Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 1448: (2/5)

Li Du squatted at the door to see, a few bear children healed the scars and forgot the pain. After entering the room, they forgot about what happened at the door and ran over to follow.

As a result, they screamed when they ran on the black stone bricks, and then backed up in a panic.

Because of the cottage-style villa, the floor of the house is a layer of stone, which is related to the living environment of the colonists at that time. When European colonists first entered the Americas, they were east of the Appalachian Mountains, such as Philadelphia and New York. Rich mountain resources.

As we all know, the upper-class houses in medieval Europe were castles, and the integration was made of mountains and stones. After reaching North America in the first place, the high-level colonists still wanted to build castles.

However, they lack sufficient financial resources, both in terms of human and material resources. Secondly, because of the threat of the Indians, they do not live in castles as well as villages and towns. The construction of castles is too slow, the cycle is too long, and they are easily destroyed by the Indians.

Eventually, the cottages appeared, which is why these new villas are obviously quite luxurious but have such a native name, one of the reasons is that they were originally born in villages and towns.

Of course, just like now, the village houses were built on the hill, because the villages and towns were built on the hill, for the purpose of protection.

The cottage cannot be built with stones, but the floor and walls are made of stone. The floor in the hall of the house is a layer of stone. It may be that a black stone is used around the doorway to distinguish the area.

The **** looked at the stone and asked, "Is this thing radioactive? Will it cause death?"

"People have hallucinations and think they died of a ghost?" Firecracker asked.

The **** nodded: "Yes, is there such a thing? But the ghost should have little to do with this stone. Montana's rancher did not die here."

Li Du, who is studying black stones, listened and said, "Don't die here? How did he die?"

The **** said, "He was killed by a car. He was so miserable that he ran into a truck ..."

After hearing this answer, Li Du was speechless: "Then why did he connect him to this house outside?"

The **** explained: "The ghost of the house is entangled with him. Anyway, he is driving a car, and suddenly he changes lanes and hits the oncoming truck. Except for ghosts, normal people would do this, right? ? "

"It could be a curse," added Marklov, "there is a legend in our hometown ..."

Malaysia also gave him a violent kick: "Don't come up with those stupid words in your hometown, do you think the atmosphere here is not dark enough? Do you want to add more fire?"

"What exactly is this black stone?" Li Du asked.

He reached out and touched the stone, and a tingling sensation flew from his fingers along his arm, causing him to choke a few times.

The **** panicked and said, "Ah, psychic, psychic, boss. This is psychic. Where is the holy water I bring? Hurry up to the boss ..."

"Shut up!" Li Du retracted his arm and snorted again. He pointed at the stone and said, "There is electricity on this thing, and it can generate electricity ?!"

Others tried, and sure enough, a group of people began to snore.

Godzilla shook her numb hands and said, "Shit, this current is too fierce."

"No wonder these bear children dare not step on it because of the current, right?" Big Marklov said.

The **** said blankly, "Why is this happening? Where is the current here? The stones themselves are insulators, they are not conductive."

Big Marklov said: "Silicon dioxide is an insulator. In natural stones, the main component is silicon dioxide, so they are not conductive, but what if it is an ore? Like iron ore."

It is common knowledge that iron ore is conductive.

Li Du remembered the words of the cleaners. Some people said that when the door was opened, a few bear children had entered the house, and then they did not dare to enter.

The cleaners thought that they were the ones who stunned the ghosts and attracted them, but Li Du thought that the house was cut off from water and power when the door was first opened, and they turned on the water and electricity when they cleaned up.

In other words, the electricity of this black slate does not come from itself, it should come from the circuit.

Li Du asked Mark Love to turn on the switch. At this time, he beckoned to take the bear child out again, and they could enter and exit the door freely.

Naturally, at this time to try again by hand, there is no electricity on the black slate.

"Mad, I said no ghost." Li Du could not help but swear.

The **** hesitated: "But this is not right. If a wire touches the ground and causes a current to flow, the switch should automatically trip. Otherwise, the circuit should be short-circuited, in short, there should be no current."

Li Dudao: "This is the problem of current."

Close the power switch and the black stone has power again.

This point is beyond doubt, depending on the actual situation, Li Du and his team are not electricians. They are not good at this aspect. They can only lay dry boards on it for a while, and then find an electrician to see what is going on ~ www ~ They just covered the black slate, Grandma suddenly looked up at the door, and then stormed out fiercely.

There was a sound outside: "Hello, is anyone there? Is anyone here? Wow, step back, a big dog!"

Li Du blew his whistle, and Grandma hurried back again. He went out and saw a somewhat decadent youth standing at the door.

Young people are like otakus, with messy hair like a bird's nest, dull eyes, pale skin, fat body, and weak footsteps. These are the characteristics of a dead house in the United States.

"You are?" Li Du asked tentatively.

The young man pointed to the next door and said, "Oh, my name is Benedict Allen. I live there. Who are you? Are you plainclothes policemen? Why was this haunted house opened again?"

Li Du remembered the Toyota domineering he saw during the day, so he said, "No, I am the new owner here and your new neighbor. I am glad to meet you."

After hearing this, the young man took a sigh of relief: "Fack, you bought this house? Why would anyone buy it here, Mad? Damn it!"

He said annoyed two words, and then added: "This is a haunted house, man, God, are you an immigrant? You must have been deceived, this house cannot live!"

Li Du smiled: "I know, but I don't believe there are ghosts in the world."

Benedict laughed bitterly and muttered, "Okay, I don't believe it, but that's the truth. Listen to me, man, you better get out of here and sell this house or what, anyway, something happened here, Five people have died before and after ... "

The last sentence surprised Li Du: "Five people? Aren't they four?"

Benedict sneered: "Of course not. I live here. I know best that it is five people, but the fifth person who died is rarely known."

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