Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 156: Critical Person

The surroundings are very black, but also very white, both dull and dazzling, as if there is nothing, but also as if it contains thousands of things.

The green grass under the starry sky, the waves in front of the reef, the carvings on the palace wall, the ruins in the deep sea... Countless scenes flashed before my eyes.

His thoughts froze for a moment, then turned slowly.

He has been here.

As always, he forgot some things and remembered some.

Forget about minor, innocuous encumbrances.

Remember those magical, real and important beings.

But that's not the most important thing.

What matters is that he is here.


As his thoughts turned, the end of the world, the mighty power of nature, the heat of the sun, the subterranean current, the activity of life, the silence of death, everything was displayed before his eyes without reservation.

Very comfortable, very free.

It's like letting go of all shackles, getting rid of all shackles, and unloading all heaviness.

There is no gravity, no time, nothing else.

Nothing can restrict his thoughts anymore.

Only he exists here, like a wild horse galloping freely, a bird in the sky free to soar, and a lone fish in the deep sea swimming freely.

roam the world.


Don't worry about anything.

Until he himself becomes the whole world.


A slight discomfort flashed through his heart.

But that didn't matter, like all other unimportant things, he didn't care.

There is only one feeling, which is still stubbornly accompanying him.


not enough.

This impulse came up suddenly and was unstoppable.

not enough.

A faint impatience rose in his feelings.

Far from enough!

He wants more.

Want to know more, know more, get more!

With this thought, he began to ascend.

It's amazing.

He is like the rising sun, with infinite light and heat, rising to the endless sky.

Higher and higher.

faster and faster.

And what you see, hear, see, feel... more and more.

faster and faster!

Until the edge of his senses, the endless deep space appeared.

Dark, silent, desolate.

So beautiful, magical, indescribable, as if at the center of everything.

Get him drunk.

But that wasn't what attracted him the most.

At that moment, he saw a mist in the deep space. The mist was dark and misty, and it was covered heavily, but countless dazzling white lights penetrated, and the light flowed like water, flickering slightly.

what is that?

Just as he had this idea, the mist permeated with white light moved slightly!

They spread towards him as if alive.


He looked at the fog in the dark deep space, feeling the distance between them shrinking slowly.

Why... so kind?

It was like—he looked at the mists flowing towards him, and suddenly felt a faint excitement—like they were calling me.

he wants.

I want to go through that layer of white light, enter that layer of fog, and discover what's inside.

When this idea came out, his heart was like ten thousand ants scratching his heart. He couldn't help but want to get close to it, plunge into that darkness, enter that fog, that burst of white light.

As if there was the greatest loot there.

The magical feeling reappeared: as the distance from the fog approached,

His perception of the world became clearer, and his determination towards himself became firmer.

He lowered his vision, and found that everything in front of him had descended from the sea to water droplets, from the forest to the leaf veins, from the earth to the soil, from the perspective of life to existence.

He is ordering the world to show itself in front of him again in a new way.

The deep space is getting closer, and the fog is getting closer.

And he... more and more... perfect?

He wanted to laugh, but found that laughter was far from summarizing his feelings. He also wanted to sigh, but he was no longer in the emotional rut. He still wanted to open his arms, but here, even the body is no longer important.

he wants.

want to!

A few gazes opened from behind the dark deep space, projecting far away on him who was anxiously hurrying on his way.

But that doesn't matter, does it?

At this moment, all he could see was the fog in the deep space!

Just want to poke it and get into it!

As for everything else, it doesn't matter anymore!

He is getting closer and closer.

The deep space is getting more and more real, and the fog is getting more and more intimate.

He believed that there was only a short distance between them!

Get it, discover it, and become more...perfect.

It's so close, so soon.

Ha ha.

He should have come earlier, shouldn't he?

Why wait so long?

He should have been here early, entered the dark deep space, cleared the fog of light, and faced a better self.

A stronger, higher, more versatile, more perfect self!

He was about to reach that deep space, and his eyes in the darkness became more and more fierce, but he didn't care!

At that moment, the long-lost madness and joy, impulse and pleasure surged at the same time.

