When Professor McGonagall brought the unconscious and injured Nova into the Hospital Wing, Madam Pomfrey just about had a stroke herself seeing the blood trailing and pooling under his mangled wings. She magicked him onto a bed and pinned his wings up over beds that were brought close together while listening to everything that McGonagall told her. As she tried to use magic the spells that she cast just bounced right off him rendering her healing in effect. And seeing that there was nothing that she could do she, turned to the flame cocoon that Hermione was currently in and she just shook her head.

"What am I supposed to do in this situation?" Madam Pomfrey asked. This one is unaffected by magic and the other one is wrapped in flames and lightning. The most I can do is wrap him in bandages but to do that I need to set these wings, but I take care of wizards, not whatever he is."

"Indeed you are right Poppy. Minerva could you go find Hagrid, he should be able to do something. I do believe he should be able to fix these to an extent." Dumbledore said as he just appeared out of nowhere.

Professor McGonagall nodded and hurried off, while Dumbledore looked carefully at Nova's wings studying them. He then turned to Hermione's cocoon and tried to approach it but found he was unable to from the steady pulse of heat that it put out.

Minutes later, Professor McGonagall came back with Hagrid trailing close behind her.

"Professor Dumbledore, sir, you need my help?" Hagrid asked.

"Ah, yes, Hagrid. I have a dragon that needs your attention." Dumbledore said.

Hearing this Hagrid's black eyes lit up and started to look around, "Umm, Professor Dumbledore I would be happy to, but why are we in the Hospital Wing?"

"Your dragon is right here, his wings are terribly injured and you are the only one with experience dealing with wings of this nature." Dumbledore said as he moved the curtain the was covering Nova from view.

Hagrid upon seeing Nova was shocked. He saw a boy laying in the bed with dragon like wings sprouting out of his back, it would have been a sight to see but they were all broken and damaged.

Not really knowing the situation, Hagrid began to pull stuff out of his oversized jacket, and with all sorts of oversized scraps of cloth and silvery cord which everyone identified as unicorn hair, Hagrid started to set and fix to the best of his abilities Nova's wings.

"I believe I got it sir, the wings didn't seem any different from thestral wings. But I won't know until the boy wakes up how they are."

"Thank you Hagrid. Poppy. That will be all." Dumbledore said. Hagrid nodded and walked off, while Madam Pomfrey went into her office.

As Dumbledore continued to observe the sleeping Nova, he sensed a stronger presence around him than before. Then he turned his attention to the cocoon of flames, Dumbledore was fascinated by the site. As he got closer his eyes widened. It gave off the same energy that Fawkes had and with a small call to Fawkes, who appeared seconds later, his guess was right. He then remembered a conversation he had with Nova about phoenixes, as Fawkes looked at the cocoon he seemed to shy away from the flames and gave a small bow to the force within the flames. Then surprising both Professor Dumbledore and McGonagall Fawkes flew into the air and started to sing. The phoenixes' song was a happy yet sad as he took off around the castle, as Fawkes sang the cocoon started to thrum and seemed to be singing with him. As it thrummed the ball of fire slowly expanded out as tendrils of flames shot out in multiple directions. As the flames moved about, they found where Nova was laid and slowly wrapped around him as if giving him a hug. Seeing the situation the two professors could help but feel that there was something going on that they didn't know about. As the song started to fade so did the tendrils as they started to flicker and break apart. With the last remnants of the song, the flames converged together with a bright glow and started to take the shape of a person but before it could finish, the song ended and the condensed flames made and audible pop as they imploded leaving nothing but a fainted,naked Hermione with a glowing wand in her hands. As if noticing her situation, the wand gave one last pulse of energy before constructing a sunset gown to cover her.

Seeing what had happened, both professors were amazed and Professor McGonagall said, "Albus how did the wand manifest matter directly?"

"I do not know." he replied. Dumbledore then waved his wand and lifted Hermione off of the floor and placed her in the hospital bed. Next he then tried to pick up wand to observe it but sensing what was happening the dull wand shot a bolt of lightning out as a warning to him. Then as if giving a small uff the wand levitated slowly and moved itself to the counter next to Nova.

