Trafford’s Trading Club

Volume 2 Chapter 58 Home Alone, easy to capsize

In the complicated sewer pipes in the city, a pool of mud-like things was slowly squirming.

I don’t know where it planned to squirm, but several hours had passed since it started squirming.

This was the very thing Nero said had escaped him.

It's just that it has weakened to a certain extent now.

Originally, there were a large number of different 'parts' in its body. Some of these 'parts' had been put into its body at different times, and some had been assimilated by it, while others still remained. a part of consciousness.

For example, it would prevent it from preying on the faint remaining consciousness of the rat demon family living in the basement.

However, it suffered two serious injuries, especially the latter one, in which half of its body was cut off, and it was stabbed twice by the Yama knife, which made it worse.

It even feels like it is about to die...but after all, it is made from the materials of Eastern monsters that have never existed before, and some unknown changes are probably unknown even to the creator of this technology. It is being produced within its body at this time.

I'm so tired...I want to take a good rest for a while.

Its consciousness gradually became confused.

And this pile of rotten flesh-like things gradually stopped squirming. These soft fleshy substances even began to condense, then hardened, and finally became like dried cement.

Somewhere in this dirty and narrow sewer, no one would probably find it.

Maybe it would be like hardened cement, always buried in this place. However, not long after it hardened, a cracking sound appeared out of thin air.

Snap, snap... snap!

Finally, when its outer hardened material suddenly shattered, something seemed to be moving rapidly in the dark sewer, and in the end only the distant sound could be heard.

There seemed to be something crawling rapidly in the sewer pipes.

Something... brand new.

After Schueche pushed a stone slab away with all his strength, he opened a small gap that was large enough for him to stick his head out.

He just skipped class, even though he felt sorry for Long Xiruo by skipping class like this.

Monsters living in the city, especially little monsters like him who can transform and look the same as human children, will receive help from Long Xiruo and enter human schools to study.

But Cheese can't help it...he needs to find enough food for his family.

In the past, this was Shu You's job. Shu You lived peacefully in the city with a hard-earned salary. But this salary is gradually not enough to meet the family's expenses.

Mainly, the rat demon's ability to reproduce is too strong. This rat demon family had a population explosion problem a few years ago.

So Shu You often suffers from stomachaches: because he often needs to search for food in the city's sewers to help support his family.

Sometimes, cheese will follow Shu You and look for it in nearby underground pipes or garbage dumps. Therefore, although he is not very old, he still has experience in this area of ​​cheese.

The source of living expenses was suddenly cut off. Simply relying on this kind of "digging treasures" from sewer pipes and garbage dumps could not support the family's food rations. Especially, his mother Shu Xiaoshu still had a big belly. It requires more nutrients.

So Cheese set its sights on the warehouses of local supermarkets where they could find plenty of food... and nutritious food that wasn't spoiled.

Long Xiruo has clearly stipulated that monsters are not allowed to use their abilities to do evil in the human world. But with so many monsters, Long Xiruo naturally cannot control them all. Under normal circumstances, he relies on the consciousness of the monsters themselves.

If there was a sense of luck... then it was just a matter of luck that Long Xiruo wouldn't find out.

Cheese can no longer be taken care of so much.

Shu You's death had a great impact on him. At a young age, he began to realize that he must take responsibility for the future of this family.

Cheese moved the floor further away again, allowing himself to get out. This wasn't his first day in this warehouse.

He dug a passage under the supermarket's warehouse and came out, and then 'carried' some cans and other food from here every day.

Of course, in order to prevent Shu Xiaoshu from discovering his behavior, Cheese would mix fresh food into the food found in the garbage dump every time, covering it up all at once.

This time, the cheese is targeting the supermarket's freezers.

Refrigerated beef, mutton... and other meats, Cheese plans to get some more meat to take home so that he can replenish his mother's health.

This time, Cheese left the warehouse without any difficulty, and calmly returned to the sewer with a large bag of food in his arms.

Suddenly, a sound caught Cheese's attention, making him feel that something was wrong... Then, a feeling of panic spread throughout Cheese's body, causing him to tremble all of a sudden.

The food he was holding in his hands suddenly fell to the ground, and at this time, Cheese felt his body being lifted up quietly by something.

A foul smell began to emit, which made Cheese immediately understand what he had encountered...

The owner of this place!

Of course, it doesn't mean that the other party owns this place. It can only be said that this is the other party's territory!

Naturally, Shu You's family is not the only rat demon in this city. There are also different forms of rat demons who also live in the sewer world of the city.

When Shu You was still alive, he warned Cheese more than once not to go to unfamiliar areas, just to walk around his home. There are a lot of uncertainties in the sewer world of this city.

"Tsk, tsk, what did I see? Whose ignorant child is this?"

Not only does it exude a smell that makes cheese, which is also a rat, smell bad, but it also has a creepy sound.

The stinking rat demon turned the cheese around at this time, and its open mouth exuded a strong smell of blood. The cheese even saw some remaining hairs in the other party's teeth.

I'm afraid it's also the hair of the rat demon. This guy will kill other people of the same kind!

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, do you know what will happen if you touch my territory?"

"I, I don't want this thing anymore..." Cheese shrank his neck in horror, "I promise, I will never come here again..."

"But you've already taken so much before, so you should eat it, right?" The huge rat demon's expression suddenly turned ferocious again, "Tell me, what should you use to compensate me?"

" knew it a long time ago?" Cheese was surprised. Could it be that his actions were noticed from the beginning?

The giant rat demon suddenly smiled ferociously and said: "I have noticed you since the first time you stepped into my territory! But I want to see where you come from and who the adults in your family are... Now look Come on, I’m afraid there are no adults in your house! Hahaha!!”

Cheese struggled hard, but was unable to shake the claws displayed by the opponent at this moment. The thick black claws were as if they were made of fine steel.

"Let me go! Let me go!! I know Lord Long! Let me go!!"

"Yo? At such a young age, you know how to have relationships? That's pretty good."

But the giant rat demon sneered: "It's a pity that you don't know that Master Long naturally doesn't like such dirty places... She won't even come here! No matter how much you shout, she won't hear you!"

"Let go!!"

Seeing that moving Long Xiruo out didn't work, Cheese naturally didn't want to sit still and wait for death. At this time, he suddenly bit into the opponent's palm.

But he didn't expect that this would not cause this huge rat demon pain at all!


Cheese just felt a huge impact crashing into his body, and stars suddenly appeared in his eyes! It turned out that he was directly hit by this huge rat demon!

"I just like to eat cubs like you... show me twisting off your limbs, chewing them slowly, and then starting to suck your blood... the taste... tsk tsk!"

The face of the giant rat demon had already smelled the cheese on the back of the head, and he laughed more cruelly and excitedly: "The next thing is your head! You know, my technique is very good, I can connect your head to the spine Slowly twist it out..."


The huge rat demon has grabbed one of Cheese's arms and started to slowly exert force.

Cheese even felt that his arm was about to be twisted off, and suddenly screamed!

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