Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 157: Magic Energy Subcontract

Knock on the door.


Thales frowned, only to feel that more and more memories came back to his mind, as if the fog of the sea gradually disappeared, revealing the clear water.

"Girl?" he asked suspiciously.

But the strange figure seemed to have lost his patience.

"We don't have much time," the stranger hidden behind the strange curtain whispered:

"The critical point of the first threshold is only one step away from knocking on the door. As long as they come to their senses and lower their heads slightly, they can still detect your presence."

Thales' heart moved, and he suddenly knew the identities of the "girls".


Others, whether Giza or Ashida, talked about them with a tinge of fear and fear.

But this man...

actually called them...

"And you..."

The strange figure slowly raised his hand towards Thales, and there was a colorless wave in his fingers.

A slight tinnitus sounded, and a faint sense of threat emerged spontaneously!

Thales couldn't help but tense his facial features, and subconsciously wanted to be careful.

But he was embarrassed to find that in this strange space, he couldn't even find his arms.

However, the thing that surprised him the most happened: a silver light and a white light appeared in front of his eyes at the same time, like a small animal that was stimulated.

They seem to be consciously blocking Thales and strangers, forming a barrier.


The sudden change made Thales stunned on the spot.

"Really, old friend..." The stranger's words revealed a touch of exhaustion and vicissitudes.

Fortunately, the vague stranger didn't seem to have any desire to explore further. He put down his fingers, just silently watched the silver light and white light on Thales' body appear, and silently watched them disappear.

Seems thoughtful.

Thales was left alone looking at his strange appearance in surprise.

"You are so lucky, child," the stranger finally shook his head slowly after observing him for a while:

"There is more than one old friend who is taking care of you—it is thanks to them that you can hide from the girls' eyes and ears, and even rarely stay on the borderline, so that you don't get lost and victimized."

Thales became more and more puzzled:

"Old friend?"

Take care of me.

stay at the borderline.

so as not to get lost.

If he realizes something.

"You mean... this?"

Thales raised his right hand—he suddenly found that his missing limbs appeared in front of him one after another—and tapped his forehead where the silver glow was.

Is it "Never get lost"?

The stranger didn't deny it, he lowered his head, as if he was thinking about something.

Thales was observing his suddenly appearing right hand in astonishment, and raised his head upon hearing this:

"So, you and the one below Dragon Clouds... are friends? Then are you..."

The strange figure raised his gaze, but he didn't intend to ask and answer Thales at all.

"In the past six years, Ashida has sent me more contacts than the previous six hundred years."

Thales was slightly taken aback by his words:

"The content has also changed from a uniform provocative declaration to a purely academic discussion on magicians. He has almost turned back into a scholar—it can be seen that he cares about you very much."

There was a touch of interest in the stranger's words.

"But I never knew why until I saw you, child."

Thales was terrified of being stared at by the other party, even though he couldn't feel where the other party's eyes were at all.

"You are different," the stranger said indisputably:

"Whether it's an unqualified knock on the door you completed in order to escape, or this willful raising of the threshold this time."

Knock on the door for the second time?

Thales was startled.


The second time I knocked on the door, I was trying to escape for my life...

Dragon Cloud City, Blood Magician, Queen of the Sky... More and more words came from memory.

And this time?

Thales was stunned.

This "willful raising threshold" for...what again?

His heart became more and more anxious.

What the hell did he forget?

"But being different is not a good thing."

The unknown stranger stood in front of him, seeming to be emotional:

"It should be noted that becoming a magician is not a simple process."

The stranger gently parted his hands, and colorless ripples emerged from the air between his hands, and four palm-sized transparent doors emerged, one more delicate and majestic.

"Material, Observation, Chaos, Purity - These four stages are summed up by countless predecessors. It is the only way to become a magician from a mortal body. The progress and experience of different magicians in each stage , reactions, and results are slightly different, even vastly different, but the four stages of a magician are roughly the same."

From left to right, the four transparent gates shattered one after another, returning to colorless ripples.

four stages?

Objects, concepts, chaos, essence?

Thales's nerves tightened: in the gradually recovered memory, Ashida never seemed to explain this to him—or he actually explained it, but he didn't remember it?


He squinted at the stranger in front of him.

What is this person...

The stranger's words gradually became serious:

"However, from the stage of experiencing the out-of-control magic energy to the last step of the "purity" to successfully knock on the door, obtain the threshold name, and transform into a real magician, this process is not smooth and logical."

"But every step is full of hardships and obstacles."

Hearing this, Thales' kindness was completely aroused.

"History, no matter the three major magic towers or the inheritance of mages outside the towers, too many people have fallen on these four steps before finally becoming magicians, and have been lost since then," the stranger seemed to sigh:

"There is no return."

"And even if it is the person who has crossed the last step and successfully found the threshold name..." The strange figure paused for a while, and did not continue.

Thales' eyelids twitched slightly.

He has captured a lot of key words.

Three Magic Towers...

Too many people... become magicians...

The stranger's words returned to indifference:

"But these difficulties and risks are by no means meaningless: passing through these dangerous obstacles step by step is a rare exercise in itself, and it is the cornerstone for us to become magicians."

The stranger spoke eloquently, coherently, clearly.

Get up with a certain unscrupulous teacher who often disappears, likes to whet his appetite, looks handsome but has a bad temper, and has nothing but a handsome face...

Thales shook his head, shaking off the figure in blue.

"But like I said, you're different."

"From ancient times to the present, there has never been anyone like you who can cross the barriers of the first three steps when you are 'out of control', reach the sky in one step, reach the stage of 'pure', suddenly raise the threshold and knock on the door, and enter the original state-that is all magic The final test of a master."