"Professor McGonagall it seems like many changes are about to happen in the world." Dumbledore said in an aged voice.

And little did he know how true that statement was.


A few minutes after the Tribulation


When Nova had done the Blood Rite, the column of flames that were formed had indeed stopped but not soon enough. For the force of the flames had carried on through space and quickly tore a hole through the Laws that governed Space. And as luck would have it the flames carried the Divine Power of Nova sending them through the orb and causing numerous tears and cracks to form in the already failing world orb.

When the flames shot out of the orb, they immediately burned through the restriction placed on the orb including damaging the seal that Nova had place on it. Unfortunately though the Barrier Master had been standing in front of the orb when this happened and was incinerated from the flame.

Feeling the power of the flames rip through the Void, Samuel appeared in front of the World and started to laugh at the fortunate event that had happened.

"It seems that the Forger has done me a favor." Samuel laughed. "Caretaker what seems to be the situation now?"

The Void rippled once more and the Caretaker then appeared. After studying the orb for a few moments, "Master Samuel it seems that the barriers surrounding the orb have now been broken but the restrictions of only allowing a soul to pass are still there. Also the Forger has regained the power we sealed from him, but it seems he will only be able to see the awakened fragments of Lady Phoenix, any dormant fragments will still be hidden unless something triggers them."

"Good proceed to start sending in our next soul." Samuel instructed. With a low bow, the Caretaker reached into the Void and pulled out a woman bound in chains with a half crazed expression on her face. One could tell from looking at the woman that she was once very beautiful, but now she had a scared face with sunken cheeks and her once lavish dress was torn and bloodied.

"Samuel my master will kill you." the woman said.

"Silence Messenger! You are in front of the real master." The Caretaker then struck the woman across the face.

"You just wait until the Master is free he will burn and mangle you." The woman said to Samuel after spitting out a mouthful of blood. "You will never be able to kill him."

"You know you are correct I won't be killing him. You will be killing him yourself." Hearing this the woman became confused, and Samuel then pulled a syringe that glowed a dark poisonous green. Seeing this the woman began to struggle.

"NO! I won't do it. Stop don't do this." She felt the chains tighten around her and Samuel took the syringe and injected the liquid into her.

The woman's eye's then opened wide and developed a misty look over them. "Master I await your command."

"Kill the Forger." Samuel said.

He then snapped his fingers and the chains fell off. Samuel then picked up the woman off the ground and without separating her soul from her body, Samuel shoved her into the orbs opening.

"My lord wait only a soul can enter!" the Caretaker said.

"Who cares she doesn't need her body anyways. And can always regrow it." Samuel laughed. But as the woman was pulled into the world, hidden formations that surround the floor and room activated.

"Warning you have violated the World Laws. You shall be punished." The Sanctuary spoke.

"What? You have no control over me!" Samuel shouted.

"You shall be stripped of your vessel and sent to a lower world." Suddenly a chains appeared out of the cracks of the world and dug into Samuels body and started to drag him into the world.

"NO I refuse to accept this." And began to rip the chains out from his body, but as he did the broken links started to form more chains. Finally free of the chains for a second, Samuel started to escaped through multiple void rifts that he had stacked on top of each other. But unfortunately the chains were made to punish and are immune to Void Laws. As they chains grabbed hold of Samuel once more they started to drag him into the world, with one last bit of resistance Samuel looked at the Caretaker.

"Continue with your assignment. I will be back." And with that the chains ripped Samuel from his vessel and incinerated it in the space between worlds. Unknowingly to Samuel, his struggle had sent him to an unknown time and caused cracks and rifts in space to appear that connect to various realms within the Void.

Seeing this the Caretaker smiled and pulled out a flail, "What fun game should I play today."


Sorry for the delay. Trying to get back on schedule.

Going to try for a mass release within the next few days to get caught back up.

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