Chapter 79. Radio show

"I have been cast in a brodcast."

The next day, Ren and White bear were abruptly called to the office. They were in the office after a very long time as they were busy on the set.

When they reached the meeting room Jiang Wan was in, they found him sitting their with a smile on his face.

It was a rare smile on Jiang Wan's face as he always look tried because of his heavy workload.

"So, you are saying I am being cast in a show."

Ren said with wide eyes. He didn't thought that he will get an appearance on a reality show this soon after Whiz stars.

"Yeah, you have been cast into one but it's a radio show to be exact."

"A radio show??"

Ren said in a surprised voice. He didn't expect to be cast in a radio show rather than a reality show.

"It's not an reality show like Whiz stars."

White bear asked and Jiang Wan shook his head as he replied.

"We were only able to get you on a radio show. Maybe after your drama airs, we will get more offers."

"Yeah, we will get tones of offers if the drama was successful."

"Well, there are many occasions of actors getting hot after a successful drama and you are even acting as the male lead, so it will be great for you if the drama can be successful."

"What kind of show I an appearing on, Chief Jiang?"

Ren asked the question that was on his mind for a while.

"It's a show called 'A beautiful morning with Wu Wei,' I don't know if you have heard of it or not."

Ren was about to shook his head as he hadn't heard of that show but White bear suddenly said from the side.

"I know it. Isn't it the show in which Wu Wei interviews many different types of people. It usually airs three days in a week."

"How do you know that?"

Ren asked towards White bear as he didn't expect him to know it and White bear just smiled bashfully as he replied.

"I usually listens to it before I pick you up in the morning. It had even become a habit now."

"Yeah, It's a popular show, so many people listens to it in the morning. Have you heard of Wu Wei?"

Jiang Wan asked towards Ren and he replied with a nod.

Although he didn't knew much about the show, Ren had at least heard of Wu Wei.

"He was a singer in the 90s but he retired in the early 2000s. I had heard that he was quite popular in his prime."

"Yeah, he was called the emperor of love songs at one time. It's good that you know him, he's the one who hosts this show. Despite his old age, he is hosting this show for 10 years now. So, the show is listened by many people."

Ren was surprised when he heard that. Hosting a radio show for 10 years was no small job.

Although people don't much about it but the radio industry is no less than the showbiz. It is also the survival of the fittest there.

"So, when will I be going on the show?"

"It's actually tomorrow."


Ren and White bear were both surprised when they heard that. It was a really sudden news that shocked both of them.

"But Chief, I think it's too sudden. We don't have time to prepare for it at all."

"Yeah, we also have the filming schedule."

Ren and White bear said as they protested.

"I know it's sudden but we can't do anything about it."

Jiang Wan sighed for a second before continuing.

"Actually, there was another actor who was going to feature on the show but he had an accident and he can't be on it. That's why the broadcasting station contacted us and we quickly pushed for it."

"Then, what about the filming schedule?"

"I heard that you are shooting the night scenes currently. The show is in the morning, I don't think it will overlap with the shoot."

"But we will not have time to sleep this way."

"You are an actor now who is slowly getting fame, you have to be prepared for more difficult schedules after you have gotten more famous."

Jiang Wan said as he frowned and Ren fell into a thought when he heard that.

He felt that Jiang Wan was right. His schedule these days was hectic but he will get more troublesome schedules after his drama airs.

As he knew that the drama will a big hit, Ren was sure that he would be loaded with advertisements, interviews and celebrity banquets.

He should try to get used to the hectic schedule already.

"Okay, Chief, I will do it but I don't know anything about the show."

Ren said with a troubled look. Although he had watched many reality TV shows, Ren was still an amateur in radio shows.

He didn't knew a thing about radio shows. He didn't even knew what type of show he is going to feature in tomorrow.

"You don't have to worry much about it as the show you are going to appear in is just like a normal interview. The difficult part is that it will be live, so you have to be careful of what you say and there would also be a segment when the fans will ask you questions."

"Yeah, in the previous episodes of the show, there were many questions asked by the fans."

White bear said from the side and Ren understood the major gist of the show.

"So, I will just have to answer the questions I was asked with a clear head."

"Yeah, that's what you had to do but you should still listen to the previous episodes of the show, to familiarise yourself with it."

Jiang Wan said as he passed a box full of radio tapes to Ren.

"That's a lot."

"Yeah, the show is going on for 10 years, there are many episodes of it but we have only selected some useful and recent ones."

Ren started looking at the radio tapes in the box. As he was looking at them, he asked a question to White bear.

"What type of host Wu Wei is?"

As a frequent listener to the show, White bear will will probably know the answer of it.

"Hmm, I think experienced would be the one word that suits him the most. He sounds really soothing on the radio and there was never a time he made a mistake."

"He's that great."

"Yeah, I had never met him but he seems to be a nice guy after listening to him. I had heard that he acts as a retired man and only hosts his show because he enjoys it."

"It will be nice to meet him, then."

Ren said as he started thinking about the radio show he will be appearing on tomorrow.

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