Versatile: Alternate World

464 The Black Shadow Dragon of Gluttony

With the addition of myself into the battle, the tide of the current area boss became a bit easier to manage and Sigma have an easier time commanding. Also, even though I am the player that has the lowest level compared to everyone here, I have the highest damage input to the enemy which is the result of having high stats that were distributed from the stats of the Versatile Weapon, and that alone made a big difference in the battle.


One swing upwards sent the crocodile up into the air. That prompts my father and Mr. Teddy to do a follow-up with their punches that allowed them to perform multiple combos on enemies hurled up in the air. And when the crocodile came crashing down, Harmless Sparrow would then wait for the incoming crocodile to use the [Blazing Blade], one of the TIer 6 skills of the Magic Knight class.

Then, the rest is just bombarded with skills by the magicians and pounding it hard with different weapons plus giving it multiple debuffs, it didn't last long for the crocodile to remain standing. And this was done by rinse and repeat. And even if you are the toughest nut to crack, with all the attacks being thrown to the rigid body, it won't take that long enough. The crocodile didn't last long with our efforts to kill it.

As promised, I didn't do the final kill as that might end up forfeiting the reward or even obtaining the item out from its body. Sigma did the final hit and killed the crocodile before it can recover from all the beating.

With the crocodile dead, drops appear and Sigma immediately rips the belly of the crocodile to pull out a small core that is dyed with blood, but under that blood is the pale-color blue. I don't know what that is but I couldn't care less as that is one of the things that Almira wanted them to fetch up.

"Alright, we will rest here for a bit before we move on," Sigma declared.

Once she said it, everyone immediately slumps down to the ground with a tired look on their faces. I am not even surprised why they decided to just slump down after that, with the hours spent killing the boss, anyone who didn't rest for extended periods of time would soon run out of energy, no matter how full of energy anyone is.

Seeing them tired, I pulled up some of the energy drinks I concocted before we left and handed them to everyone. Even if it was a game, energy drinks charge up a person from being quite tired back to their tip-top shape. Still, that doesn't mean they don't need to rest. Nothing can beat a good rest after all.



Soon after resting for a bit, Sigma stood in front of the crocodile's corpse and tilted her head. She is standing there for a few minutes already and I think she is thinking of something about it.

"What's up?"

Sigma looked at me before she returned her focus to the Crocodile.

"I am wondering what to do with the crocodile's remains. Some parts of it seem to be quite usable and if we sell it, or use it as an ingredient for making something, it might benefit us a lot."

Since Sigma mentioned it, I decided to inspect the carcass and check if there are any used parts that we can dismantle and receive. Although it was a crocodile, that doesn't mean the usual parts of a normal crocodile applies to this. Some monsters don't have any good salvageable parts and most are just not good parts of ingredients and it is a waste of time to take them.

"Hmm, there are definitely some good parts that we can use especially the skin but there is not that much we can use to salvage, and based on the blood, the flesh of this crocodile isn't meat we can eat and use for food. Therefore, this carcass has limited uses."

"Is that so? Then what should we do then? Monsters will come here if we leave it here for too long."

"Dismantling the necessary parts is the first way. I handled many monsters that have useful skin to use so I will be harvesting a few bits of them before we get rid of the remains."

"Alright, what should I do to help?"

"You want to help? This will be bloody work, are you fine with that?"

"No problem. I am not afraid of blood or anything disgusting, it doesn't irk me as most people do. So what should I do?"

"Oh alright then, here take this, we will use a special knife to cut open the skin gently. Use that to cut the skin on the other side while I cut the other side using my sword."

"Why are you using your sword instead of using the same tool as mine?" Sigma frowned.

'"Ah, well, you are using my only tool so perhaps that is the main reason. Though you don't have to worry since my weapon can work similarly to the special knife in your hands just the same."

Then, I pulled out my Versatile Weapon and was about to change it to a dagger form when the Black Shadow Dragon on the blade appeared and it made me shocked. I didn't even make it appear but all of a sudden, it appears and is greedily licking its lips. Sigma was also surprised that she immediately pulled out her weapon to get ready to fight but I immediately gestured for her to stop.

