To My Dear Mr. Huo

Chapter 631 Countdown to the end of the text

"You know, when Qingsang gave birth, she was not in good condition and she bled so much. She was very weak and needed rest."

"Needing a rest doesn't mean he's unconscious, right?" Huo Jinyao was really anxious: "Didn't you say there's no problem? If there's no problem, why isn't he awake?"

"I just said there was no big problem. I didn't say she could wake up right away."

"Then how will she wake up?"

Sun Huiya looked at Su Qingsang. After sleeping all night, her face was better than yesterday, but still as pale as paper.

The birth of twins this time greatly damaged Su Qingsang's vitality. This is actually considered normal now.

Just looking at Huo Jinyao's anxious and worried look, Sun Huiya didn't know what she could say.

"Don't be too nervous, maybe you'll wake up tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Still waiting for tomorrow?"

How could Huo Jinyao wait? He couldn't wait an hour or a minute now.

Li Qianxue looked at Huo Jinyao. Seeing Huo Jinyao's performance in the past two days, she, a mother, was a little shocked.

However, looking at Huo Jinyao, who was unshaven and his clothes were wrinkled, she couldn't help but step forward and speak.

"Jin Yao, since the doctor said Qingsang will wake up tomorrow, you can just wait another day. Look, you can't help much by staying here now. Why don't you go back and take care of yourself first?"

Huo Jinyao stood there motionless. He was unwilling to leave Su Qingsang's side for a minute or even a moment.

Liu Tongjia also came now, followed by Aunt Zhou, who was carrying a lunch box and a bag.

"Jin Yao, what my mother-in-law said makes sense. How can you do this? Go and clean yourself up."

While she was talking, Aunt Zhou stepped forward and handed the bag in her hand to Huo Jinyao.

"I collected a few sets of clothes for you, and you went into the bathroom to take a shower and change your clothes. Even if you don't think about yourself, you should also think about your children, right? You are so sloppy, how are you going to see your children? ?”

Huo Jinyao looked at Liu Tongjia, then at Li Qianxue, and finally his eyes fell on Su Qingsang, who was still sleeping. After all, he didn't fight anymore and went into the bathroom to change clothes.

Li Qianxue and Liu Tongjia looked at each other, both of them looking worried.

Ordinarily, the baby has been given birth and has had some rest. Why is it that it’s been a whole day and you’re still not awake?

Huo Jinyao took a combat bath and came out soon. After changing his clothes, he looked more energetic.

As soon as he came out, he sat in front of Su Qingsang's hospital bed again, his eyes full of worry.

Besides Huo Jinyao, there were only two elders in the ward, Li Qianxue and Liu Tongjia. Mr. Li, Huo Jinyao and the others stayed with him all day and most of the night yesterday. Later, I couldn't bear it any longer and went back to rest.

Sun Huiya looked at Huo Jinyao, just sighed, and then left.

At night, the elders all went to bed. However, Huo Jinyao refused to go to bed or let the nurse and aunt take care of Su Qingsang.

He has never seen the child since he was born, and he doesn't want to. He just guarded Su Qingsang and refused to leave no matter what anyone said.

"Qingsang, don't you want to wake up and see our child?"

"Look, you haven't seen the two children yet. Although I haven't either."

Not long after the eldest son was born, Su Qingsang passed out. After finally waiting for the second child to be born, Su Qingsang was completely exhausted. Can't wake up.

"So don't expect me to tell you what the two children look like. I've never seen them. Do you want to wake up quickly? And then meet with me?"

"Qingsang. You made me a father. I hope that I can experience all the remaining firsts in my life with you."

His eyes were a little red and he didn't want to sleep. He gently placed his face next to Su Qingsang's arm. Just looking at her sleeping face.

"Honey, I'm waiting for you."

When Su Qingsang opened her eyes, she felt that her body was limp and she had no strength at all.

She seemed to have taken a long nap, and when she woke up, she was recovering her energy bit by bit. She saw the sun shining in the ward and there was snow on the windowsill.

The sunlight refracts on the snowflakes, revealing the crystal light, which is particularly beautiful.

