Silvermoon Elf, Fire Sun Elf, Night Elf, Hymn Elf ...

All the pure blood elves have corpses. The rulers of the Nessel Dynasty, the distinguished pure blood elves, are like garbage here. The bodies are thrown everywhere ...

And then continued to move forward, as expected, the body of the dragon also began to appear, and then the body of the five-colored dragon, a huge five-colored dragon, the body is scattered like a hill around the ancient road in the sky, many pure The blood elf's body fell on the bodies of those five-colored dragons ...

Within three minutes, Lin Yun saw the body of a three-headed golden dragon.

Lin Yun's eyes stared at the corpse of the three-headed Jinlong for a few seconds dumbfounded.

What the **** happened, where is it, and what happened?

Involuntarily, Lin Yun remembered what he saw on the journey to the Apocalypse.

Is also the unclear number of the dragon's body, the unclear number of the blood elf's body, the rare five-colored dragon, the body is everywhere there.

算 Even if it is the strongest three-headed golden dragon among the five-colored dragons, it is as powerful as a god, and one of them has fallen there.

And now, I also saw the body of a three-headed golden dragon here ...

The three-headed Golden Dragon is dead, but the eyes are still open, and the empty eyes are looking deep into the ancient road of Xingkong. I don't know what kind of emotion he is carrying.

Zhe Linyun frowned and moved on. Slowly, she was numb ...

In the legend, there are a few pure blood elves. The corpses are everywhere like garbage. The more rare five-colored dragons, Lin Yun has already seen the bodies of hundreds of five-colored dragons ...

I continued to move forward for a long time, and finally Lin Yun's numb face appeared a look of horror.

Beside Xingkong Ancient Road, a huge body thousands of meters high quietly floated beside Xingkong Ancient Road.

The corpse's body was covered with verdant green plants capable of dripping water, and there were even flamboyant blood-colored flowers in those plants.

The corpse has a deer body, six legs, a human body on its upper body, and antlers on its head that look like dry branches.

The badger looks like a half-horse with two legs. The skin is emerald green and covered with dense and strange patterns.

Zhe Linyun stared blankly at the corpse, her head humming.


A corpse of God!

If you say which god, Lin Yun's impression is the most profound, and his characteristics and power are most understood, that is the Lord of Nature!

When I first crossed through to the end of the world, out of Heather City, there was an endless desert. The whole world could not see any green. The only thing that could be used as food in the whole world was the disgusting sand worms.

At that time, Lin Yun heard someone say that if the Lord of Nature is still alive, the Lord of Nature is the herder of the forest, all herders are subjects of the Lord of Nature, and even in the age of God, many elves , Are the subsidiary races of the Lord of Nature.

主 The Lord of Nature is one of the very few gods who love peace. His power is related to plants. He can turn the desert into an oasis and can produce endless green plants. Nuisance

When Lin came to the last days, Lin Yun was especially hoping that if he had the power of nature, he could eat at least a bit of plant fruit, even if the bark of the cormorant would eat the leaves better than those disgusting sandworms.

So I found a lot of things about the Lord of Nature in the Barren Library of Heather City.

Lin Yun's appearance and strength, and even the patterns on his body, are clear.

According to legend, the Lord of Nature has fallen in the midst of the disaster in the end of God's time, but no one has found the body of the Lord of Nature, and has never recorded it. I did not expect that the body was here!

Thinking of this, Lin Yun couldn't help but think that the former Seventy-two Gods still had many powerful existences comparable to the gods. After the end of the God era, when the Nesser Dynasty opened, their bodies did not seem to be in Northrend. The world is found.

You know, even if the body of God is fallen, it is impossible to find a trace of it. It is more difficult to destroy a body of God than to destroy the soul of God. Many of the body of God are impossible. destroy.

The Northrend world couldn't find the body of the **** at all. Then, there is the body of the disappeared Lord of Nature. Then, are there more bodies of the **** behind?

