Trafford’s Trading Club

Volume 2 Chapter 16 Panic (2)

There was chaos on the street, and the scene inside the noodle shop was equally chaotic.

The only diners suddenly stayed away.

Perhaps because the appearance of the old man lying on the ground was too terrifying, the little girl Lu Yiyun suddenly turned her face away, not daring to look at him.

"what's going on?"

At the same time, an eighteen or nineteen-year-old boy walked in outside the noodle shop carrying a bag of groceries. The big boy saw the old man lying on the ground at a glance, and was so frightened that he dropped the thing he was carrying on the ground. It turned out to be some ginger and garlic.

"Grandpa! Grandpa!" The big boy ran over all of a sudden, looking panicked.

The landlady quickly grabbed the big boy and said, "Quick, go to the kitchen and call your dad to take your grandpa to the doctor!"

The big boy panicked, glanced at the people around him blankly, and then hurriedly ran into the kitchen.

Soon after, the noodle shop owner and his son worked together to send the old man out. The noodle shop also closed its doors, and the proprietress followed her to the small clinic after closing.

At this time, the fourth sick person could already be seen on the street.

The village was small, and the news spread quickly. It was as if a strange and uneasy atmosphere could be smelled in the air.

On the street over there, there were some more chaotic sounds... It was already the fifth person.

In one, in half a day.


"Doctor! Doctor! You have to save my mother! You must save her!"

"Doctor, my dad is too old. I know he only has a few years left, but I don't want him to die like this in the last few years. Please!"

"Get out of the way! Is the doctor here? Chaosheng, Chaosheng! For the sake of us growing up together, you have to save me no matter what..."

The small clinic, which usually treats villagers for colds and gives vaccinations to children, seems crowded. Now there are six or seven patients and their families, and Lu Chaosheng, who has only one nurse as an assistant, is simply too busy.

What's more, at the entrance of the clinic, a group of villagers who came after hearing the news were already surrounded.

This incident quickly alarmed Wu Qiushui, the village committee secretary who was at work. He took his assistant Xiao Du and hurried over without discussing any good solutions. Not long after, the village chief of Lujia Village also rushed over.

"Doctor Lu, what on earth is going on? Why all of a sudden..." Wu Qiushui's face was not good-looking. He frowned and said: "Not counting those here, I also met someone who was rushing on the way here. Who are you...who are you here?"

Lu Chaosheng sighed and said: "Secretary, I was also scared to death, and I still don't have a clue!"

Wu Qiushui pulled Lu Chaosheng over and asked in a low voice: "Doctor Lu, please tell me honestly, is this... could this be a disease like the plague? Do these patients need to be isolated?"

Lu Chaosheng shook his head and said: "I really can't check the tools here. As for isolation, we can't find the conditions here. And if...if it's a plague, I'm afraid..."

Wu Qiushui immediately understood what Lu Chaosheng meant. People were getting sick one after another. If it was a plague, it might have spread!

Even he himself may have been infected, but he just hasn't had an attack yet!

"This... Secretary, the way out is blocked by a landslide, and the fisherman's fishing boat was damaged by something unknown. We can't get out for the time being!"

"Don't panic, I've contacted the town, and a rescue team will come to clean up soon." Wu Qiushui said calmly.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, an urgent voice came. It was a family member of a patient... he must have been eavesdropping or just passing by, "What? We can't get out?"

The village chief of Lujia Village said in a deep voice: "Come here first. Didn't you hear the secretary say that a rescue team will be coming soon?"

But the man stepped back and shook his head: "No... we can't hide this from everyone, even if you are the secretary or the village chief!"

Seeing this guy turn around and leave, Village Chief Lu and Wu Qiushui's expressions suddenly darkened, and they shouted quickly: "Come back! Stop talking nonsense! Come back!"

Keren can no longer be called back.

Wu Qiushui and Village Chief Lu looked at each other, knowing that things would get even more troublesome later, and that guy might cause unnecessary panic!