Following the light, she saw the top of his black hair. Huo Jinyao was sleeping next to her bed, with green marks on his face. There was also a circle of black shadow under his eyes.

She remembered hearing a lot of words while she was asleep. When I woke up, I didn't remember much about it. I just remembered one sentence: Huo Jinyao said he loved her.

She raised her hand, gently stroked the top of his hair, and then moved towards his face.

As soon as his hand touched Huo Jinyao's face, he grabbed it. He raised his head and looked at her with wide eyes, with obvious surprise in his eyes.

"Are you awake? Qingsang, are you awake?"

Su Qingsang wanted to speak, but her voice couldn't come out and her throat was so dry. Huo Jinyao poured her a glass of warm water and watched her drink it.

Su Qingsang felt much more comfortable, and then she saw Huo Jinyao's appearance clearly. It looked worse than when he was asleep.

"So ugly." Su Qingsang vomited, looking at his red and dark circles under his eyes and his smudged face: "You're not even handsome anymore."

"You're awake. You're awake." Huo Jinyao had no time to pay attention to her teasing. He could only express his mood at this time by kissing her palm repeatedly.

"You're awake, Qingsang, you're awake. It's really great, you're awake."

"Where's the baby?" Su Qingsang felt her stomach was empty. Only then did she remember that she gave birth to the baby yesterday: "How is the baby?"

"I have no idea."

"you do not know?"

"You passed out after giving birth to the child. I have no time to take care of the child."

Huo Jinyao can't hide his worry even now. Su Qingsang looked at him with wide eyes: "You, why are you like this? Then, you have to take a look at me when I sleep for so long, right?"

"Don't look." Huo Jinyao was very willful. He held Su Qingsang's hand tightly, with a rare and willful look on his face: "If you don't wake up, I want to send them away."

"Huo Jinyao." Su Qingsang was furious and stared at Huo Jinyao for a long time. Finally, she felt helpless and said, "Forget it. Bring the child to me now."

"It seems to be in the incubator." Huo Jinyao was not sure. In fact, he had not cared about the child since he was born. He was focused on Su Qingsang.

"Is the child okay? Why do you have to stay in the incubator?"

Su Qingsang's face was full of worry, and each voice sounded.

"Don't listen to his nonsense. The baby is fine. The eldest son went back to the nursery for observation yesterday, and the second baby is still in the incubator. Don't worry, it's all normal. He was kept in the incubator just to ensure safety."


Su Qingsang saw Li Qianxue arriving at some unknown time, carrying a big bag in her hand.

Seeing that Su Qingsang was awake, Li Qianxue breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, if Su Qingsang continued to sleep, she would not be able to bear it.

"I didn't expect you to wake up so early. Just in time, there is breakfast here, as well as the soup I asked my aunt to make. Qingsang, come and drink the soup when you wake up. Director Sun said that you have lost your vitality. Next, you have to listen to me. Yes, take a good supplement to restore your body."

"Mom, it's not what you said. This supplement is not random."

"I don't care, drink this bowl of chicken soup first."

"Okay. I'll drink."

Su Qingsang would not argue with Li Qianxue on such a trivial matter. She thought she had only slept for one day, but did not know that she had slept for two days.

She got up and went to the bathroom to wash up. When she came out, she was told that she had slept for two days. She herself was stunned.

"It's impossible, right? I always think I'm in good health."

"You're still talking about it. If you have a baby on the second day of junior high school and sleep until the fourth day of junior high school, that's you."

Li Qianxue's words were full of heartache. Su Qingsang stuck out her tongue and sat down on the bed again. I drank the chicken soup very cooperatively.

She was really hungry. After a bowl of soup, I feel refreshed a lot.

"I want to see the kids."

"I'll take you there." Huo Jinyao had just found a wheelchair, knowing that Su Qingsang would definitely want to see the child when he woke up.

Two children, one in the nursery and one in the incubator.

Seeing that Su Qingsang was awake, Sun Huiya, who came to see her, told her the situation.