Zhe Linyun looked towards the ancient starry sky where the end could not be seen, and her eyes were somewhat empty.

"Merlin, did you find it? The Lord of Nature died a little strangely."

When Lin Yun was staring at the starry sky, all of his hair was stupefied, and Anfa's weird voice sounded in Lin Yun's ear.

Juan Andfa's three faces were weird and frightening, looking at the body of the Lord of Nature, and even a little trembling ...

"Merlin, haven't you found out? The Lord of Nature seems to die under his own power ..."

Suddenly, Lin Yun's head turned to the body of the Lord of Nature. When he saw the body of the Lord of Nature again, Lin Yun's pupil narrowed to the extreme.

"Damn, why is this happening?"

Zhe Linyun couldn't help but exclaim.

When I saw the Lord of Nature just now, I was just stunned by the sudden discovery of the body of the god, and the one who died was Lin Yun's first familiar god, and even the most impressive god.

现在 But now, after being reminded by Anderfa, Lin Yun was stunned.

The Lord of Nature died under his own power?

The corpse was covered with verdant green plants to drip oil, and the glamorous blood-colored flowers were all signs of the Lord of Nature. Those who were killed by the Lord of Nature would be like this on the body ...

But, it is the Lord of nature who is dead now!

Of all the gods, only the Lord of Nature has this power. What is going on?

Suddenly, Lin Yun started running back to the shard of a dozen kilometers, found a dead body of the night elf, and after a closer inspection, he found that the chest of the night elf was under a tremendous force. Through, and the traces permeated on the wound, it is obvious that the magic arrows of the night elves penetrate.

I walked back again, and Lin Yun examined each body carefully.

Neither the pure-blooded elves nor the five-colored dragons were overlooked, but after checking hundreds of them, Lin Yun's face was a little weird.

The corpse of Yanyan Sun was like it was burned by the hot sun ...

Destroying the corpse of the black dragon is like being corrupted by the power of terror ...

Until the corpse of the three-headed golden dragon was found, the cause of the death of the three-headed golden dragon was that the back of the three heads were directly penetrated by huge forces, and the size and traces exactly matched the claws of the three-headed golden dragon.

In other words, this three-headed golden dragon was killed by another three-headed golden dragon!

尸 The corpses that were examined before, whether they were pure blood elves or five-colored dragons, were all killed by their best strength.

All the corpses are the same as the death of the Lord of Nature, they are all killed by their own power!

Zhe Linyun stared blankly at the bodies of these pure-blood elves and five-colored dragons.

"Did they have an internal strife here in a distant era? Can they kill each other? Why are all people killed by their best power?"

Andrfa was already a little trembling when he spoke, and he asked questions strangely.

Zhe Linyun shook her head, staring at the distance of the starry sky.

"No, it's impossible. I've observed it carefully. Whether it's a five-colored dragon or a pure blood elf, their bodies will turn to ashes whenever they touch them. That is to say, what they looked like when they died, for countless years. What time does it look like now?

The way they fell, it seemed that they had experienced brutal fighting, and all of them were fighting side by side, and finally all died here.

It is unlikely that two pure blood elves and five-colored dragons are killing each other. The most important reason.

The Lord of Nature also dies under his best strength. Pure blood elves and five-color dragons are still possible, but there is no second Lord of Nature to kill him. What is going on, I can't understand ... "

I didn't understand, Lin Yun continued to move forward, but it didn't take long for him to move forward, just past the position of the Lord of Nature, Lin Yun stopped.

Vaguely felt that an energy storm was raging ahead, and even felt that the energy storm was spreading to this side, and it would pass here soon.

He hesitated for a moment, and Lin Yun remembered what Redman had repeatedly told him.

The energy storm is still far away, but Lin Yun has given a completely irresistible feeling. After a moment of groan, Lin Yun is ready to go back.

But suddenly, Lin Yun turned his head, a flash of horror flashed in his eyes, and looked into the depths of the starry sky.

