Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Chapter 519 A valuable opponent

The road is quiet, and players occasionally walk by, but as long as they don't wear hats and don't show off, they are definitely not extremely cold people. In the Extreme Deep Cold Guild, except for some of the women's legions under Lu Ke who are unwilling to put on that ghostly look, others have already implemented joint make-up. Although they were having fun in the woods, they were too embarrassed to show off their appearance to the public, so when they came out of the woods, everyone wore hats and covered their faces and walked along the narrow paths, which made the ghost very happy.

Six-thirty sharp.

Half an hour had passed since they came to ambush, and finally, the figure of Gui Le that Gu Fei and the others were expecting appeared on the other side of the street. After the Sword Demon took aim, he immediately shouted in the team channel: "The target has appeared, but the situation has changed!"

"What's going on?" everyone asked over there.

"He is not alone." Sword Demon said.

Gu Fei, who was on the roof, carefully tilted his head and could only see half of the street and half of his body. There is no doubt that one of them is Broken Water Arrow, but there are several other players behind and around him.

"Shui Shen, that bastard, must be so troublesome that he summoned some people to accompany him and protect him." Lu Ke gritted his teeth.

"Actually, it's nothing. It's easy to do..." Gu Fei said.

"How is that possible?" Sword Demon said quickly. Of course he understood what Gu Fei meant, but in the final analysis everyone did so many things to protect Shuishen and the brothers in his guild. Sword Demon couldn't do this so casually sacrificing some people.

"You guys decide, then let me know..." Gu Fei took out his sword and put it beside him. He decided to settle down and be a thug. This matter belongs to the guild and brothers, so it's too complicated. He doesn't have the same feelings for these people as Sword Demon Luke and the others, so it's better not to express his opinion.

"Xiaotian, what do you think?" Lu Ke asked Xi Xiaotian, the chief planner of this operation, for advice.

"Uh... you guys make up your mind!" Xi Xiaotian also stayed out of the matter.

So Sword Demon and Lu Ke were left struggling. And the target is getting closer and closer.

"Let's do it!" Lu Ke suddenly gritted his teeth and sent out a message.

"Ah?" Sword Demon was surprised. His opinion was that he wanted to give up first. Unexpectedly, Lu Ke and he had no tacit understanding this time.

"These idiots. It would be a good idea to teach them a lesson." Lu Ke said.

"But..." Sword Demon wanted to say something else, but he didn't expect that Gu Fei had already stood up from the roof and jumped down.

"Sword Demon, you don't have to do anything, I'll be here." When Gu Fei sent this message, people on the street had naturally noticed him and there was an uproar.

But how could the sword ghost choose to avoid it at this time? Then without saying anything, he walked out from behind the sack and stood quietly next to Gu Fei.

"Look for him. The others can leave if they have nothing to do." Gu Fei pointed his finger at the water arrow. Necessary reminders have become a habit of Gu Fei's.

No one flinched, but everyone stepped forward.

Gu Fei turned to Sword Demon and said, "Look, we gave them a choice. They chose this path of death themselves, so don't be so burdened."

The sword ghost smiled bitterly, what kind of choice is this! How could someone really leave like nothing happened after hearing such a sentence?

"Hmph, you will be the one who dies, right? The president had expected that you would come again." The person on the other side sneered.

"Has he expected it? Then why did he call you here? You don't have a good relationship with him at ordinary times, right?" Gu Fei wiped the sword with the corner of his clothes. It was stained with some dirt when he put it on the roof just now. Compared with that, he didn't like it very much. When he saw the mage's robe, Gu Fei was more concerned about whether the weapon was shiny enough.

"Stop talking nonsense!" the other party shouted, leading several brothers to rush forward. From the professional configuration of these people, it can be seen that this team is indeed planned. Warriors, thieves, archers, mages, priests, and knights. Except for the fighter, these six major professions are indispensable in a mature team. These professions all exist in the team in front of you. This is true in Linyin City. But it's not easy. The popular team here is a bunch of lurkers, and other professions exist like embellishments.

"Don't hesitate." After Gu Fei slapped Sword Demon, he immediately set an example and stepped forward to face the opponent's surging impact. He moved in an instant and floated behind him. The opponent was still dazed and turned around. With a sharp double flame flash, the three of them were reduced to ashes on the spot.

"Are you really showing no mercy at all..." Sword Demon felt a little horrified. Although he had fought alongside Gu Fei many times, at least he was the real enemy every time. This time was somewhat different, but Gu Fei's determined attitude was no different.

He raised his hand and killed the three of them instantly. Gu Fei's killing aura was so strong that those guys couldn't help but be shocked. The previous aura was gone after Gu Fei struck the sword with the three of them. In Xi Xiaotian's words, my heart has begun to become weak and hesitant...

However, I was too full of words at the beginning. How could I give up easily at this time? I had to bite the bullet, otherwise there would be no such idiom as riding a tiger but being unable to get off.