"There is nothing wrong with the older one. The younger one was stuck in the palace and mouth for a long time when he was born. His breathing was a little weak when he was born, but his vital signs are normal. There is no problem, don't worry."

"Okay. Thank you, Director Sun."

Dabao has been in the nursery for two days. His facial features are longer than when he was born, his face is red, and he looks very healthy.

"Dabao weighed 2.8kg when he was born. Xiaobao weighed 2.5kg. Xiaobao is a little lighter. But they are both healthy. Qingsang, you are so amazing."

Su Qingsang looked at the little baby and felt her heart soften: "Director Sun, can I take him back to the ward? I want to breastfeed her."

"Of course, you can try to get him to drink milk, but since you have two of them, you probably won't have enough milk by then."

Su Qingsang smiled. Regardless of whether it was enough or not, she did not want to rely on others to raise her children. She wanted to do it herself.

After seeing Dabao, I went to see Xiaobao. The little girl said that when she was born, her skin was not as red as that of ordinary children, but white and tender. She was so small and looked very cute.

Su Qingsang felt like her heart melted when she saw her daughter, which was completely different from seeing her son.

"Jin Yao, that's our daughter."

"Yes." Huo Jinyao also saw it. It was also the first time for him to see his daughter. The small face has tightly closed eyes.

She didn't have to do anything while sleeping there, but Huo Jinyao could feel the perfection of his life.

He bent down and hugged Su Qingsang tightly: "Honey, thank you."

Only then did he truly feel that he had become a father. A son and a daughter, plus Su Qingsang. They were and would be his entire world.


"You're welcome." Su Qingsang smiled. He glanced at Sun Huiya: "Will she continue to observe for a long time?"

"No, you can leave the incubator tomorrow."

Sun Huiya smiled: "Your daughter is like you and very strong."

Su Qingsang smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed. Her body hadn't fully recovered yet, so Sun Huiya asked her to go back and rest first. As for contact with the child, don't worry, there will always be a chance.

Li Qianxue had already met her grandson yesterday, but now she couldn't help but want to hug her when she saw him again.

"She looks so good, just like Huo Jinyao when he was a child." Liu Tongjia looked at the child from the side. He looked a little longer, and his facial features made it easier to tell who he looked like.

"I think this eyebrow is a bit like Qingsang."

"You can tell who it looks like at such a young age?" Su Yuxin, who followed, glanced at the little baby and clicked her tongue: "Why do I think it doesn't look like anyone else?"

"Why are you talking?" Li Qianxue couldn't help but patted his son on the head: "What are you talking about?"

"That's it. That's who you think it looks like. I looked at it. It looks like me."

Su Yuxin was not polite at all: "Haven't you heard? Many nephews are like uncles."

"Pfft." Su Qingsang couldn't help but laugh. When she smiled, she felt some pain in her abdomen. I just couldn't help it.

"You and Qingsang look alike, who do you think the child looks like?"

"So." Su Yuxin said rather shamelessly: "Then it must be like me."

Liu Tongjia couldn't stop laughing, and was very amused by Su Yuxin.

Su Qingsang looked at the scene in front of him and felt that it was really good.

"What's the child's name?"

Li Qianxue looked at Liu Tongjia: "If the big name can't be decided so quickly, let's call the nickname first."

"Dabao's nickname is Xiangxiang, and Xiaobao's nickname is Niannian."

"Think about it? Okay. Okay." Liu Tongjia hugged and thought about it, looking at the childish little face, her eyes suddenly turned red.


Huo Jinyao stood next to her, put his hand on Liu Tongjia's shoulder, and said nothing, but the name said everything.

"It's okay, I'm happy."

Liu Tongjia looked at the children in her arms. The pain she had felt had been relieved by the birth of these two children.

There are still regrets, but she will learn to let go and let go.

People always have to look forward.

One day later, Su Qingsang recovered more than half of her body. Because it was a natural delivery, she was discharged after observing that there were no problems.

Also discharged from the hospital with her were two pink and white, tender and cute little babies.

