Chapter 184

How big the smallest star is, Lin Yun doesn't know much, but he knows that the one that can emit that kind of light must be a star, and it is very large, even if it is the body of a demon, standing next to the star It's almost like a stone by the sea.

But what power can be so powerful that it can extinguish a star?

Suddenly, Lin Yun suddenly felt that many of the things I saw in the barren library of Heather City were completely incapable of expressing what they should be, especially for the Heavenly Order, even beyond the Heavenly Order. The description of its power cannot be used as a reference at all.

力量 That kind of power can only be felt, but cannot be expressed in words.

Always following the records in the books as a reference, Lin Yun suddenly felt that he might be bound by the books and completely underestimated that the Heaven-Strength Powerhouses, or even those who surpassed the Heaven-Level Powerhouses, could have the fighting power they could bloom. How strong.

The descriptions in the books are always mortals under the heavenly order. The gap between mortal and heavenly order is terrible, and after the advanced order, the gap before each level is also terrible. The higher the level, the higher the level. The gap is as difficult as a world to bridge.

Now, Lin Yun finally understands a bit, because it is not expressed in words at all. Then, when the Northrend world developed to its peak, how powerful would those powerful and near-magic mages be?

Su Linyun suddenly felt that he seemed to greatly underestimate the strength of Northrend's development to its peak ...

Sitting in front of the Starry Sky Gate, Lin Yun's heart slowly calmed down. Even if there is any danger coming here, he can go back across the Starry Sky Gate for the first time, and on the other side of the Starry Sky Gate, that The huge pressure like the deep ocean is probably to prevent any accidents in the starry sky.

Even if the energy storm rages over, it can't tear up the starry sky door, even if it is poured into the starry sky door, it can't turn out any waves on the other side.

Lin Yun closed her eyes and quietly felt the fluctuations in the starry sky. The various rules here are very obvious. Especially the fluctuations in the rules of space are the easiest to feel. The endless starry sky allows anyone to enter. At this point, you will feel your own smallness, and even give birth to a kind of inner fear.

Even if it is the terrorist power that almost collapses the stars and extinguishes the stars, for the entire sky, it is only a small wave ...

Zhe Linyun sat in the starry sky with her eyes closed and motionless, her magic wave slowly weakened, and finally dissipated slowly.

Then the breath of life seems to be slowly weakening, and finally completely dissipated. The whole person seems to be integrated into this starry sky, full of ancient and all-inclusive breath permeating the starry sky.

I do not know how long after that, Lin Yun suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes became dull, and there was a faint star sky flickering in his pupils.

However, Lin Yun ’s body surface does not have any magic fluctuations. It looks like an ordinary human who has never learned magic. Even the breath of life has become very weak. It may be too weak to detect with life detection. The existence of Lin Yun.

Xu glanced deep into the starry sky, Lin Yun turned and walked into the gate of the starry sky.

He stepped out one step, and the huge pressure around him, as if in the deep sea, reappeared, suppressing Lin Yun's body from all directions.

这 But at this time, Lin Yun did not use any magic power, nor did she support the shield. It seemed as if she could resist the huge pressure here with her body alone.

Redman was already waiting outside the gate of the starry sky, seeing Lin Yun come out, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Lord Mafa, you are finally back. If you don't come back, I'm going to look for you. Wait, Lord Mafa, what's your magic?"

Redman looked at Lin Yun with a look of horror. He couldn't sense any magic fluctuations in Lin Yun's body. He thought that Lin Yun encountered something unexpected in the ancient road of the sky, but instantly, Redman responded. Come here, even the pressure here is to support the shield, but Lin Yun did not support the shield and did not show any discomfort ...

Damn, what the **** is going on? What exactly did Mafa encounter in the ancient sky?

Is he able to withstand the huge pressure here with his body alone? Even the Heavenly Order Juggernaut needs fighting to resist pressure here. Did he encounter any treasures that strengthened his body to an incredible degree?

No, no, Mapha's body looks completely the same as before, but he also did not support the shield ...

I was like the pressure here, all slipped along his body, there was no repression on him, and it was as if he had almost integrated into it and became part of the pressure ...

What exactly is going on……

Redman's complexion is very exciting, because his strong man at the top of the third rank of the Heavenly Order needs to use magic resistance here, but Lin Yun is not yet Heavenly Order, but he does not need to use magic to resist at all ...

Most importantly, he can't understand it anymore. After returning from Xingkong Ancient Road, Lin Yun became inscrutable and couldn't figure it out ...

Lin Yun smiled, did not answer Redman's question, but simply said four words.

"Benefits a lot."

Redman sighed.

"In fact, I have been worried that you will never be able to return after entering the Xingkong Ancient Road. There were many strong men in the Meilin family before. After going deep into the Xingkong Ancient Road, they were completely lost in it.