However, Gu Fei did not use the momentum of this sword to suppress Endeavor. Instead, he turned to look at Duan Shuijian: "Comrade Lao Duan, he

Hands, don't bother people with personal grudges, let them go quickly. "

"That's a good statement." Broken Water Arrow actually nodded and said to the players in a deep voice: "Everyone, let's go first. This brother and I have something to say."

"Lao Duan!!" Of course everyone understood the intention, but none of them moved. People are always strange. When others think that you should die with them as a matter of course, no one is willing; when others ask you to live alone without them, everyone behaves generously.

"This is my own business and has nothing to do with you. You go first." Duan Shuijian said.

"Impossible, we must walk together and die together," everyone shouted.

"Okay, okay, okay." Gu Fei couldn't stand it anymore, "It's completely different from what I imagined! You can die together."

In fact, Gu Fei had a purpose in being so ruthless. Suppress the opponent with one move, let the opponent see how terrible he is, and then use his words to suppress Broken Water Arrow. What this guy is busy with now is to win people's hearts. At this time, Gu Fei predicts that he will deal with Gu Fei on his own very boldly and let others move quickly.

It's just that Gu Fei guessed the beginning, but he didn't expect the ending. These guys turned out to be generous and heroic in this situation, and no one was willing to leave. What's even worse is that the dialogue is so cliche. It’s really hard to guess people’s hearts! Gu Fei couldn't help sighing, setting off waves of fire, and striking with flying speed. Gu Fei knew that although the sword ghost stepped forward, he was still conflicted in his heart, so he didn't want to embarrass him and kill everyone first.

"Why bother!" With the last sigh, the whole group of people was wiped out, and everyone returned to the resurrection point without even touching the edge of Gu Fei's clothes. Gu Fei lowered his long sword to his side and looked at Broken Water Arrow.

"Good skills." Duan Shuijian nodded.

Gu Fei raised his eyebrows: "It takes a little effort."

"I am different from them." Broken Water Arrow began to roll up his sleeves.

"If it's different, I'll help you evaluate it. Don't worry, I'll be very careful." Gu Fei raised his sword.

"You should know that you were able to cut me yesterday because you were lucky." Duan Shuijian said.

"If you didn't mention it, I really forgot. It turns out that I already chopped you yesterday." Gu Fei scratched his head, "Then you're in luck. I always have a special understanding of how to chop people again after I've already chopped them down.


"Hmph..." Duan Shuijian sneered and then suddenly took action.

With a flip of his hand, there was a flash of light, and a strong wind had reached Gu Fei's face. Gu Fei quickly turned his head and felt a shock on his cheek. He reached out and touched it, and there was already a trace of blood.

Looking at Broken Water Arrow again, he was surprised that Gu Fei was able to dodge it. What he was holding in his hand was not the exaggerated and exquisite long bows commonly used by Yutian Shenming and others, but a short crossbow. And looking at the posture with his right hand raised flat and his left hand dragging underneath it, it doesn't look like he's shooting an arrow. It's more like shooting a gun.

Gu Fei suddenly reacted. If this guy is really a retired soldier as the rumors suggest, then military knowledge and close combat are not all his advantages. Shooting! Perhaps this is his strongest point. Regarding this technology, how can ordinary people like Yutian Shenming and others who have never touched a gun be on the same level?

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Broken Water Arrow's index finger twitching again, obviously intending to pull the trigger. Gu Fei quickly used his footwork to spin to the side, and a cold light shot past where he was standing.

"Good eyesight, good reaction!" Duan Shuijian said calmly. He originally held his left hand under his right hand, and turned the four fingers upward slightly, but it happened to cover the movement of his right index finger. Gu Fei could no longer use his left hand. His shot is judged by the movement of his index finger.

"The best way to knock down your opponent is to masturbate." At this time, his father's old words echoed around Gu Fei. Of course, with Gu Fei's current martial arts attainments, he knows that his father's words are just a metaphor. It means that modern technological weapons have greater speed and damage than Kung Fu. It does not mean that pistols are any better than Kung Fu. go.

But this is also applicable to the Broken Water Arrow at this time. The shooting speed of the short crossbow in his hand is much faster than the bows of Yutian Shenming and the others. What's more terrible is that the range of movement is too small. At this time, the left hand blocks the right index finger. , even the slightest amplitude is gone. Being so hidden made Gu Fei very troublesome.

This feeling is really like meeting an opponent with a gun in reality.

However, in reality, even if you hold a gun, you still have to talk about your shooting skills. For ordinary people with a gun, it is difficult to say whether they can hit a ten-meter target. As for Broken Water Arrow, if he were a soldier, he would have been proficient in this project. Now in the game, there have been significant system assistance corrections. It is even harder to deal with him than in reality.

But faced with this dilemma, Gu Fei actually smiled happily. In reality, you still have the chance to meet opponents who compete in kung fu through interviews, but such opponents are really rare! It's so great to be able to play this game... (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, please log in to mm, there are more chapters, support the author, and support genuine reading!)

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