"Everyone, listen, I just found out that the road we go out is blocked! Even the fishermen's boats can't sail! Is there anyone from the fishermen here? Prove it!"

Outside the door of the small clinic, a person suddenly shouted loudly.

"Really! I just called home and heard from my dad that our boat can't sail! All the fishing boats and sampans can't sail! It looks like they've been bitten by some damn thing!"


"It's a curse! It's a curse! It's exactly the same as before! The curse is coming again, it's coming again!"

"Grandma Shui Hua, don't say such scary things, what kind of curse!"

"It's really a curse! Really! Really! I saw it with my own eyes back then... Ah, it's here again! Another person is here!"

Among the crowd, someone hurriedly called out the name of the village and pushed a bicycle. There was an old man tied up on the back seat of the bicycle, and his hands and feet were covered with those kinds of things.

"We will all be cursed, we will all be cursed... I don't want to stay here, I don't want to stay here!"

The old man named Grandma Shuihua knocked away the crowd at once, staggered and fell to the ground after running a few steps, but she quickly got up and ran away as if running for her life.

Seeing Granny Shuihua's frightened expression, and seeing another old man being pushed into the small clinic, everyone looked at each other in surprise, and no one said a word.

It was as quiet as silent mourners in a cemetery for the deceased.

Outside the crowd.

Lu Yiyun subconsciously grabbed Ren Ziling's arm, with a look of panic on her face, and said with great concern: "Sister Ren... do you know what the curse Granny Shuihua said is? And, will my father know? Also...where did it fall that I can't find it?"

"Don't panic..." Ren Ziling took a deep breath, "Listen to me first, your father may not be infected with the disease. But I do know about the curse. I also know that the curse is related to the cause of your grandma's death. "

The little girl was suddenly frightened.

Luo Qiu watched Ren Ziling explain what happened to Lu Yiyun, while he frowned. Yuye beside him also narrowed his eyes slightly.

Luo Qiu quietly waved his hand, telling You Ye not to move for the time being, while he quietly backed away and then turned into a small alley.

The owner of the club saw Mo Mo, the young Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain, here.

"What do you want from me?"

Luo Qiu looked at Mo Mo. From the very beginning, this blond Heavenly Master had been calling him quietly.

Mo Mo took a deep breath and said seriously: "Senior, you should have seen clearly the patients who walked into the small clinic, right?"

Luo Qiu nodded and said calmly: "Then?"

Mo Mo said in a deep voice: "These patients are almost the same as those in Lujia Village forty-five years ago, right?"

"That's true." Luo Qiu nodded in agreement.

Mo Mo suddenly took a small step forward, hid the palm of his right hand behind his back, and said softly: "But you and I know that the illness forty-five years ago was not a curse, but something hidden under the old goddess's home. Caused by the things found.”

Luo Qiu glanced at Mo Mo and shook his head, "Are you doubting me for spreading the liquid in those test tubes and causing this chaos?"

Mo Mo gritted her teeth and said: "This kind of thing has not happened in this village for decades. The buried things were unearthed today, and only you and I know about it. But within that day, infected people appeared one after another... Senior, please teach me how to avoid doubting you!"

"not me."

Luo Qiu's answer was very simple, so simple that he fully intended to refute it.

Mo Mo shouted in a deep voice: "How can there be such a coincidence in the world! I thought you were a profound senior, but I didn't expect you to do such a sinful thing! I won't let you continue to spread that kind of stuff! Today I will silently do justice for heaven!"

The young Celestial Master's hands suddenly spread out, and yellow talismans shot out from the opened suitcase placed on the ground and wrapped around him.

Accompanied by some messy, slight popping sounds like fried beans, the yellow talisman began to glow with a faint golden light!

"I'm not a senior, it's just what you imposed on me." Luo Qiu shook his head, "Besides... you'd better not be malicious towards me." (To be continued.)

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