As if his once scattered and confused thinking had found a center, he was approaching the deep space at an ever-increasing speed.

It seems that the wish is being fulfilled continuously, and he is approaching the final step he expected step by step.

It seems that the reason why he appeared here and wasted so long was for this moment!

He's experienced the magic before, hasn't he?

Not so long ago.

That unstoppable state, that power that overrides everything, as if he is the god of the universe, the master of all things in the universe, the supreme——


Suddenly, a strange yet familiar male voice sounded from the bottom of my heart.

Elegant, content and relaxed.

But it was like a basin of chilling cold water pouring all over his body!

His speed faltered slightly.

The deep space and mist that were already determined to be achieved, as if in the palm of the hand, seemed to drift away in an instant, from a short distance to a world away again.

No, don't.

There was a disappointed sigh from the bottom of his heart.

don't stop.

don't stop.

He really... still wants to...

If he had an arm, he must have stretched it as far as he could, reaching into the mist in the deep space.

【What is a god...】

The male voice sounded again.

Like the whisper of a ghost, looming, sometimes disappearing.

He who was trying his best to "stretch out his hand" was slightly taken aback.

what... what?

He suddenly panicked.

And the fact that this panic came from nowhere made him even more at a loss.


Once again, that elegant male voice sounded faintly, as if muttering to himself.

【What is the world...】

At that moment, he seemed to be hit hard by someone!

His vision trembled violently, and all his senses were shattered. The scene in front of him flashed quickly, and the omnipotence that knew everything disappeared from his consciousness immediately!

Even the dark deep space far away in the sky has become blurred.

Following his strange appearance, he shot out from the deep sky, and the gazes cast on him revealed a sense of doubt.

Just like his doubts.

what is that?

Doubts, puzzles, bewilderment, incongruity and inappropriateness of deja vu, confusion and fear of losing everything, hit my heart instantly.





More and more words invaded his mind, flashing back and forth.

What's this……

He was very distressed and uncomfortable.

Does it sound familiar?


[When you think of gods, what is the first thing that comes to mind? 】

It was that male voice, it sounded very clearly again, to him, it was like thunder in a silent night!

At that moment, his rushing and unrestrained thoughts suddenly suffered a severe setback!


If he had a voice, he must be screaming.

What are gods?

he does not know.

But there was already another voice in his heart, silently answering for him.

[An existence that is out of tune with us and is far away from us. 】

The voice was rough and dry, like a duck's voice, with a touch of impatience, like an immature teenager.

Between the inexplicable question and answer, he was suddenly flustered.

No, not like that!

The gods, the gods he envisioned, the gods told him by this state, are clearly... clearly...

[The benevolent creator? Uh, or the all-knowing and all-powerful Grim One? Hehe, it’s nothing, I just think...well, the goddess of the setting sun looks quite cold, but Haoyue is...]

[The operator of the puppet is observing silently in the dark? By the way, I want to ask, do all magicians like to peep like you... Cough cough, I mean secretly observe...]

[Maybe they are advanced creatures from another world? Um, Ashida, are you sure you were born from a local human? I mean maybe your mom was out for a walk one day and came across a flying saucer and there was a handsome guy like you on the flying saucer... ah ah ah sir I was wrong... uh, empty, air, I need, air ...]

[The meaning of Haoyue Sacrifice seems to be that the goddess sometimes responds to the prayers of mortals, sometimes not, so I wonder, are the gods a group of experimenters? It’s wearing a white coat, cultivating samples like us in a box, and then they are discussing horror plots such as “what’s for lunch today” outside the box…]

That nasty, ignorant, self-righteous drake voice was getting louder and louder.


what is it

He trembled slightly, and suddenly realized with fear:

he does not know.

This discovery was like a stumble on his mount, causing him to fall from the edge of a cliff into an abyss.

The Q\u0026A is not over yet.

[What is the world to you? 】


The voices in my ears became louder, more numerous, and more complex, and the back and forth between the elegant male voice and the disgusting duck voice became more and more frequent.

But he is not good.

At that moment, it was as if he had suddenly boarded a carriage whose speed increased rapidly, climbed into the uncontrollably scattered clouds, and sat on a flat boat that floated and sank with the flood!