But then, the Black Shadow Dragon opened its giant mouth and put its mouth on the carcass.

"Sh*t... Sh*t! Wait, wait! STOP!"

Before I can even stop the Black Shadow Dragon, its big mouth swallowed the whole crocodile in one gobble. The Black Shadow Dragon even burped before it returned to the Versatile Weapon, leaving the place where the carcass lies with only the bloody marks left behind from the wounds that the crocodile suffered after the battle. Not even a single scale or tooth from the crocodile was left behind. All of them went into the void stomach of the Black Shadow Dragon.

The only ones who saw what happened is Sigma and I, no one else from the group since the camp where the others decided to rest is far from the location of the crocodile's carcass which made everyone oblivious to what happened.

"What was that?" Sigma creased her brows with a questioning look on her face, alternating her gazes to me and to the Versatile Weapon.

"Uh... let me explain..."

I decided to tell Sigma about the Versatile Weapon in the end. Even if I lie, Sigma is quite sharp in detecting lies so even if I do, it would just end up as a big disaster instead so instead of keeping everything a secret and lying to her about what happened, I would rather say it to her. Besides, there is no point in keeping it a secret from her in any way.

"Can I look and check on the stats of the Versatile Weapon?"


I handed the Versatile Weapon to her and she checked the stats of it as she reads the stats panel of the weapon, her brows creased before she lets out an "oooh" sound.

"Is this the reason why you are very strong compared to many Versatile Players I meet before?"

"Partly, yes. And I won't deny that due to the pure stats the Versatile Weapon pumps into my character, I can easily surpass any player in higher levels in stats alone which is why I would rather have to keep it a secret to most people."

"I see. I agree with you on your decision to keep it a secret. Just that, this weapon is just too overpowered to the extreme."

"Yes, I am aware. However, you can say that this is a bit of compensation for me to be able to compete and fight monsters with higher levels from me so that farming experience would be a much easier work especially since the Versatile Class is known for its brutal experience bar.

"Now, I get it, the reason why your weapon has extreme stats is due to the fact that you are stuck in the underground before you met up with us allowed you to get various things that would help this weapon grow and become powerful. No wonder you suddenly grow too strong. It was due to this weapon."

"Well, I am sorry to disappoint you. I know that you are looking forward to fighting me again in the future but since you knew my secret, perhaps you are already changing your mind?"

"Ha, no. In fact, I am even more pumped up. The fact that you are at a big disadvantage due to your Versatile Class demerit is already a big reason to say that you are a worthy opponent. I already noticed that in the arena, stats aren't a big matter since even a low-level player with a weapon that can deal 1 damage every hit can also defeat a high leveled player if they know how to properly move their body. Stats are mostly applied only in the monsters and dungeons and I don't think it is a bad idea either. And since during our first battle, you applied your skill in fighting, that alone is enough for me to consider you a worthy opponent."

Sigma smiled and returned the Versatile Weapon back to my hands.

"Welp, there is no more choice to stay here, without any carcass to dismantle, we should get back to everyone else. Just make sure your weapon doesn't do that again. I might be able to hide the facts on it, but if it happens again but it wasn't me who saw it, I don't know what will happen next," Sigma reminded me.

"Yeah, I would need to be very careful."

"Oh, by the way, I have a suggestion once we get a rematch."

"Huh?" I frowned when Sigma suddenly gave me a suggestion.

"Why don't we go spar sometime and fight each other using a weapon that can only deal 1 damage and the player who can reduce the health of their enemy to 1 would win? Of course, your weapon and my weapon are banned, and we will instead rely on our skills and our ability in fighting to win. How about it, are you in?"

Honestly, that wasn't a bad idea. A battle against Sigma is an honor after all and the fact that I am gonna restrict myself to using a weapon that can only do 1 damage per hit, is a big thing. That is a very wonderful suggestion indeed.

"Your on then. I will be happy to fight with you again."

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