That Xinghe is arguably the most critical coordinate and guide, but in the Xingkong Ancient Road, there are so many dangers that no one can predict, and if there is any accident, you may not find Xinghe. Xinghe may also disappear temporarily.

You know, in that kind of place, a little angular deviation, the final distance difference may be tens of thousands of kilometers. In the endless void, it is too normal to get lost ... "

Lin Yun nodded, some mages may not understand, but Lin Yun is a traverser, he ca n’t understand it. In the starry sky, if there is no complete coordinate, it is impossible to find the target. If he is lost and lost Without coordinates, even something as big as the sun may not be found ...

At the peak of Northrend's world, no, not just at the peak of Northrend's world, at any time, as long as a strong person enters the endless starry sky, most of the final results will disappear forever, and then again Didn't come back.

The biggest possibility is that they either fell into the sky or were completely lost.

"Isn't there anyone who can get lost for so many years?"

Zhe Linyun asked casually that other people might get lost, but this ancient road to the sky controlled by the Meilin family has guidelines, and even this guidance cannot be completely believed.

Redman seemed to remember something.

"It is true that none of the lost people can return, but once there was an ancestor. When lost, a message came back, exactly a letter.

But the news is too vague, it looks like coordinates, but it is not the coordinates of Northrend world at all, none of us can figure out what is recorded above. "

Zhe Linyun originally only asked a question casually, but did not expect it to be.

It seemed that Redman had ignored the news for a long time and thought about some misery.

"It's been too long, and we've all ignored this letter.

When this letter was transmitted back, we specially looked for archeologists to do research. The raw materials and craftsmanship of this letter paper were only available in the early and middle periods of the Third Dynasty.

This kind of stationery can not be damaged when it is transmitted, and the content will not change, but the raw materials have been completely extinct in the middle and late period of the Third Dynasty, and the craft can only be mastered by the top forces of the Third Dynasty. of.

At that time, it appeared as a substitute for the writing materials of the magic scroll, and the effect was only slightly weaker than that of Warcraft skin. "

"The magic scroll of the Third Dynasty?"

Su Linyun suddenly said, using paper instead of Warcraft to write magic scrolls, this kind of thing, including the previous era, only the third dynasty's magic scroll paper can do.

Redman nodded.

"Yes, this is a bit weird. At that time, the ancestor used the paper of the Third Dynasty and transmitted the message back. Naturally, it was treated seriously by the family.

The above information has also undergone cracking, but the cracked information is the coordinates of a place. After we went there, the things we got were of little value.

In addition to those, there is another disc mark, which is very complicated. The family at that time also found a creator to help, but it was only a satisfactory mark. It was impossible to determine what it was. This kind of precise alchemy device is some kind of special sign. "

Zhe Linyun's expression moved.

能让 "May I see the stationery? Should there be any?"

Redman shook his head.

"The original stationery is stored in the depths of the family. I am not qualified to get the original. However, there is no one printed here. In order to understand the meaning of the family at that time, all the heavenly powers have one. A hardcopy. "

Redman took out a flat crystal, and the top print was sealed in the crystal.

Gao Linyun took the crystal and looked at a series of inexplicable characters written on it, and the disc mark below. His face remained calm, but his heart seemed to set off a huge wave.

Reed Push's Plate!

之一 One of the core components of the shelter tower!

I ca n’t forget anything, Lin Yun ca n’t forget this, and it ’s impossible to read it wrong. The special structure looks like a disc, but the structure and texture above are completely different from the general alchemy texture.

Even with the full-right angle alchemy pattern that appeared later, it is completely a weird to unique construction method.

Coupled with the lines constructed on this thing, a unique rune combined will definitely not be mistaken!

Zhe Linyun held the crystal plate, lowered her head, and looked at the content on the paper blankly. The scary color in her eyes could not be hidden anymore. It seemed that the endless starry sky was flashing wildly in the pupil.

(To be continued)

A person from this era used a stationery from the third dynasty to return a very obscure message with the mark of the disk of Redpus, one of the core structures that sheltered the tower.

You must know that the disk of Red Push appeared only when the Northrend world reached its peak.

Hold a stationery but span three eras. Is there anything weirder than this?

Looking at the crooked characters above, it looks like coordinates, but the Merlin family must have bothered to study it, and there is nothing of value in the place found.

Using the magic energy array, he calculated a little, and Lin Yun suddenly hesitated.

This is indeed a coordinate, but the algorithm and reference used are not used in this era at all, or in other words, they are not spread in this era at all ...

东西 Coordinates need a reference object to locate a certain coordinate, and then use this as a reference to describe a coordinate for another location.