And he suddenly discovered that he could no longer control the direction of his progress, and felt the achievement of controlling everything and the world.

The dark deep space in front of him is getting farther and farther away, and the fog disappears.

He is falling.

He discovered this with dismay.

Just like he was rising like the sun before, now he is like an avalanche, falling thousands of miles with the irreversible trend!

He couldn't stop it, and he couldn't think about it.

I can only look up in despair.

Looking at the dark deep space full of endless secrets that is so close to him, looking at the seductive fog and wonderful white light that were once within reach...


Damn, that damn drake voice is still chattering...

【world? Hehe, maybe everything in the world really has its own dark power, but they must be ignorant, neither hot nor cold... The world is not benevolent, matter is matter, and objectivity is objective...]

【But I suddenly realized...】

[The world we live in, the world we is not a cold substance, nor is it a gloomy object, it is a picture interwoven with our cognition and the reflection of the outside world...From this perspective, it must have color, temperature. 】

【It will be meaningful to us. 】

Ahhh, so uncomfortable...

That duck voice...why didn't he die sooner!

[I see the world, but I don't know how far from what I see to "actually"—if there really is an objective world out there...]

[Or, the world I see exists because of me... Hey, Ashida? Mr. Sakern? What’s wrong with you? You are a teacher, do magicians also get distracted? It's raining, we're having dinner, the beauty is passing by... I'm back to my senses, hello! Ah, don't, don't, I didn't mean to...well, breathe...give me...air...]

As he fell, those gazes that were originally fixed on him gradually changed.

No more fierceness, no more doubts.

Instead exuded anger.

As if very dissatisfied with something.

He continued to descend, such as falling straight into the sky.

Weightlessness, dizziness, panic, suffocation, hit in an instant.

Just like he and Heijian once fell from the cliff of the sky in Dragon Clouds City.


He was startled.

Who is Black Sword?

Where is Dragon Clouds City?

Why... why would I know?


Who am I?


I am……

In the next moment, Thales suddenly woke up from the strange world!

It was as if a small hole for breathing had been dug out from under the deep cold ice.

Let him gasp.


Thales looked around subconsciously.

where am i

But what he could see, up, down, left, and right, was only a blurry scene, as if hidden behind a heavy and thick water curtain.

From the corner of the eye, it seems that there is brilliance flowing, and the secret is hidden deep, but when you look up, you can't see anything, everything is silent.

I was... where?

he asked himself in bewilderment.

But he couldn't remember.

But Thales was still falling—that was all he felt.

The speed is getting faster and faster.

what to do……

His heart rate increased sharply, and the sense of fear and confusion that had been weakened hit him one after another.

What the hell is going on...

Thales panicked more and more.

He doesn't know where he is.

I don't know how I got here.

Don't even know what I'm doing.

He was like a patient with amnesia, waking up in pain on an unfamiliar bed in the hospital.

Damn... what is a hospital?

The surrounding scene is still blurred.

He is at a loss.

It was just like how he felt when he walked alone in the desert during the hard journey.


Thales shook his head desperately.


Then... where?

At this moment, Thales only felt a chill on his forehead!

An inch-by-inch silver stream of light, like fluorescent lights, overflowed from his body.

There was a slight tinnitus in his ears, followed by a soft whisper, which was almost inaudible.


[Never get lost. 】

Thales was shocked!

This is……

The moment he heard this strange raving, his downward momentum stopped!

As if hovering in mid-air.

Thales was so startled that his mind froze for a moment.

But soon, the silver streamer spread out like starlight, and a brilliance flashed in the hazy midair, leading to the distance.

like a road.

Thales stared blankly at the road made of light. Although he was still confused and even lost his memory, he somehow knew:

This is the right way.

How do I get there?

As soon as this idea came up, Thales was shocked!

At that moment, he seemed to have returned to the Path of Shadows, and the blurry vision in front of him slowly blurred (Damn it, what is the Path of Shadows? Why do I feel so familiar with it when I think of it, and I am still so... anxious?) , turn white.