The vague stranger's face moved lightly, as if vibrating behind the air, and there were little waves in the background that was also invisible:

"This is your strength, but it's also your weakness. In fact, it's extremely dangerous."

Thales frowned:

"You mean... the Twin Emperors? I heard from Ashida that they can find me when I knock on the door? But aside from that, can you explain..."

"That's just a threat from the outside world," the stranger interrupted him unceremoniously:

"For us, the greatest danger will always come from within."

Thales was taken aback.

The other party continued to speak, and the sentence suddenly became tense:

"For example, as the number of times increases, when you 'lose control', will you always slide unstoppably to the edge of knocking?"


Thales was startled, he raised his head suddenly, and looked at the other party's vague face.

The stranger asked coldly:

"For example, when you 'out of control', do you feel like you were drunk, your memory was broken, and you suddenly forgot everything?"

"Even... forget yourself?"

Memory fractures.

Forget everything.

forget yourself?

Thales's short-term lost memories flooded in like a flood, slowly filling the previous blank.


His heart became more and more frightened, and his body trembled slightly.

I must have forgotten something.

something very important...

Especially, especially me, why am I... why the hell am I here? what was i doing

Thales only felt dripping with cold sweat and shuddered.

Distraught, he raised his head, and the way he looked at the stranger was different:

"You do you know..."

But the figure is still indifferent, and it seems that even talking to Thales is just a boring and businesslike task:

"Because you walked too fast."

"You haven't experienced the important step from 'things' to 'concept', and you haven't passed the hurdle that every newcomer must go through after 'out of control'..."

"I also don't have the opportunity to comprehend what is an external object, what is itself, how to contact, how to observe, and finally how to comprehend magic energy..."

His words became more and more serious, as if expounding a research question worth a thousand dollars:

"That's why when you come into contact with magic energy, you can't restrain the impulse and pleasure of raising the threshold. Your consciousness is so blurred that you can't even distinguish yourself from the outside world. Rampage."

"Until hastily knocking on the door and entering the dangerous state."

The anxious Thales opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't utter a word.

The stranger nodded, as if he knew what he was going to say.

"Under the care of old friends, once or twice, you may be lucky enough to return and not get lost..."

His voice gradually became terrible:

"But three times, five times, ten times, twenty times..."

Thales clenched his fists.

That's why I can't remember...

He grits his teeth.

Can't remember before this...

Thales seemed to have a villain in his heart, constantly urging him:

Come on, come on, you still have something to do.


The stranger nodded: "You are very lucky, but you are not 'that' lucky."

"It's even more impossible to be lucky forever."

Thales raised his head abruptly!

The young man suppressed the anxiety in his heart, and looked at the other party resolutely:

"Then teach me."

The stranger stared at him fixedly and didn't answer.

"I know, since you are here, there must be a way."

Thales gritted his teeth: "Teach me how to overcome this, I need...I can't, I can't fall into this state again."


Why did I take the risk and take the initiative to use magic energy?


Thinking of... things I should have cared about.

Back to... where I should be.

However, the other party shook his head slowly, and even turned his body sideways, looking into the distance.

"Guiding you is Ashida's responsibility, and it is inconvenient for me to intervene."

The stranger said lightly:

"In the group of magicians, there is a sacred and inviolable relationship between the guide and the guided. Like you and Ashida, you have a special and close connection, which is a special and important existence for each other."



Thales frowned slightly.

Me and Ashida? To each other?

A special and close connection, a special and important existence.

sacrosanct relationship...

Thinking of this, Thales suddenly felt a chill.

What are you kidding?

Thales raised his head angrily: "But..."

However, the stranger changed the subject at this time.

"But in the face of my old friends, I can still give you some inspiration, so that you can be more or less prepared when you face such a predicament again," the strange figure said seriously:

"At least it won't completely forget consciousness and lose yourself when you lose control and raise your threshold."

Thales, who was about to persuade the other party, was a little surprised. He didn't expect the stranger to let go so quickly.


"To protect ourselves, and to protect others," the stranger became serious again:

"A small number of pioneering magicians have summed up three established rules. You may wish to understand it as advice."

Taylor's eyes brightened:

"You mean... the three major promises of magicians?"

The stranger nodded:

"Ashida told you?"

Thales frowned, trying to extract what he wanted from his hazy memory.

"There is only one thing: the first appointment of magic energy, and we don't get to know each other."

Thales chewed this passage, raised his head, and looked at the other party with hope.

But he was about to be disappointed.

This time, the strange figure was silent for a long time.

The other party just stood quietly in the void as if there was nothing there, motionless.

Finally, when Thales felt that he was about to stare at his blurred face, the other party spoke lightly.

"Is that so? The first appointment with magic energy?"

The stranger moved slightly:

"He told you first, this one?"

"First appointment, 'do not get to know each other'?"

From the tone of the other party, Thales felt a little inappropriate.

Under the surrounding mist-like mysterious and cloud-like ambiguity, the strange figure actually gave Thales an indescribable sense of fear.

But the anxiety and pressure in his heart forced Thales to suppress his doubts and urge the other party.

"He only told me this one," the boy frowned:

"What's wrong?"

After a while, the stranger shook his head decisively.


But his tone made Thales inexplicably uneasy.

But soon, Thales was attracted by the other party's next sentence.

"Listen well, child, since Ashida has taught you the first date, then..."

I saw the stranger raised his head and said calmly:

"What I'm going to tell you now is the second article in the Three Pacts of Mana."

There are three promises of magic power.

Article II.

Thales looked solemn and listened attentively.

"Magic energy next appointment," only to hear the stranger behind the blurred curtain speak softly, with a heavy tone:

"'Keep to yourself'."

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