Deep in the starry sky, where energy storms are raging, where Lin Yun is standing, on this ancient road in the sky, at most even the outermost, but still can feel the terrible energy storm here, it can almost tear up one Small plane of terror.

And just behind that energy storm, there were battle waves coming from far away. Looking deep into the sky, it was as if a horrible energy raging area suddenly appeared. The stars there were all horrified by this horrible energy storm. Scrolling.

看起来 Every star that looks very small is like a small stone entangled in a vortex, and is drawn into the storm of energy, and then it is constantly torn and reduced to countless fragments.

Zhe Linyun knows that the stars look very small, just because the distance is too far. Those stars that look like small stones, each have a diameter of at least thousands of kilometers or even tens of thousands of kilometers.

There is even a gaseous star that is significantly larger than other stars. The stars are surrounded by countless apertures, which are caused by small meteorites captured by the stars.

At this moment, the gaseous star, which is obviously dozens of times larger than other stars, is like an egg that is constantly being deformed by the energy in the energy storm, and then the gas spins into the raging energy storm.

The plutonium energy storm distorts the starry sky. It looks like the starry sky is about to collapse. This horrible change, even if it is a sky-level strongman, will not be immersed in it, it will be instantly wiped out.

This is the real Netherstorm, which can destroy the terrorist forces of each plane.

What stunned Lin Yun was that the battle waves coming from the rear of this energy storm, the energy storm could not suppress the covered battle waves, and constantly came from the back of the energy storm.

With the battle of such strong men, behind the energy storm, the deep void can be seen faintly, as if it is constantly collapsing.

Who? Who is fighting in the depths of the sky?

I didn't know how far apart I was, and even penetrated the energy storm to spread here. Lin Yun's eyes were shocked and completely frightened.

This is obviously beyond the power of the heavenly order, no, it is beyond the power of the heavenly order, I do not know how much terrible existence exists in the depths of the starry sky.

Zhe Linyun looked at the depths of the starry sky and couldn't be calm for a long time. After a few seconds, she turned decisively and left.

In this open starry sky, the distance you can see is very far. The area where the energy storm is raging seems to be tens of thousands of kilometers away, but Lin Yun sees it. The area where the energy storm ravaged was extremely outrageous. At least tens of thousands of kilometers were affected by the energy storm.

I think maybe an hour later, the energy storm will rag here. Lin Yun has even seen the ancient roads of the sky are collapsing. If they are spread, they will be lost in this starry sky forever if they do n’t die.

The two or more powerful men fighting deep in the starry sky, even if Lin Yun is no longer curious, he dare not explore.

I glanced again at the body of the Lord of Nature, Lin Yun frowned and walked back along the ancient road of the starry sky.

I do n’t know how long it ’s been away ~ ~ From a distance, you can see a huge light gate floating quietly on the surface of the galaxy at the foot of the galaxy, and the galaxy continues to extend towards Unknown depth.

Seeing the gate of the starry sky, Lin Yun stopped and sat on Xinghe, quietly feeling everything around her.

The battle waves in the depths of the starry sky have reached here, and they can still feel a little faint from time to time. Even the raging energy storm comes here, and still can see a rough outline.

Suddenly, Lin Yun looked up into the depths of the starry sky, and a light spot that looked the size of a fingernail suddenly flickered in the starry sky.

After more than ten seconds, the flashing light point gradually faded, and even the vaguely seen, the orange light point seemed to be torn and torn, and finally disappeared completely ...

Zhe Linyun's face could not help showing horror.

Stellar ...

Damn, the strong man who fought in the depths of the sky, tore up a star?

Aunt, the smallest star, I am afraid that it has hundreds of thousands of kilometers in diameter, right? Who the **** is it? Who fights deep in the sky?

Are these distances, are these energy storms the fluctuations that occurred when the star was torn?

Zhe Linyun stared blankly at the dim light that had flickered away completely, a little unbelievable. (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation. )

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