No, it's not that the outside world has turned white.

Instead, a white light occupied his field of vision!

Thales thought blankly.

This strange white light seeped out of his body, and carried Thales to fly towards the path made of silver light, and shuttled through the blurred air.

Thales opened his eyes wide-he suddenly remembered that he seemed to be unable to see his body-feeling that his brain could no longer bear the current strange scene.

As he was supported by the strange white light and slowly moved forward along the silver light, his head felt a little painful.

Until the silver light and white light disappeared, Thales finally stopped in a colorless void that was equally blurred and quiet, neither up nor down, neither forward nor backward.

Thales felt bitter.

What the hell is here...

"This is the critical point of the first threshold," an indifferent voice suddenly appeared: "One step forward is a knock on the door, entering the original state."

"One step back and one step back to the entity."

Thales was taken aback!

He quickly turned his gaze and found the source of the sound.

It was a figure.

A strange figure that was also blurred, colorless, and only at the edge could be distinguished from this strange space.

He was like a statue, standing silently behind him, motionless.


Like a mosaic?

Thales' brain hurts again!

What is a mosaic? hateful……

But the figure with an indifferent voice spoke again:

"Since ancient times, very few magicians have been able to stay here," he said lightly:

"Those who come here are like sailing against the current, or follow the magic energy to pursue the threshold name, go straight to the original state and knock on the door, or drop the threshold sharply to leave the threshold and return to the entity."

Thales was stunned.



Speaking of which, the blurred figure brought a trace of seriousness, Thales inexplicably felt that he seemed to be silently observing himself behind the hazy scene:

"Until you show up, kid."

Thales stared at him in confusion, not knowing why.


He was like a clumsy and stupid child, staring blankly at the figure in front of him.

The figure paused for a moment, as if observing him carefully.

"It can be seen that Ashida taught you well," he said in the same indifferent voice:

"He gave you everything, protected you just right, and pulled you back from the edge of hasty knocking on the door, so that you wouldn't lose yourself and get stuck in it and couldn't extricate yourself."


Thales felt a throbbing, as if a cocoon in his heart was slowly shattering.

The Magician of Air, Ashida Sarkon.

He suddenly realized that his memory was slowly coming back.

"Who are you?"

Thales looked around and couldn't identify anything, he seemed to be still, but also seemed to be a blurry void filled with light, and subconsciously blurted out: "Are you a magician?"

"What's your threshold name?"

"Which faction do you belong to? Radical? Moderate? Confused? Double Emperor?"

The figure didn't answer directly, but paused slightly.

As if thinking about something.

"Very good, Ashida has taught you a lot, and it is also very realistic." After a while, the figure spoke silently:

"Although it is the first time, as far as the leader is concerned."

"He's pretty good at it."


Thales's attention gradually concentrated, and more and more memories were retrieved.

I was a dark underground...a cell...

A sense of anxiety slowly rose.

"You, you know Ashida?" Thales gritted his teeth, resisting the headache.

The figure was silent for a while, then nodded slightly, as if feeling something.

"He could have been a good teacher. Asheda was originally the most promising and talented mage apprentice, and she studied with the most prestigious master Gorgori." The figure slowly shook his head, speaking neither fast nor slow, neither loud nor high Low:

"His achievements are not inferior to many official mages. If Ashida continues, he may become a master one day... The Tower of Soul will also be proud of him."

"But unfortunately..."

He didn't say any more.

Thales frowned fiercely, unable to listen to anything, and the inexplicable sense of restlessness tortured him all the time.

It was as if...he had something important to do and forgot to do it.

But what exactly is that?

"So who are you? What's wrong with me?" Thales forcibly suppressed the anxiety, but his tone gradually became blunt.

at this moment.


muffled sound.

Thales seemed to be aware of it, and hurriedly raised his head, but he still could only see a blurry void.

Coincidentally, that strange figure also raised its head at this time.

"You feel it too?"

The figure looked into the distance: "You fell back the moment you knocked on the door and disappeared, making their wishes come to nothing."

He paused for a second, his gaze fell from the horizon, as if sighing helplessly:

"Girls... are angry."

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