
I am alive dont worry. I know this is a bit short.

But I have some how gotten a job and my teachers

have decided to give midterms and papers making me

extremely busy.

I will try for another chapter later today, and it will be longer.


A sudden slamming and loud footsteps made the three of them look up. They hadn't realized what a racket they had been making, but of course, someone downstairs must have heard the crashes and the troll's boasting. A moment later, Professor McGonagall had come bursting into the room, closely followed by Snape, with Quirrell bringing up the rear.

"What are you three doing here?!" McGonagall said while fussing over the three making sure that they were ok. "Do you not see what is going on you are lucky you haven't been killed. Why aren't you in your dormitory?"

Then a small voice came out of the shadows. "Please, Professor McGonagall -- they were looking for me."

"Miss Granger!" Hermione had managed to get to her feet at last. "I went looking for the troll because I -- I thought I could deal with it on my own -- you know, because I've read all about them. But this is way different than what I read."

"Indeed it is there has never been any record of such a mutation."

Hermione continued talking, "If Nova hadn't showed up when he did, I'd be dead now."

"And we followed Nova to make sure Hermione was ok. We just haven't gotten a chance to leave yet." Harry explained.

"Mr Void? Where is he at, why don't I see him?" McGonagall asked looking around.

"Well you see Professor, Nova . . . he, uh . . ." Harry tried explaining.

"He turned into a giant dragon!" Ron exclaimed.

"Now Mr. Weasley, I know this has been a taxing ordeal to be caught in, but to come up with something like this." Professor McGonagall tried saying.

"He is telling the truth, Professor. Nova really turned into a dragon. And was fighting the troll." Hermione explained with both Harry and Ron nodding their heads in agreement.

Hearing the explanation of the events that have taken place the professors looked at each other and then they hurried to the courtyard where Nova was at. On the way over, Hermione had noticed what was left of his clothes. As she picked them up, Hermione saw Nova's wand fall out of the pocket. When she saw the unique wand, Hermione felt a strange desire to hold the wand, and as she picked it up there was a faint shattering sound and the world to her went dark.

Not realizing what had happened to Hermione, the group that was in the courtyard stopped in front of Nova and looked at the devastation that was around them. As the noticed Nova's mangled condition, they heard the rumble of thunder and looked up. In the night sky above, they saw large thunderheads gathering and crackling with purple lightning as it danced across the sky. Suddenly as a bolt of lightning came down a golden dome appeared and covered Nova at the same time throwing back the professors, Harry and Ron. As the lightning made contact, the dome surrounding Nova started to crack. And with each progressive strike, the cracks got larger and larger, until the golden dome burst into pieces. But the sky was not done yet.

After coiling and moving through the air, a bolt of electricity far larger than the ones before, came hurtling down and seeing this McGonagall and Snape both waved their wands trying to stop it but the spells they cast were torn to shreds. Then out of the corner of their eyes, they saw Hermione wave a sunset colored wand and flames the same color burst out the end and wrapped themselves around Nova and protected him as the lightning struck slowly wrapped itself around the flames. Then the flames and lightning flew back to Hermione and coiled around her like a cocoon. And like nothing had even happened the sky went back to normal.

McGonagall and Snape moved to approach Nova and Hermione, while Quirell at some point had run off scared. As they got closer they felt and oppressive force that seemed to weigh them down and made the air vibrate. It lasted a few seconds, before dissipating. Looking at each other the two professors seem to be puzzled on what just happened. Unsure of what just happened, McGonagall magicked a stretcher for Nova and the flame cocoon which was Hermione, but the flames just burned it up on contact. Puzzled on what do McGonagall started lead Nova away, and when she did the the flames pulsed and started to follow Nova.

Seeing this happen both professors were simply to stunned by the events of the day to care anymore. So leading the stretcher to the hospital wing McGonagall left and Snape remained to clean up the mess. Meanwhile Harry and Ron took it upon themselves to leave without anyone noticing.

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