
I know it is short. But here is last friday's chapter.


After Nova started to walk away he heard Bellatrix start to laugh but he chose to ignore it. Since it was not something he would rather think about, he chose to ignore it. And like that time in Azkaban slowly passed.

As the days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, things started to change in the prison. The first thing that happened was the dementors built a throne for Nova in the center of the prison. It was made of black obsidian. Of course Nova never used it. He also conversed with many of the prisoners, who started to come out of the broken person's sleep and started to regain their sanity. And every once in a while, Nova would go and converse with Bellatrix, who after eating properly filled out her natural figure (A/N: cough *Busty Milf* cough), and found that she was extremely focused on the enhancement of Astoria's soul and slowly enhanced the number of tail feathers from the one she started with to four in a matter of two months. Though Nova mainly associated that with her single minded obsession to improve her figure. He also found that she was a good person to converse with and though she was mad, Bellatrix still was highly educated and knowledgeable in many fields.

Nova had also spoken with the dog man, Sirius Black, and found out much of his story. Though Nova couldn't really feel sorry for Sirius since there were many obvious signs that the man known as Peter was a traitor, he still felt that someone should have looked into Sirius's case a little bit more. After hearing that Peter Pettigrew could turn into a rat, Nova made a small face, as the image in Sirius's head of the rat looked a lot like Ron's rat, Scabbers, but Nova put the thought to the side for a later date.

Some time around the Spring season, there was a disturbance in the prison. Not so much in the prison but outside of it. The Dementors came and got Nova one evening while he was laying down in his dragon form and pointed towards the entrance. Nova, understanding what they are trying to tell him, shifted back to the human form and walked down to the entrance. He was greeted by Fudge, some Aurors, and to his surprise Hagrid.

\"Good evening gentlemen. What brings you here?\" Nova said.

\"You, what did you do to the prison?!\" Fudge exclaimed. \"And why are the maintenance crew and kitchen staff tied up outside?\"

\"Oh nothing much. Just a few simple repairs and upgrades.\" Nova said with a shrug of his shoulders. \"And as for the staff, well I didn't like the quality service that they were giving so I replaced them with my own staff.\"

\"You don't own this prison though.\" Fudge said.

\"Yeah. And?\" Nova said.

\"And what did you do to the dementors, why are they not patrolling the prison?\" Fudge said.

\"Don't know.\"

\"And why are not you in your cell?!\" Fudge said while pulling his hair.

\"I didn't want to be in there and why is Hagrid here?\" Nova stated.

Hearing this question, Fudge seemed to have calmed down some and regained his \"I am in control look.\"

\"Well. As it seems we were wrong about you having been the culprit. And instead it was the previous culprit: Rubeus Hagrid. After you left there was a quiet calm but just the other day and yesterday. A ghost and a few students were attacked.\" Fudge explained.

\"Nova you can't believe him. I wouldn't do anything and it wasn't Argog.\" Hagrid stated fiercely.

\"Be quiet you!\" An Auror said.

\"So I am free to go then.\" Nova said.

\"Well. . . no not exactly.\" Fudge said. \"You are still a dangerous creature and we can't let you go around doing as you please.\"

Nova had a deadpanned expression on his face, surely this mortal was stupid but this was getting ridiculous.

\"But didn't you say that you would let me go once the proof that it wasn't me was cleared?\" Nova said.

Nobody said a word.

\"Hagrid, who were the students attacked.\" Nova asked.

When Nova said this Hagrid burst into tears, \"It is terrible Nova, Nearly Headless Nick was petrified with a student in Hufflepuff and then yesterday during the Quidditch Match they found two girls in the library as well. One from Gryffindor and the other from Ravenclaw.\"

\"But who were they.\" Nova started to feel something was wrong, since Hagrid knew just about everyone at the castle. He was hiding something.\"

\"Hagrid. Who are the two girls that are petrified?\" Nova asked. But Hagrid just sobbed louder.

\"Since he is racked with guilt I will tell you.\" Fudge stated matter of factly. \"It was a couple of Muggle Borns. A Ms. Clearwater and your friend Ms. Granger.\"

When Nova heard this, a blast of pressure was released off of him. He then unfurled his wings and leapt into the sky. As he started to fly, Nova ripped a tear in space and slipstreamed himself to the castle.


Sorry for the Delay. Had some personal stuff pop up unexpectedly.

Will be posting chapters for Satuday-Today that I owe in a few hours.

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