When he got home, Mr. Huo originally wanted to celebrate grandly, but Su Qingsang stopped him and could only suppress his excitement first.

The children are still young and there are too many people coming and going, which is really not good. We can only wait until the full moon.

But even if he couldn't celebrate grandly, Mr. Huo's joy was still obvious. All the relatives of the Huo family also knew.

In addition to those who went to the hospital before, many people came to see the twins. Of course, not everyone can see it.

Su Qingsang was taking the baby upstairs for confinement. I wasn't very familiar with it. I could only know that Su Qingsang had given birth to a pair of twins, but he couldn't see the two children.

Su Qingsang alone cannot take care of these two babies. Even with Li Qianxue and Liu Tongjia.

What will they do? The Huo family specially hired two nannies and two aunts to take care of their two babies.

Li Qianxue took advantage of the Chinese New Year holiday to stay and looked at her grandchildren every day, feeling her heart softening.

After the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, Su Yuxin and Mr. Li returned to Lin City first, while Li Qianxue continued to stay, wanting to spend a few more days with her daughter.

Huo Jinyao returned to work. Although he wanted to spend more time with Su Qingsang and his son, the company did still have things for him to deal with.

But now he doesn't go out to socialize at all. If he needs anything, he will leave it to Yang Wenchang and Zhang Yang. If he really needs to make a decision, he will go to the company.

He even left some official matters to Huo Mingguang. And he calls his behavior like confinement.

Huo Jinyao is learning how to be a baby daddy. There are obviously nannies and aunties at home, but most of the time, he prefers to do it himself.

He still remembers how he felt the first time he hugged Xiang Xiang. I also remember how I felt when I hugged Nian Nian for the first time.

When the two children were in his hands, he felt like he was holding the world in his arms.

The honor of changing diapers for the first time fell on Xiang Xiang, probably because as an older brother, he was in better health than his younger sister.

Think about eating more, and within a few days, you have distanced yourself from Nian Nian. The face is red, and the person looks energetic.

Cry loudly too. Sometimes when he cries, it feels like the whole floor can hear him.

When he cried loudly for the first time, Huo Jinyao was still a little confused. Understanding that the child just peed on himself, he changed the child's diaper himself.

Somewhat clumsy, but extremely careful.

Su Qingsang looked at Huo Jinyao and suddenly had a feeling. She thought that Huo Jinyao would be a very good father in the future.

He will give all his love to these two children.

Although I want to cause trouble, what makes people feel more distressed is Nian Nian.

Contrary to Xiang Xiang, Nian Nian, who was born dozens of minutes later, was very quiet. He rarely cries, even if he wants to feed or needs to change a diaper, he just hums a few words in a low voice.

When she hummed, her face was red and she was holding her breath, which made her look very distressed.

Because of this, Nian Nian made Huo Jinyao feel even more distressed. He wished he could hold his daughter in his hands all the time.

In addition to taking care of Su Qingsang every day, he spent the most time on his two children.

Think about it, when Niannian and I were having a bath, all the Huo family came. Afraid of shocking the two children, Huo Jinyao just held the twins for everyone to take a look at, and then carried them back to the room.

He is extremely short-sighted now and is even more easily awakened than Su Qingsang.

The baby's room is arranged next to the room for two people, and there are also nannies and aunties to take care of the children.

But every time the child hummed, Huo Jinyao would wake up immediately.

He has to go to work during the day and takes time to take care of his children at night. He was also responsible for accompanying Su Qingsang and slowly recovering with her.

In a few days, Su Qingsang recovered a lot and looked a little plumper. But Huo Jinyao lost weight.

Li Qianxue saw this and felt a little more satisfied with this son-in-law.

There is no harm without comparison. Looking at what Huo Jinyao did, and then thinking about what Su Chenghui did, she could see that Huo Jinyao truly loved Su Qingsang and was good to them and their son, so he had nothing to worry about.

Su Qingsang did not notify Su Chenghui specifically that she had given birth to a child. If he wants to know, he will naturally know.

Li Qianxue didn't think it was necessary to inform him. She wished she couldn't see Su Chenghui.

