Unknown Prey

Chapter 76

"You are not the only one. I miss our hometown but I love Leo. I can not see my life without him." Kitty smiles and then leans against the pillow. "I am going to nap now. I already finished two of the animals so I think sleep would be a good idea. Good luck with the unpacking, Cindy." Kitty places the books on the nightstand and lays down.

"Have a good sleep Kitty. If they come back before you wake up I will let you sleep and go help the guys bring in the packages and groceries." Cindy glances over at Kitty and then goes to hang up some more of her clothes.

"Yes, thank you. I feel like all I am doing is sleeping these days." Kitty closes her eyes and falls asleep.

Cindy sighs at Kitty remark and once she notices Kitty sleeping she takes her phone to the hallway and texts Carlos. ~Kitty, just fell asleep. I made sure she had a snack but we did not have lunch yet. When she is hungry she will wake up. At that time I will make sure that she eats a proper lunch but there is a chance that you get back before then. I just thought you would like an update on what is going on here. Also, if it is not too much trouble could I please ask you to pick up some lavender incense or candles? Thank you, Cindy~

In the store, Carlos pulls out his phone and checks his text message. ~As for lunch I am sure you are correct. When Kitty is hungry she will wake up and eat. Sure that is no issue. I will add it to the list of requests. I will pick you up what I can find. I am just picking the seeds at the store. I might pick up a plant as well. I'm going to pay now, see you later. Carlos~

Carlos puts his phone away and grabs two plants one is a lavender plant and the other is white lilies. He carries the bag with the seeds and the two plants to the car. He opens the trunk and places the plants in a crate so they do not fall over. He gets in the front seat and starts the car back up. "I know I was supposed to grab seeds but I thought that Kitty would some lilies. She has been hiding her sadness and is trying to cover it up by being cheerful. It is not something that I expect you to notice but when you know someone for years you begin to learn their habits." He starts the car and drives away from the flower shop.

Luke looked forward and saw the next store. "I understand but then what is the lavender for?"

"It was a request from Cindy. I do not know what she wants lavender scented things. I thought that grabbing the real plant may help as well. I will still grab candles and incense sticks as well." Carlos parks the car and gets out. "Let's get the rest of the shopping done and head home." He walked toward the shopping center.

Luke got out and followed Carlos into the store. "On top of what is on the list, we are grabbing a few extra things. Is there any way that I could grab some things as well? I know better than to grab a whole bunch of stuff now. I know that you needed me to come on this trip just to get the one package."

"Sure kid. It would only be fair if you were allowed to grab something for yourself. Everyone else seems to have made a request of some sort. I will grab something small and add it to the bill since it is Leo who will, in the end, be paying for all of this. You need to be quick though I want to get home as soon as possible." Carlos goes and starts hunting down the requested items.

"I will go and grab some things and be back then I will grab the extra items on the list since I have the list," Luke grabs a basket and takes off towards the aisle. He looks at the list and starts to grab some of the random things on the list. He walks down the baby aisle and spots an adorable white cat plushie. He picks it up and adds it to the basket. 'This is something I will buy with my own money. I am glad that I bought my wallet with me. I didn't think I would be buying anything but this plushie is too adorable to pass up and it is extremely soft.' He walks to the craft section and starts looking through the supplies and spots a box that he could paint and give to Kitty as a gift. 'I could place the ring in this box and carry it in a gift bag that way Kitty will not be able to see it. That is a much better idea to get it in the house. Also, I can hide the plushie in the bag.' He adds the box to the basket and then goes to find a gift bag that way he can execute his plan.

Carlos walks around and finds what could remember from what Kitty asked him to grab. "I hope that I haven't forgotten anything I will double-check with Luke when I find him.' Carlos walks to the crafts aisle and when he doesn't see the kid he walks to the bag aisle. "There you are, Luke, I am glad that I found you. I wasn't sure where you would be when I didn't see you in the craft area. I got all of these things what is left on the list that we need to grab?" He points to the cart while looking in the basket Luke was holding. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.webnovel.com <a href="https://www.webnovel.com">www.webnovel.com</a> for visiting.

Luke looks in the cart and looks at the list, "it looks like the only thing that we didn't grab was the chocolates on the list. I wasn't sure which ones to grab as it just says chocolates"

Carlos continues to look at the basket in fascination, "I know which ones to grab I thought that we should grab them last as I do not want them to melt. Did you grab everything that you needed to?"

"I did. I am going to pay for a few of my items as they will be gifts for Kitty and the baby. I want to use the money that I earned to buy them." Luke placed a bag the is meant for a baby gift in the basket.

"What a grand idea. I will let you do that and the rest will get added on my bill. I take it that you figured out a way to transfer the ring into the house?" Carlos looks at the baby bag in the basket.

"Yes, I was thinking of putting in the box I found and then carrying it into the house in the baby bag along with the plushie I found." Luke starts walking to the counter. "When the box is painted I thought it would make a nice gift to give to Kitty afterward."

Carlos follows behind him then starts to grab the chocolate bars at the checkout. He grabbed an assortment of chocolate bars and some gummy candies. "I hope that this will be enough for her." The cashier started to ring in everything and Carlos placed the bags in the cart.

Once everything was on the counter Luke started to add the items he grabbed and then placed the divider down and placed the items he would be buying down. 'I really hope that Kitty will enjoy the gifts I am going to be buying. I can not wait for the baby to be born.'

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