Yang Tian didn't have to wait long as 15 minutes later, Hua Shi Yin approached with a man in black:

- We should retire to my place, this place is about to close.

Yang Tian looked at his watch, it was pass 9:30pm and the restaurant closes at 10pm. He nodded and followed Hua Shi Yin out. On the way, he couldn't help but teased her:

- You are inviting me to your place this late at night. Aren't you afraid that your husband will get the wrong idea?

Hua Shi Yin said with a straight face:

- He's not here at the moment, I'm here on the orders of my father.

Yang Tian didn't say anything else. It seems that it wouldn't be easy to clarify her relationship with her husband. The three came downstairs and there was a car waiting for them. There were more men in black sitting inside the car. Hua Shi Yin gestured Yang Tian to enter.

He didn't say anything and get on the car. Yang Tian felt that these people weren't just here for her protection but rather to monitor her. The car arrived at a large mansion, situated in the middle of the district.

Yang Tian and Hua Shi Yin entered the house and as the men in black followed, she stopped them:

- We have important matters discussed, you guys don't need to follow.

A person spoke up:

- Master entrusted your safety to us and we are not to be separated from you.

- No need to remind me, father had left me in charge before we left. If anything happens I'll bear the responsibilities.

The men heard what she said and didn't refute her. They bowed:

- Then please excuse us, take care of yourself young miss.

As they said that, they looked at Yang Tian. He shrugged and thought: "What are you looking at? If I have bad intentions, do you think you can stop me?".

After they have left, Yang Tian followed Hua Shi Yin inside the house. After she closed the door, one of the men in black pulled out his cellphone:

- Master, the young miss led an unfamiliar young man back and wouldn't let us stay.

The voice from the phone said:

- Just continue to watch her from afar. No need to alarm them.

- Understood.

At a faraway place, a middle aged man sitting in front of a window put down his phone and looked to sky outside, muttering:

- Shi Yin, don't disappoint me. I'm not afraid to let you follow after your mother.

At this time, Yang Tian and Hua Shi Yin had entered the house and was sitting opposite each other. Yang Tian examined the house, it was quite spacious but there were little decors which made the house felt empty. Hua Shi Yin seemingly understood what Yang Tian was thinking and said:

- This mansion was bought by my father so we'd have a place to stay when we are here on business. It's rarely been used so the decors are quite simple.

Yang Tian didn't say anything. This place made him felt uncomfortable, as though someone is listening in on his conversation. As he stood up and walked around, Yang Tian found 7 rhombus shape devices tucked inside hard to spot places. He brought them to Hua Shi Yin:

- Come and take a look at these.

Hua Shi Yin examined them and without a word toss them into a fish tank nearby. She said solemnly:

- Those were listening devices. It seems that Hua Qi is still very wary of me.

Outside the mansion, a car suddenly appeared. There was a screeching noise coming from inside and a person had to turn off the machine. The man smiled wryly:

- It seems that the young miss has found out.

- Impossible, these are the most advance listening devices in the country and we placed them very carefully. There's no way that she could've known.

A man in black nodded:

- It must be the other youth.

- Should we inform the Master?

- No need, the master said to ignore them. We don't need to push further else the young miss would get suspicious.

Yang Tian was very intrigued by these listening devices at the same time. He was utterly ignorant of these high tech devices and resolved to consult with the people from the Dark Society in the future.

Looking at Hua Shi Yin, Yang Tian asked:

- You know who set up those listening devices?

- This house belongs to Hua Qi so you tell me who could place them here.

Yang Tian nodded:

- It seems your relationship with Hua Qi is very complicated.

- You scared?

- I truly wanted to feel defeat once more but I don't think there will be any future opportunities.

Hua Shi heard what he said and was at ease. She then said with a straight face:

- I asked you here to talk about something important. Do you want to cooperate with me this one time?

Yang Tian said impassively:

- You have to explain some more. What kind of cooperation?

- I want to work with you to annihilate Hua Qi.

Yang Tian was surprised. From the previous exchange, he could guess that their relationship was bad but he didn't think that it was to the point of death.

- Isn't Hua Qi your father?

- You don't need to worry about that, you just need to agree. After the deed is done, I'll let you manage half of Hua Qi's forces. You must know that Hua Qi is in control of 20 provinces in the entire country.

Yang Tian had a disinterested face:

- That can be discussed later, I'm more curious about your relationship with him. Tell me then I'll decided if I would cooperate or not.

- You really want to know my story?

- Knowing your partner is a very important aspect in a cooperation. You should know this better than me.

Yang Tian used a bit of knowledge that he learned from economic class. Although this guy was very lazy, he did pay attention if  he went to class. Hua Shi Yin was quiet then said:

- Fine, I'll tell you.

- I am Hua Qi's daughter with a mistress. When I was young, he killed my mother right in front of me. From then on, he has always been on guard with me. Everything I do is monitored. The only way I can get my freedom and my revenge is to kill him.

Yang Tian nodded:

- Short and sweet, I accept your proposal. However what do I get if we succeed?

- Like I said...

Yang Tian interrupted her:

- I have no interest in managing an underworld organization, the stuff with Biao Zheng Long was just me casually helping him out.

Hua Shi Yin frowned, she guessed that the powers behind Yang Tian was massive. If not then he wouldn't be so disinterested in Hua Qi's forces. However, aside from that she could think of nothing to satisfy Yang Tian.

After a moment of silent, Hua Shi Yin gritted her teeth:

- If you help me get my vengeance, I'll be your woman.

Yang Tian was surprised, although that was his goal all along, he didn't think she would get straight to the point. Yang Tian only wanted to get some small benefit from her this time. After all, killing someone like Hua Qi is more than simple for him. The person is not a good guy so Yang Tian didn't feel bad killing him.

- You sure? But I heard that you have a husband.

- Don't worry, my relationship with him was established by Hua Qi for his benefit, he never touched me. With Hua Qi gone, I'll divorce him.

Yang Tian laughed:

- Speaking of which, isn't out relationship pure for benefits? After you are done with me, I guess you'll also toss me aside, is that right?

Hua Shi Yin sneered:

- That all depends on you. If you can make me fall for you, then you don't have to worry about anything.

- No need to provoke me. But you aren't wrong, haughty women like you are very attractive to guys like me. I'll accept this deal, leave Hua Qi to me.

Hua Shi Yin was taken aback, she originally wanted to work with Yang Tian to take down Hua Qi. However seeing Yang Tian's confidence, she couldn't help but asked:

- You sure? Hua Qi's strength is not as simple as you imagine.

Yang Tian was confident:

- No worries, I'll be more than enough to take care of him.

Hua Shi Yin could only nod:

- Good, I'll return to the capital tomorrow. If you need anything, call me.

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