Puzzled at the diadem's behavior, Nova followed behind it as it moved at a steady pace. After going to the top floor, it came to a rest in front of a lone cell. Inside was a witch that was sitting down mumbling to herself.

\"Pardon me, but can I have a moment of your time?\" Nova inquired. The witch's head shot up and she raced over and grabbed Nova and started to laugh.

\"Hahahaha! I got the little boy!\" the witch cried out.

\"Yes, yes very funny.\" Nova said, as he studied the witch. This witch was quite odd, evn perhaps a little mad. Though that might have been from her time in the prison, she had thick dark hair and though it was covered in grime, white skin. She had a mature body, though it had been wasting away in this prison.

\"Now here is some soap, hair cleaner, and a towel. Take a shower. I don't feel like cleaning you myself or talking with a filthy mortal.\" Nova said.

The witch reeled back when she saw how Nova cared little for what she had to say. It bothered her that he didn't fear her. She then saw the Diadem and panicked. Then reached out and grabbed the clothes that Nova wore.

\"Where did you get that?! You should not even have My Lord's property.\" The Mad Witch cried.

\"You will do well to remove your hands, mortal. I will not ask again, clean up or I will clean you myself.\" Nova said, releasing some pressure.

The Mad Witch jumped like she had been electrocuted. Seeing that Nova meant business, she grabbed the items and began to clean herself. Though she had the gaunt features, she still had her womanly assets. It made Nova wonder if she looks like this now, how much better would she look with a few proper meals.

While the witch showered, Nova saw that she kept looking his way. She seemed to be overly conscious of him being here. Nova then glanced at the clothes that she had been wearing and burned them.

\"Hey!\" The Mad Witch called out.

\"Silence woman. I am doing you a favor. No one puts filth back on a clean body.\" Nova said. He then snapped his fingers. The snap reverberated around the walls of Azkaban. Moments later a dementor showed up and lowered itself before Nova.

\"Bring me a prison uniform.\" Nova said. The dementor flew off and came back minutes later with a new one. \"Leave us.\"

When Nova dismissed the dementor, it flew off and rejoined the others outside on the roof.

\"Here clean clothes.\" Nova said. The witch then came forward with the towel wrapped around her and began to change.

She then came and stood before Nova.

\"Now who are you?\" Nova asked.

\"I am the Most Beloved and Loyal to the Dark Lord, Bellatrix Lestrange.\" Bellatrix, the mad witch said.

\"Beloved? Ha. Yeah right. You were just a horny-bitch that the Dark Lord kept around.\" a man to the right said.

\"Shut your mouth, Rodolphus, you pathetic excuse for a man.\" Bellatrix yelled.

\"Pathetic? Remind me who was thrown out of the Dark Lord's bedroom after failing to seduce him?\" Rodolphus yelled back.

\"That was just a misunderstanding you soft cok basterd. If you could actually get it up I wouldn't have to listen to your mother about not having children.\" Bellatrix yelled back.

\"ENOUGH! Now be silent\" Nova said, his words making the floor tremble.

\"You pint sized shrimp-\" Rodolphus began.

\"Stop Breathing.\" Nova commanded. Rodolphus immediately started to choke and desperately began to claw at his lungs trying to get air.

\"Now where were we? Ah, yes. I see that you recognize the diadem. You said it was the Dark Lords. That is incorrect. This crown was a gift I forged for my wife, eons ago. And that filthy parasite leached off her soul to help nourish the one that he placed in here before I incinerated it.\" Nova said.

\"You destroyed the Dark Lord?\" Bellatrix exclaimed.

\"No, I merely erased part of the parasite's soul. The parasite is currently locked in a box having his soul slowly burned for the rest of eternity.\" Nova stated matter of factly.

\"All that aside, this diadem has an awakened part of my wife's soul in it. It came out a little while ago and came up here and stopped. So I am taking that as a sign that the soul fragment wants you to be it's host.\" Nova continued.

\"What are the benefits?\" Bellatrix asked.

\"Celestial Beauty, Immortality, and a few other things. It's nothing major though. Oh also you can help prevent this world from collapsing making it where you never existed. So what do you say?\" Nova asked.

\"You had me at Celestial Beauty. Now the Dark Lord won't be able to ignore me?\" Bellatrix said with a crooked smile.