She didn't mention Su Chenghui, and Su Qingsang didn't mention it in front of her either. The two mothers and daughters often spend time together during the day. Li Qianxue was afraid that Su Qingsang would be bored during confinement, so he always talked with her and took care of her.

Just like Huo Jinyao taking care of his two children, Li Qianxue would rather do it by himself when it comes to Su Qingsang's affairs.

She often blames herself for not doing enough in the past, and wishes she could be nice to Su Qingsang again.

After more than ten days, the relationship between the two people has improved a lot. And Liu Tongjia, taking this opportunity, her relationship with Huo Jinyao has also recovered a lot.

There are two more children in the family. There are many topics for elders to talk about.

For example, today Nian Nian drank an extra meal of milk. Thinking about it, I cried a few times.

Because of the existence of the two children, the Huo family suddenly gained countless vitality.

That day, Huo Jinyao returned home, carrying a bag. There are enough gifts during this time.

Neither Li Qianxue nor Liu Tongjia was surprised.

The things were carried upstairs and no one unpacked them. It was evening, everyone else had gone back to their rooms to sleep, and the child was taken to the nursery to rest. Huo Jinyao sat down by the bed with the bag in his hand.

"What? So mysterious?"

Huo Jinyao said that Su Qingsang had a hard time giving birth, and would bring her surprises from time to time.

But this is the first time that it is as mysterious as today.

Huo Jinyao didn't say anything, he just took out the contents.

It's two sweaters, plus two onesies. There are also two small vests, all made of wool. Not thick, suitable for small babies to wear.

It can be seen that it is woven from fine wool. The fine stitches make the weave particularly soft. It's very comfortable to touch with your hands.

No need for Huo Jinyao to elaborate, Su Qingsang knew who prepared this.

"Auntie is here? Has she come to see you?"

"Strictly speaking, she didn't come to me, but to Yang Wenchang."

You can't enter the Tianyu Group without an appointment, and Xiang Caiping doesn't intend to disturb Huo Jinyao, letting people know that she still has a relationship with Huo Jinyao.

She went to Tianyu Group, found Yang Wenchang, and gave this to him. Yang Wenchang had helped Huo Jinyao handle many things before, so he naturally knew Xiang Caiping.

She said that she speculated that this period of time should be when the two children were about to be born. It's not convenient for her to come to the door, but the gifts are prepared first.

When Yang Wenchang told her that the child had been born, she was very happy. I was even more happy when I heard that a pair of twins were born.

Give the things to Yang Wenchang and ask him to pass them to Huo Jinyao.

"That's great. That's great. Qingsang is a blessed person."

"Please tell Jin Yao and ask him not to tell Qing Sang that I prepared it."

She said this, but Huo Jinyao couldn't help but say it. What's more, with Su Qingsang's intelligence, it was impossible not to guess.

Su Qingsang's hands touched the two sweaters, hugged them, sniffed them gently, and suddenly smiled when he thought of something.

"Put it away."


"When my mother returns to Lin City, she will take them out for the children to wear. Besides, they are too big to wear now."

"Okay." Huo Jinyao nodded, stood up, picked up the sweater and put it away.

"and this."

A pair of longevity locks. In Lin City, there is a custom that if you become a grandmother, you should prepare a longevity lock for your child.

Li Qianxue had already bought one before, and it was even more exquisite than this one. But this can also be seen as Xiang Caiping's intention.

Su Qingsang's eyes were a little sore now. She blinked her eyes, suppressed her emotions, and looked at Huo Jinyao.

"Put it all away and leave it to your children when they grow up."

The twins are the children of the Huo family, so they naturally have this quality. But this is a thought.

No matter what, Su Qingsang thanked Xiang Caiping for everything she had done for her.

Okay, yesterday was just a joke. You know Yue Ma’s habits. Every time it's about to end, I always have to tease you. Don't be nervous, Yue Ma is such a good person. How can you write a tragedy?

This chapter was added because some relatives kept asking Huo Jinyao why he married Su Qingsang in the first place. This is an explanation for you.

Continue tomorrow.

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