I'm taken to get CT scans and I'm asked questions such as how old I am, who my parents are, where I'm from, if I'm an exchange student, if I live nearby and the best one yet is "How do you speak such fluent Korean?" Sadly, I can't answer that one. I'm shocked by that as well. I can hear them speaking Korean and I know I'm speaking English but when they speak, it's like it comes to my ears already translated. Somehow, I'm the only one that notices that we are speaking two different languages yet still understanding each other.

When I'm taken back to my room Min-Joon with Secretary Chang are waiting for me.

"She has a mild concussion so that can be symptoms for memory loss" the doctor says. I can't believe that he actually found something, I just lied through my teeth.

"You mean she has amnesia?" Secretary Chang asks. I have the urge to hit him. Why is it that in dramas they always ask obvious questions?

"Yes" the doctor says.

Min-Joon looks at me. His eyebrows furrowed. Does he think I'm faking?

"How long will this memory loss last?" Min-Joon asks.

"The brain is a very fragile thing, it could last from a few days to a few months, it could even develop into long-term and her memory may never return. There is just no way of knowing. What's left for us to do now is to call the police and wait." The doctor said. He bows to us and walks out.

"Secretary Chang" Min-Joon says.

"My sources haven't found anything on the name Hannah Elizabeth Morgan. Her laptop is full of essays and PowerPoints on school projects. But the names of the students on the PowerPoints and the professor's the essays are addressed to; none of them exist. As for her phone, none of her contacts answer and we checked her pictures. She has pictures of herself with other people so we put those through facial recognition but just like everything else, nothing comes up."

They looked through my stuff? I remembered when I first came here my laptop came with me, but my phone was inside my backpack. That must mean that all my stuff came with me, including my wallet that has my driver's license, credit card and money.

"Did you check the CCTV's on how she got into my office?" Min-Joon asked him. Never taking his eyes off me.

"We did. There were no signs of her. It's like she just appeared out of thin air" Secretary Chang answers.

"Hannah Elizabeth Morgan, who the hell are you?" Min-Joon asks me. His eyebrows furrowed but he had a grin on his lips.

As I thought. I don't exist here and neither do the people I know. Although they found out who I really am, they still think everything there is fake. Usually people in my position end up in jail. Staying silent and playing the amnesiac is my only trump card.

"Hannah? Is that my name?" I ask Min-Joon. He looks at his secretary.

"Wow. She really doesn't remember anything" Secretary Chang said.

"You heard him. Everything we found on you it's all fake, so the name Hannah could easily be fake as well" Min-Joon said.

"If you knew this why didn't you tell the doctor?" I asked him.

"What good would that do? They'd still call the police. An unidentified girl with no memory. Calling the police is the logical thing to do"

"What are you going to tell the police?" I asked him.

"You'll see" he tells me.

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