because you look very strong, I feel that I may not need to pay attention to you all the time because you are very strong. But the other person is weak, and that person is pitiable. Especially Xiang Caiping's daughter was sent to prison by Huo Jinyao. In Su Qingsang's heart, Xiang Caiping was considered a weak person. Human beings naturally sympathize with the weak. It's the same thing.

Finally, and most importantly, Su Qingsang was raised as an illegitimate daughter, and her identity is sensitive. Even though she doesn't have low self-esteem, her inner personality always has a higher tolerance for family affection and people close to her. Especially since she chose Li Qianxue and left Xiang Caiping behind, which made her feel guilty, plus what happened next. Such guilt will make her unconsciously want to make amends. That's it.

One update, six thousand words. Guess who will withdraw first tomorrow?

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