Trafford’s Trading Club

Volume 2 Chapter 56 Unknown Evolution

The non-cooperation of a certain part of the body prevented it from continuing to climb down the stairs... because there were too many different things in its body, and it could not truly assimilate these things before it could Take complete control of your body. ?? ?

In particular, a huge trauma that he suffered not long ago made the already difficult integration even more difficult.

Like now, if every part of the body didn't feel hungry, it wouldn't even be able to move neatly.

It crawled to this place from a distance like a snake, but now, like a gecko, it climbed up the wall next to it and left the body. After leaving this place, it suddenly became less coordinated.

But as the feeling of disharmony disappeared, the feeling of hunger became more and more intense.

Just continue to look for food as usual, right? Since it was hit hard last time, it has become very clear that there are many people in this world who can hurt it.

Therefore, it needs to be extremely careful, careful... so that it will not be disturbed while foraging, let alone be discovered by those who can harm it.

Wandering in the alley full of shadows, it began to move closer to another food that could excite it. Since escaping from the last trauma, it discovered this delicious food.

What’s even more rare is that the world is full of this very delicious delicacy, and more importantly, this kind of food is not difficult for it to obtain. It is a kind of food that has no resistance at all.

It doesn't yet know that this kind of food has the official name of "human" because so far, it only relies on instinct to act.

Yes, since it was created, it has always relied on instinct to act.

With this instinct, it quickly found a suitable prey deep in the alley. It saw it as easy access to food and lay down on the ground.

It doesn't know that this situation is called drunk on the street in the human world. What's more, it doesn't know that the drunk humans here also have another name: homeless people.

The head, it likes to bite open the head of this food with the first bite.

The tramp didn't even feel any pain. He was probably under the influence of alcohol, dreaming some beautiful dream, and then left the world that abandoned him forever.

After it completely swallowed the homeless man's head, its entire body covered the homeless man's body, and various parts of its body began to "move".

Suddenly there was a hissing sound, and it felt something peeling off its body. After that, a huge pain began to stimulate its nerves, causing it to make a weird hissing sound.

But the sound was not loud, no matter how painful it was... it was still not loud. Because its mouthpart-like thing has not completely evolved successfully.

In two pieces, its body broke into two pieces and was cut open by something. The cut was just like the wood strips cut by a carpenter's master.

But the divided body was still twitching strongly.

"Isn't this enough to kill him?"

At this time, Nero slowly walked out of the alley. She glanced at it on the ground, and at the same time at the body of the homeless man who was also cut in half with a knife, and finally looked at it again.

She had arrived long ago because 'Yama' had already smelled it.

The reason why he didn't act immediately when she was eating was naturally to lower his alertness to a certain extent... As for the life and death of the homeless man... Since he doesn't know him, what does life and death matter?

"Core..." Nero suddenly waved his arm, and a cold light flashed from his hand, directly affecting the lower part of its body.

Fierce Blade Enma... looks like a sword.

After being scratched by the Demon Blade, this part of the body immediately turned into a pool of pus and blood. Nero then said calmly: "If it's not here... then it's in another part."

She walked towards the only remaining part of it that was hidden in the corner. She placed the Yama Sword in her hand casually on the ground and dragged it forward like that.

The sound of the blade tip scraping against the concrete floor was like the sound of a butcher sharpening his knife.

"Then you must be wondering why you were discovered, right?" Nero narrowed his eyes, "Because Yan Mo Dao usually eats too many things like you, so no matter how you hide your taste, Well, it’s impossible to escape its induction.”

Its body suddenly shrank back a little.

"Congratulations, Yama." Nero sneered at this time: "I didn't expect that in this country, I can still meet your usual 'food'. No wonder you were so excited just now. But this guy seems to be the same as you." There are some differences among the failed products that were disposed of. It seems to be because they used Eastern monsters as materials..."

The Yan Mo knife pierced into its body at once, "Let me see where your core is hidden... Well, who pieced you together? This method is not the one in the club." The craftsmanship of the old bastard who specializes in this kind of it Cook?”

But Nero thought about it and felt that it wasn't the case, so he shook his head again, raised the Yama knife, and then pierced it in another place.

Cook probably has no interest in this kind of thing.

Under the two stabs of the Yan Demon Sword, its body felt as if it was about to collapse completely... It, which was originally not very coordinated, was now completely paralyzed like a machine with a gear stuck. , only the panic continues to amplify.

But Nero suddenly shook his head and said, "Looking at it, it seems that it has not evolved to the third stage yet. It seems impossible to ask anything."

So she took out the Yama Demon Sword and raised it high. On the Yama Demon Sword, a streak of purple and blue-purple flowing fire slowly rose, "Old rules, except for the core to be recycled, you can eat as much as you like. How many."

The blue-purple flowing fire suddenly exploded, and Yan Mo Dao was probably excited.

"Oh, I can't get excited."

Nero shook his head and slowly chopped off his arm.

But at this moment, it suddenly moved and something suddenly shot out from a certain 'face' in the remaining half of its abdomen!

Shoot fiercely towards Nero's heart!

In an instant, Nero raised the Yama Demon Sword and blocked it in front of him. I only heard a few ding-ding-ding sounds... The things that were shot looked like poisonous needles... like the needles behind the tail of a bee.

"Resisted?" Nero suddenly felt a little surprised.

But what was even more surprising was what was behind...the thing's body suddenly turned into a pool of pus and blood, and it flowed into the ditch in the alley and fled.

"Ah, escaped."

Nero muttered expressionlessly, and then took back the Yama Sword, which was vibrating and exuding dissatisfaction all the time.

"Well, just pretend that we haven't encountered each other~ It's none of my business anyway~"

So she carried the long black tube again, yawned, put it in her pocket and left... left...

Yan Mo Dao: Did you promise to let me have a full meal? ? ?

The next day, Luo Qiu was frying eggs and bacon in the kitchen. He had just sprinkled a little salt on it when he heard a hurried sound coming from the living room.

Ren Ziling's voice.

Ren Ziling rushed into the kitchen with a rubber band in her mouth, pricking her head.

"Is something wrong?" Luo Qiu asked casually.

"I'm not going to have breakfast." Ren Ziling hurriedly picked up a piece of bread and bit it in her mouth, "There's news! Big news!! A headless body of a homeless man was found, and the remaining body parts were still there. Cut in half with something and throw the body in the alley! It could be a perverted killer!"

Boss Luo turned around slowly.

Ren Ziling's eyes widened and she said, "You feel great too, right?"

Luo Qiu shook his head.

Ren Ziling blinked her eyes and said in disbelief: "Are you too calm? Are you not surprised at all?"

Luo Qiu said calmly: "I just feel that it's a bit magical that you can still speak clearly while biting the bread..."

Ren Ziling... Deputy Editor Ren directly greeted Boss Luo with his third finger and hurried out the door.

So, how do you manage to speak clearly and have a normal conversation while biting bread?

Boss Luo... Luo Qiu continued to fry the eggs. 8

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