Nova was just going to pretend he didn't hear that part. Nova then took out his wand, \"Ok my dear. If you please.\"

The Sunset Wand began to glow and shot a light out of the wand and sent it into the Diadem. A second later the soul fragment that was in the diadem came out and began to glow.

Then to Nova's surprise the soul fragment split, one half flew into Bellatrix and the other half went back into the diadem, which then put itself back into Nova's ring.

\"Oye! What is this about? Why did you split that soul? I know you can hear me, I need an answer.\" Nova spoke to the wand.

\"Young man. I know I am crazy but don't you think it's even crazier to speak to your wand?\" Bellatrix stated.

Nova gave her a deadpanned look.

\"Look here lady. This wand as a soul fragment in it as well. The wand knows what it is doing. She is trying to get me to settle down and have a family with these fragments. But no. I am not giving in!\" Nova defiantly said.

\"YEAH YOU TELL HER MAN!!\" Every man in the prison said.

\"You degenerate ass/holes shut up and play dead again!\" Nova called out.

Azkaban male prisoners went catatonic once more.

Nova then turned to Bellatrix, \"Any questions?\"

\"Wait for me to get out. I make you the second most important man in my life. I will first revive My Lord, make him succumb to my divine beauty. Yes the plan is perfect!\" Bellatrix cackled.

Nova then made that face that every man makes, when the woman in front of them is a little too crazy.

\"Ok listen here. Now that the soul is inside of you, you will need to spend time meditating and improving the soul to strengthen it.\" Nova then started to explain the process of soul strengthening to her.

Now as he explained, Bellatrix did ask the occasional question. But as they talked Nova also analyzed her soul. He saw that it was split and saw that it was originally a big bear sized dog, much the same as the man who could turn into one. But her soul was broken, and would probably take some time to heal. It also explained her mental instability.

After a few minutes of explaining, Bellatrix then went and started to strengthen the soul, while muttering, \"Divine Beauty. He can't deny me a child with this now.\"

Nova then started to walk away, and as he did he could help but feel that he was forgetting something.




I, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, met the most unusual child today while thinking of the love and affection the Dark Lord will give to me for my faithfulness. My Lord is a wonderful person. But that aside it all started a week ago, I watched some shitty Auror bring in a prisoner with wings and bound in chains. After the Auror left, the dementors swarmed the cell, I laughed with glee waiting to hear the child's agonizing screams of torture. But nothing ever came. Strange, were my ear's broken?

I then saw the child walk out of his cell, thinking, while holding a dementor. I think my eyes are now broken. Maybe I am now just seeing things, there is no one more powerful than My Lord, and even he would touch a dementor much less hold it like a rag doll.

The next few days got even stranger. This child with the dragon wings, started to clean Azkaban and do repairs and upgrades. Something is seriously wrong. Maybe I am just imagining things, it wouldn't be the first time. Then one day he came up her and installed a shower, fixed the toilet and oiled the door. Yep none of this can possibly be real. I mean, it only took him a few minutes and he did it by hand. Maybe a dementor Kissed me?

The next day, a miniature golem served shepards pie. Did the child kill off the cooks? Or did he torture them to death? No fair, I wanted to join.

A few days later, the boy appeared in front of my cell. Of course he was just an illusion. Or so I thought.

When I reached out and grabbed him, to my surprise he was real! Hey! What is Ravenclaw's Diadem doing here?

He vaporised My Lord? Impossible. Imprisoned inside the child? Maybe I can seduce him?

Why is he giving me a bar of soap and a towel? Take a shower? In front of him, only the Dark Lord shall see me bare! But because he seems cute, I will make an exception this one time.

Did that dementor come when he snapped his fingers? My Lord can't do that, is this child a god?

Did he just say celestial beauty? As in divine beauty? My Lord will be able to resist me now. I will become an absolute beauty that can rival gods plus with my immortality the Dark Lord can't help but be mine. But first I need to get out of prison.

Finally Rodolphus stopped talking. Wait that soul just split, and now he is talking to his wand. Maybe he is as crazy as me? No, I will have Divine Beauty. I cannot be crazy.

Yes I now fully understand. I will begin this refinement. Then after i am done, the Dark Lord can't help but bed me. Then that child will succumb to my beauty.


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