Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 966: Hazai (5/5)

The African grasslands are endless. The grasslands in this season seem to be exactly the same in Li Du's eyes. If he is alone, he has lost his way.

Fortunately, there is no need for him to discern the direction here. Abodu leads the way. He is a living map on the grassland, keeping in mind the way back.

However, after all, people are not machines, and sometimes he goes wrong on the road. At this time, they have to pause and rest for a while. Abodu wanders around for a while and finds the way back.

After walking for a while, Li Du saw a rare lush forest on the grassland in front of him, and reminded the lion hunter, "Did we go wrong again?"

The lion hunter smoked a cigar and communicated with the lion hunter. After returning, he shook his head and said, "There is nothing wrong, Abodu wants to find something here."

The forest covers an area of ​​hundreds of hectares. It contains trees that Li Du does not know. They are all very tall and still have green and yellow leaves in this season.

There were fallen leaves on the ground. They had just walked in. A Meo jumped sideways, it waved its paw in the air, and a poisonous snake coming down was caught and shaken by it.

Seeing this, the Lion Hunter hurriedly said, "Be careful!"

Soon after his voice fell, a black man appeared behind a tree, and watched them with his arms clasped in his chest.

It's almost evening, and the light is not so strong. Because the branches and leaves are blocking the trees, everyone's vision is not very good.

In this way, a black man jumped out suddenly, Li Du was startled, and wanted to draw a gun subconsciously.

But the black man didn't show aggressiveness. He didn't speak after jumping out, just holding his hands on his chest and watching them. Behind him, another young black man came out and looked at them in the same pose.

Li Du asked: "What's going on?"

The lion hunter said lazily, "Don't you recognize them? We met today."

Li Du immediately responded and said, "People of the Hazai tribe?"

The lion hunter nodded.

There were no signs on the two men, no paint was applied, and Li Du could not tell their identity. In his opinion, the black Zulu people were no different from these people.

The Abodus said something back, the lion hunter said: "They must be looking for honey too. We are competitors now, guys, be careful."

Li Du said: "Looking for honey?"

The lion hunter said, "This is a large-leaf tree forest. The bee colony likes to nest in such a place. There will be several bee colonies in this forest, and it produces very high-quality honey."

The Hazai people have a different pursuit of honey. When hunting every day, they will pay attention to finding the hive and then collecting honey.

Looking at the Hazai who showed no attack but showed no goodwill, Li Du asked, "What now? I won't dry it because of honey?"

The lion hunter said scornfully, "Just these dares dare to work with us? Just their javelins and bows? Ha, we have guns in hand."

The bodyguard who was previously scared by the leopard took the opportunity to perform. He loaded the rifle and said, "I can get twenty alone!"

Li Du waved his hand: "Don't always think about conflict, how can you explain it? Can you communicate?"

The lion hunter continued to sneer and said, "Who understands the language of this primitive man? Ha, is it difficult for them to speak any language?"

"Dear friend, we have a language." A fairly fluent English sounded, and a black man came out.

The leading man was talking. He was burly and muscular, and covered with an animal's skin. What Li Du could not see, but he could see that the animal was not small because of the large skin area.

Seeing the animal's skin, the lion hunter put a scornful expression and said, "Can you speak English? Are you the leader of this tribe?"

The wolf whispered, "The chieftain of the Zulu wore leopard skin, the leader of the Hazai wore baboon skin, and this man wore baboon skin."

The lion hunter put his right hand on his forehead and patted his heart again, and said to the man, "I am a Zulu lion hunter, what should I call you?"

The black man returned to the courtesy and said, "I'm a hobo in Hazai. The English name is Cheeks."

The Lion Hunter said: "Have you ever received higher education?"

Cheeks smiled, "I was fortunate to have been adopted in my childhood and attended school in the United States."

After hearing that he was studying in the United States, Li Du became interested and asked, "I live in the United States a lot of time now. Which school do you attend?"

"University of California, San Francisco," Cheeks said, "are you?"

Li Du is embarrassed. The black people of an African indigenous people are better than him. In fact, the University of California is the world's top prestigious school. This black man is very academic.

Cheeks had an American education, and it was easy.

The two sides said, the lion hunters said that they also wanted to come here for some honey.

Cheeks beckoned friendly and said, "Let's go together, my people are preparing to hunt honey, and you are welcome to join our team."

They went into the deep woods together and saw more black Hazai ~ ~ the initial number is estimated to be twenty or thirty.

These people are building ladders. They use weeds from the grasslands to make hemp ropes, use ropes to bind strong wooden sticks, make sections of ladders, and combine them into one long ladder.

There were two black women circling around a big tree, singing softly while circling, what Li Du didn't understand, but the tone was pretty good.

Soon after Li Du and others appeared, the two men weaving the straw rope stood up and walked to Qikes to say a few words.

Cheeks looked up and looked at Li Du and his party in surprise: "My tribe got a porcupine in the morning. Was it you that you politely gave us?"

Li Du did not recognize the two men. One was that they were almost the same, and the other was that when they met at the time, the two black men were wearing wild grass camouflage clothes similar to auspicious clothes.

But listening to Cheeks, the two were the ones who hunted the porcupine.

When he learned that Chiks and others were Hazai, he estimated that the two sides would meet because the Hazai tribe was very small with only a few thousand people.

Most of the Hazai people live in Tanzania, and few migrate to South Africa. They do not happen to meet people from two Hazai tribes.

With this relationship, the two sides feel more friendly to each other.

The two women were still singing in circles around the trees. After singing for a while, they left here and went to the other tree to continue singing in circles.

Cheeks knew that Li Du and others were skeptical, and he actively explained: "This is a tradition of our Hazai people. They sing repeatedly before collecting honey to comfort the angry bees and then reduce their risk of being stung . "

Li Du asked: "Does it work?"

Cheeks laughed and said, "This is tradition."

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