When Nova arrived at the castle, the first thing he did was go straight to the Old Man. When he arrived at the office, he didn't find anyone there, so Nova then went to McGonagall.

\"Where is the Old Man?\" Nova asked?

\"Professor Dumbledore was dismissed as the HeadMaster of the school yesterday.\" McGonagall calmly stated.

\"What moron decided that?\" Nova said.

\"Professor McGonagall we have a problem.\" Snape then just burst through the door.

\"Nova we will talk about this later.\" McGonagall said.

Nova then went to the Hospital Wing to look at Hermione. When he had arrived, Madam Promfrey allowed it since she knew she couldn't control Nova.

When he arrived at the bedside, Nova took a strong look at Hermione's soul and let out a sigh of relief. But it was also quite concerning as well. The form of petrification had grown stronger and what Nova now saw instead of a frozen soul was a series of grey chains binding the soul in place. Nova looked at the other two children and saw the same thing in them. Nova then looked at Nearly Headless Nick. His case was a little different since he was already dead.

Nova then walked up to Nick and grabbed at the chains that were forming around his form. With a strong yank, Nova pulled the chains aways.

Nick then let out a loud gasp of air as if he hadn't been able to breathe for centuries.

\"Nova thank you. You freed me.\" Nick said.

\"Not quite Nick. I have only abated the petrification slightly. Even now the Chains of Petrification are fighting to return to your form. Normally this would kill a person doing this but you're already dead so I wasn't really concerned.\"

\"How considerate of you.\" Nick said dryly.

\"Nick I don't have time for your sarcasm. What was the Void Creature that attacked you?\" Nova said tensely. He was starting to lose his hold on the chains since they were soul bound to Nick at the moment.

\"I, I am not really sure to be honest. I saw a large snake for a brief second and then as the world started to turn gray, I heard laughter. It was the laughter of the heavens but it was soft and kind.\" Nick said.

Hearing this Nova gasped, \"No!\" and in his second of shock, the chains broke from his grasp and they recoiled around Nick. Petrifying him once more.

Nova just stood there. He couldn't believe what was just said to him. How could such a thing be. They would never do such a thing to anyone.

Nova was starting to aimlessly walk around the castle, and soon found himself in the Gryffindor common room and could only stare at the fire in the fireplace.

After some time, he was interrupted when Harry and Ron burst in through the portrait.

\"Nova!\" Harry said. \"You are back! Yout wont believe what just happened. Hermione-\"

\"I know.\"

\"And Hagrid-\" Ron started.

\"I know\"

\"But Nova. Hermione figured out that the creature was-\" Harry continued pulling out a paper from his pocket.

\"It is a Basilisk.\" Nova whispered.

\"How did-\" Harry started to say.

\"All students return to their House dormitories at once. All teachers return to the staff room. Immediately, please\" McGonagall's voice could be heard through the school.

\"Ron we need to inform the teachers about the basilisk.\" Harry said to Ron.

\"Wait, you idiots.\" Nova tried to say but they were already gone.

Shaking his head, Nova stood up, since he knew what he had to do. Nova then walked out of Gryffindor Tower and went to the Ravenclaw Tower.

When he approached it a raven headed knocker spoke, \"What has roots nobody sees, taller than tree, And yet never grows?\"

\"A mountain.\" Nova said and the door opened for him.

\"Hey you're not supposed to be here.\" A Ravenclaw student said.

\"Sure. Where is Luna?\" Nova said.

\"Why should we tell you?\" A random guy said. Nova then snapped his fingers and the drapes on the windows started to tie and wrapped the person up.

\"Anyone else?\"

\"She is upstairs.\" A girl said quietly.

\"Thank you.\" Nova said and proceeded to walk up the stairs to the girls rooms.

\"Ah but you-\" the girl was trying to tell Nova he can't go up there but after seeing him walk up the stairs, stopped talking.

\"Luna. Are you up here?\" Nova called out.

\"Nova!\" Luna came and hugged Nova. \"Your back!\"

Giving Luna a hug in return, \"Yes I am. Now Luna I need your help with something.\"

\"Anything for my friend.\" Luna said looking at Nova.

\"Good come with me.\" Nova said.

Nova then led Luna out of the tower, \"Since you are bonded with Little Red, it has given you certain gifts that used to belong to my Astoria. In your case, you gained her sight. Astoria was able to see through anything in the worlds, be it people or spatial pockets and though she couldn't directly interfere with them like I can, they could not be hidden from her. I need you to look around the castle and see if any part of it seems distorted or strange.\"

\"Can you help me?\" Luna asked.

\"Sure. First close your eyes, now focus. Imagine that all the walls in the castle have been made transparent.\" Nova said softly.

\"Ok. Got it.\" Luna said.

\"Now open your eyes and keep that feeling in your mind. What do you see?\" Nova inquired.

\"The castle looks so strange. The walls look like jello, and certain parts have a syrupy look.\"

\"Good. Those syrupy sections are what we want. Where are they at?\" Nova said.

\"Well there is one up on the upper floors.\"

\"That would be the Room of Requirement. What else?\"

\"The other one is in the middle of a bathroom on the first floor.\" Luna said.

\"Great. Thanks Luna.\" Nova then started to walk off.

\"I am coming with you Nova. Friends don't let friends go to syrupy rooms.\" Luna said.

Nova heard this and his mouth twitched slightly, \"Fine.\"

He then picked Luna up and jumped over the banister and fell to the first floor and then looked at Luna, who then pointed towards Myrtle's bathroom. When they arrived in the room, Nova saw Harry, Ron, and Lockhart standing in front of the sink.

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