Rising from the centre of this pit of blood was a giant blasphemous totem!

The totem was strange having unintelligible engravings with a crazed face attached to the top of it.

As The corpse master arrived he brought out an sculpture almost identical to the totem in front of him.

As soon as the corpse Master brought out the totem the pool of blood bubbles as a strange phantom started rot manifiest

Seeing this The corpse instantly bowed down on his knees as a cruel voice sounded out

"Today you have disappointed me, Braun"

As he heard this dark yet familiar voice Braun's body instinctively shivered

With a shaky voice Braun began to plead

"My Lord please forgive me! I would never expected that that little bastard would have enough strength to defeat my mumbling terror!

"Enough!" Said the voice interrupting the corpse Master

I'm not here for your excuses. Today, you Braun, have failed me!"

It seems like my favour has given you some untold confidence

Remover your place.

I chose you as my envoy, but I could just as easily choose someone else !

You are nothing special Braun.

my favorite yes, but still nothing special

Until I recover to a satisfactory state what have I told you?

Keep a low profile! don't be discovered!

Now I don't care if someone finds out about the little toys

that you have running around, but a man that knows about me must not be allowed to live!"

Faced with such scalding a from his Lord, Corpse Master Braun didn't dare look up.

His body could only shiver under the otherworldly aura released by his demonic lord!

"Until I recover none shall be allowed to no of mummy presence or anything that can link back to me, so I'll give you another chance Braun.

That boy, the one who stole the death Crystal must be eliminated

And to do that I'll give you some more power but for that I'm going to need even more sacrifices!

You do know the amount of loves it cost to make the original death Crystal? Asked the demonic voice

Hearing this question, Braun remained silent

He was the leader of the operation. He authorised irit so he would obviously know that he gave the order to sacrifice 100 people.

"This time I'm going to need at least 3 times that number!"

As the voice spoke, it wasted no time and using mystical techniques, drew the corpse that Braun had brought with him into the bubbling pool of blood.

The body soon lunged into the blood lol as the pool bunker and burst causing strange phantoms to aired aand start wailing in high pitched screams.

Braun looked up and instantly regretted at as his sights were overwhelmed by the green burning eyes sod his Lord….


A few days later

A red flash could be seen flying over the skies of the nearby villages.

Over the past few days,Dante had been doing this regularly.

Patrolling the skies for any anomalies.

You see after Dante had went back and brought Klent and Lennox over they all began the transport of people back to the Vainwatch city.

But just as Dante had made some considerable distance with the villagers and was nearby Vainwatch city, he noticed something.

Another village was under attack!

And the disturbing thing was that this village was just the start of many!

Over the last few days Dante bad seen many of the nearby villages attacked by the corpse master. As if to make matters worse the Bandit Camp that had previously been dormant had for some reason burst into life!

Dante and the others had been working over time trying to watch over many villages and gradually move more and more people into the Musca sager Vainwatch city but even with that They still failed to save all the possible villages with many bing completely ransacked and annihilated by the time they got there.

Seeing nothing odd, Dante decide their was no point in loitering in the air and headed back to Vainwatch city.

After a short journey, Dante found himself floating over the city once more and descended from the sky

It was at that moment that someone seemed to notice his presence before shouting.

"Isn't that the Dragons son?!"

"Yeah it is" reasoned another!"

Instantly a loud sound of cheers broke out amongst the people

Seeing this Dante couldn't help but smile

All his effort during this period hasn't gone unnoticed.

In such a short period he had become something of a hero, the people simply loved him here even going as far as to give him a nick name "Lord of the sky!"

Such a nickname made Dante cringe even now

But seeing the smiles of the people he couldn't help hut hunk

'Maybe it's not so bad to be a hero sometimes?'

Of course even though Dante was doing a good deed, he would never go unpaid, the stingy nature of Dragon just couldn't allow it.

A lot of funds have been taken from the city Lord as 'protection fees' for not only protecting him but also his surrounding villages.

Since all villages were under the jurisdiction of Vainwatch city so by law, they are required to protect them and failure to do so could even result in punishment from the royal court!

Of course, the measly strength of the City Lord was barely enough to defend against the bandits but now that THe corpse master had gotten involved things were really starting to look hopeless for city Lord Vale.

Fortunately since Dante and the others were here he decided o hire them and Dante was never one to turn down free money.

But of course the people didn't know this, and Dante liked it better that way.

Waving good by to the surrounding people, As Dante landed and headed for the city Lord mansion.


Soon after traveling through the mansion Dante entered the room to see Rebecca's and the rest of the group as well as the city Lord all seated around the table.

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