Trembling At A High Altitude

Chapter 27 The Long Night

There is a countdown timer in the helicopter cabin.

Five minute countdown.

Obviously, these five minutes were reserved for Li Teng to get back from the rope ladder to the top of the stone pillar.

If he has not gone down after this time, there is only one result.

That is to be sent back to the film and television city.

And at this time, returning to the film and television city, there was only one result.

That is to be sealed with wax on the spot to make a handsome wax figure.

Li Teng had to keep encouraging himself in his heart to overcome his fear and despair, and then carefully climbed down to the top of the stone pillar along the rickety rope ladder under the helicopter.

Finally, Li Teng stepped on his bed again.

A bed of snow about half a meter thick was piled up.

After the helicopter completed the delivery mission, it quickly flew away and disappeared.

Li Teng was left alone on the top of the stone pillar.

Previously in the film and television city, although there was a danger of the filming being suspended, it still looked somewhat similar to the real world.

And coming back here is like a nightmare.

I really don't want to come back!

Bone cold.

Looking up at the gray sky, Li Teng let out a long and shrill cry.

What is life lonely as snow?

This is.


Although the snow was light now, but because it had been snowing all day, there was a thick pile of snow on the bed, and even under the bed, it was filled with snow blown in by the wind.

Needless to say, the quilts and mattresses under the snow must be all soaked and frozen.

It was impossible to lie down and sleep.

God wants to stop my rhythm?

How are you going to spend the next few days!

There is no place to sleep and shelter from the wind. Will it be impossible to survive tomorrow morning and just hang up?

When I went to buy clothes in the clothing store in the film and television city, I never thought that I would be sent back here.

Otherwise, you should buy some thick clothes at that time to keep out the cold.

There are too few points, really not enough.

Forget it, don't think about the past.

It's better to think about how to keep out the cold, how to survive the extreme cold tonight, and survive until the next time you enter the film and television city.

A gust of cold wind blew over, bringing some scattered snowflakes into Li Teng's neck.

It also took away the precious heat in his body.

There is not much time left for him, and he must act as soon as possible.

Part of the wooden bed was broken, leaving only three legs.

Instead, Li Teng left a small bedside platform on top of the stone pillar.

After clearing the snow on the small platform next to the bed, Li Teng stood there and urinated under the stone pillar. After thinking for a while, he squatted down and carefully dug under the bed.

The bottom of the bed is full of snow, as long as the snow in the gap between the bottom of the bed and the top of the stone pillar is dug out, a snow hole can be dug inside.

Although it is cold in the snow cave, at least it can shelter from the wind.

After spending half an hour, Li Teng finally dug a snow hole under the bed board that could accommodate him.

Then he pushed the snow to the edge, tamping it as hard as he could, and built four snow walls between the bed board and the stone pillar, leaving only a ventilation hole in the leeward side, and made himself a snow nest.

After hiding in this snow nest, although it was still very cold, it was much better after all without the cold wind blowing directly on the body.

Looking outside through the hole, it was completely dark.

The long night is coming.

Recalling everything that happened during the day is like a dream.

Although the character played in the film may die at any time, he will also become a wax figure.

However, Li Teng would rather stay in the film and television city to make movies than return to the top of this stone pillar.

Although we can look forward to using points to reduce the height of the stone pillar in the future, it is too difficult for people to persevere due to the hardships in front of them.

Li Teng doubted whether he would survive until the day when the stone pillar fell.



Didn't that old woman, that young girl, that female white-collar worker, and Gao Fei also experience the same thing as me?

Those women have persisted. He is a big man, why doesn't he grit his teeth and persevere?

Forget it, stop thinking about it, save some energy so that you can live longer.

Lying on a pillow made of a pile of snow, Li Teng recalled every bit of the day, and his mind gradually became dazed.

I can't resist sleepiness after drinking so much coffee.

Maybe the coffee didn't refresh Li Teng.

I don't know how long it has been.

Li Teng drank too much coffee and wanted to pee.

He found that he appeared on the streets of the film and television city.

The street was dark, as if it were night.

It was too late to pee my pants.

He hurried to the toilet on the street, unbuttoned his pants and let himself go.

I don't know why, but I can't release it completely, as if my stomach is full of water.

After a while, Li Teng heard footsteps coming from outside.

He stopped forcefully, went to the toilet door and looked into the street.

A large group of people stood outside the toilet door, all of them looked at Li Teng who had just come out of the toilet with weird smiles.

But none of them moved.

Among the crowd, Li Teng also saw Guo Zhipeng.

He didn't smile, but had a sinister expression on his face.

"Again! Who are you scaring?" Li Teng cursed.

He turned around and was about to go back to the toilet to continue draining the water. Unexpectedly, the group of wax figures behind him all came to life. Under the leadership of Guo Zhipeng, they rushed over together. Some grabbed his arms, some grabbed his legs, and dragged Li Teng to the opposite wax museum.

"Let me go!" Li Teng struggled hard.

But he woke himself up.

It was pitch black all around.

This is obviously not a film and television city.

This is where?

After a while, Li Teng realized.

This is the top of the stone pillar!

The snow nest he dug for himself in the snowdrifts under the bed!

The urge to piss is real.

He was dreaming just now, dreaming to go to the toilet in the film and television city to pee.

Now he was really woken up by peeing.

I have to find a way to get out of the snow nest and go out to pee.

However, Li Teng soon discovered a serious problem.

That is, he couldn't get up at all!

His body is completely out of his control!

He vaguely felt his body move, crawled out of the snow cave, and even stood on the top edge of the stone pillar to urinate below.

But in a blink of an eye, he found himself still lying motionless.

It's like a ghost pressing a bed.

He clearly knew that he was awake, where he was, and what he wanted to do, but he just couldn't get up!


Otherwise, continue to sleep.

No, I have to pee!

You can't pee in your pants, can you?

Is the body frozen out of control?

After another burst of dreams and random thoughts, Li Teng suddenly realized the seriousness of the matter.

Could it be that the snow fell heavily again at night, blocking the hole he used for ventilation?

Is his current ghost press state due to severe hypoxia?

If that's the case, once he falls asleep again, he really can't wake up again!

"Wake up! Wake up!"

"Wake up!"

"I can't sleep anymore!"

"Wake up! Wake up!"

The growing urge to urinate finally fully awakened Li Teng's consciousness at a certain moment. His arm moved for a moment, and then his whole body regained consciousness.

Although the body regained consciousness, but the whole body has no strength, as if poisoned by gas.

After touching it with his hand, Li Teng found that the ventilation hole was indeed blocked! There is not much oxygen in the snow cave, and every breath is extremely stuffy!

Dig yourself a coffin?

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