A simple coordinate is meaningless at all.

And this, the crooked characters above, the reference used, is certainly not the calculation method that can be used at this stage ...

Zhe Linyun looked at the crystal plate, but it is difficult to calculate it in a short time, because I don't know what kind of calculation method is used to write this coordinate.

"Sir Redman, can I take this crystal to study it?"

For the sake of insurance, Lin Yun still decided to take the printed copy to study it. Although the above information has been written down, there is no guarantee that it will be ignored.

"Lord Mafa, just take it away."

Redman responded casually, then closed the Xingkong Ancient Road, and then led Lin Yun out of here, and immediately left Lin Yun and left.

Oh my god, if I stay with this kind of monster for a while, I will go crazy, his strength has reached a point that I ca n’t understand, how he did it, even stood in front of me, I Some did not feel the breath of his life.

The monster is really a downright monster. When the terrible monster of Thornton Merlin appeared here, I did n’t have that feeling, I did n’t understand it at all. You must know that Thornton Merlin ’s terrible guy was It's already heavenly order.

Even if Thornton Merlin's strength has exceeded me too much, I can no longer sense the strength of the other side, and the feeling that Marfa gave me will not appear, what is going on?

Forget it, no matter what, this monster is not something I can guess at all, or just report it to Lord Balakla ...

Redman hurriedly left with a ghost-like expression, no matter how Lin Yun left his ancestral land.

When Redman left, Lin Yun could not wait to start to crack the information on the stationery.

After lingering for more than an hour, Lin Yun was finally relieved.

I did not expect to use an algorithm of the red sun and starry sky in the third dynasty, using the scorching sun and stars as a three-dimensional reference algorithm.

This algorithm appeared in the third dynasty, and many alchemists who sought accuracy at the time liked this method.

But because it is too complicated and the accumulated knowledge is too high, except for some of the top alchemists at the time, it has not been popularized at all, and no one in the current alchemist knows this algorithm.

Until the peak of Northrend's world, the endless planes were conquered, ordinary positioning algorithms could not be satisfied, and the error rate was relatively high. This kind of complex algorithm that can even be used as spatial and plane positioning was dug out and popularized .

The result of the last operation is located to a place in the Kingdom of Odin.

I put away the crystal, and Lin Yun had a plan that came up again.

That is to build a shelter tower in advance!

Before getting the natural half-plane, and the natural half-plane is operating more and more like a real world, Lin Yun temporarily stranded the plan to build a sheltered tower in advance.

建立 Because the establishment of an asylum tower requires not only huge to immeasurable wealth, but also the design of an asylum tower.

Zhe Linyun's wealth now is almost comparable to a great force, but it is not enough to build a sheltered tower. More importantly, the complete design of the sheltered tower.

Zhe Linyun didn't ...

Because in the future, there are no complete design drawings in the barren libraries in Heather City, and there are only some construction drawings that are not so important.

A lot of core building parts, there is no such thing as a design.

It is like the disk of Red Push, one of the core components of the sheltered tower. When it appeared at the peak of the Northrend world, it was a complete component. It was not created by the mage of that era, and it was impossible at the time. Under the circumstances that one can be recreated, the craziest mage would not dare to dismantle the Redpus disk to study.

现在 But now, the location pointed out on this stationery is likely to be the place where Red Push's hides, and Lin Yun once again raised the idea of ​​building a sheltered tower in advance.

As the strength gets stronger and stronger, the invisible feelings become stronger and stronger.

The moment I saw the mark of Red Push's plate ~ ~ Lin Yun suddenly felt that sheltering the tower might be very crucial.

In the future, the Northrend world will destroy this message, just like a sharp sword hanging on his head. He can only watch the sharp sword slowly fall down.

I am not sure if I can reach the level of detachment when the magic of the Northrend world begins to dry up. I cannot be so powerful that Northrend ’s destruction will have little effect on myself. Is he a magic apprentice or a transcendence heaven? There is no difference in the rank of the strong.

Natural half-plane, the development is indeed very smooth and perfect, with great potential to develop into a real world.

But the natural half-plane is not very reliable. As more and more truths and secrets come into contact, Lin Yun feels that the natural half-plane has developed into a real one before Northrend's destruction. The world may not be able to protect him.

The most important thing is that the development of the natural half-plane is getting harder and harder, and whether it can develop into a real world before the Northrend world is destroyed, no one can be sure of this, and the possibility is not high.

Sheltering the tower is probably the most critical thing. After returning to this era, Lin Yun came into contact with the events of the previous eras, and vaguely felt that the magic of the Northrend world began to dry up. Masters, it is impossible not to notice in advance.

The establishment of a tower of asylum may be the last resort against the doomsday disaster of the Northrend world.

(To be continued) []

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