My Star Teacher

Chapter 606: [Big guy's favor]

at dusk. Sui-dream-.lā

Mother Liu and Aunt Lian started making dinner.

Father Liu was still watching the Journey to the West cartoon on the sofa. He had watched it all afternoon.

Luminous has been with Father Liu.

Suddenly, Luguang's cell phone rang, and Liu Chiyan called it.

Luminous picked it up, "Hey, Liuer, what's the matter?"

Liu Chiyan, "I just received a notice from the Coal Management Bureau, saying that our animation of Journey to the West was listed as a key support project. Do you know what happened?"

Ye Guang suddenly hesitated for a moment, then smiled bitterly, "Maybe I know something, maybe ... I'll talk to you later, I'll ask the situation first, and call you back later."

Liu Chi Yan said, "Okay, when are you coming back?"

Luminous, "Tomorrow, now here for parents."

Liu Chiyan, "Okay, tell me when the ticket is scheduled, and I'll pick you up tomorrow."

Hanging up Liu Chiyan's phone, Yeguang looked at Dad Liu and hesitated. Yeguang said, "Dad, Chi Yan called and said ... our animation is listed as a key support project."

Most of Papa Liu's attention is still on TV, and he casually replied, "Oh, good."

Luminous, "... Dad, is it you ..."

Dad Liu stunned slightly, then looked at Yeguang, and said, "It's not me. Your mother and I are not staying under your eyes all the time. If you haven't guessed wrong, that's who."

Ye Guang's main suspicion was actually the big brother. The big brother had left at noon, and Liu Chiyan had been notified by the Coal Management Bureau in the afternoon, which was a coincidence.

Ye Guang laughed bitterly, and then said, "Dad, I don't think ... this is good."

Father Liu stared at Luminous for two seconds, and then said, "Don't have any psychological obstacles, there is nothing good or bad, the one who is willing to help you, although it means humanity, is the most important thing. Well, as you said, this cartoon work may indeed become an epoch-making work that brings change. "

Dad Liu paused and went on to say, "This is not pure favoritism, it can only be said that it is not to avoid relatives. Your work is good. If you can succeed, its benefits are not only your personal, for the development of national animation industry It will also play a great role in promoting the country and the people, so that person will help you, and it will also give the country's entertainment and animation industry a boost, so you don't have to worry about it. "

Luminous thought for a while, then nodded, "I know Dad, to be honest, there is no other better way to do this now. The one who helped me was also my urgent need, but ... I'm afraid his kindness is bad. "

Father Liu gave Yeguang a smile and said, "Children's family, think about what kind of humanity is inhumane, how are you going to pay back?"

Luminous, "Uh ..."

Father Liu looked at Yeguang and smiled. "Okay, don't think about it. Go back and get me two more boxes of tea. I'll bring it to him. It's over."

Luminous, "... Not so good, Dad? Too simple ..."

Father Liu, "Simple and simple? How else do you want to repay? He helped you, basically, not to help you. This is something you remember, including me, we wo n’t do your personal things. Generate any dominant assistance to you, and you don't have to think about any improper help you can get from us. "

Luminous nodded quickly, "I know dad."

Dad Liu said, "It's good to know, so if I, or someone helped you, it is also indirect to help you participate in the competition, there must be many reasons and sophisticated, such as this Secondly, if your work is not good, the one who saw it only feels average and is not outstanding, then he will definitely not intervene in this hand. "

Dad Liu paused. "Furthermore, even if we really want to remember human relationships, we ca n’t turn you on now. It will take more than ten or twenty years to wait for you to return human relationships. Now, there is me."

When Father Liu spoke these words, his tone was very flat, and he took a sip of tea.

Ye Guang understood the meaning of Dad Liu, and his heart was full of emotion.

Dao Liu probably means that Ye Guang is still young. If Ye Guang wants to repay some kind of favor, he still has to wait until Dao Liu retires, Ye Guang is the master and then talk about this kind of thing. Come back, even if it owes humanity, that's the father's business now.

Dad Liu didn't mean anything between you and me as an independent individual, but divided Yeguang and him into the same family, a collective concept.

I do n’t know why, at night, I felt a mountain behind me.

It's solid, calm, and powerful, and it's reassuring. ..


The next morning.

Yeguang received a call from Director Lu of Beijing Satellite TV.

Ask him to go to CCTV to talk about cartoons.

This negotiation was very smooth.

In response to the luminous condition, this originally conflicting condition was broadcast on the golden file.

This time Director Lu agreed very directly.

Maybe that's why I said hello.

Even the original purchase price of 500,000 was adjusted by CCTV.

The price of 400,000 yuan is given in accordance with the specifications of the cartoon ~ ~ But now the luminous side is to be broadcasted in the golden file, and the CCTV side has also given a quote for the golden file series.

The first round of broadcasting rights, the price of a single episode of 700,000.

This price, although compared to the previous works of Ye Guang, the unit price of three million or millions, but in fact, the price is not very low, after all, in the final analysis, Ye Guang's current work is just a cartoon, given by CCTV This price has already exceeded the high price of the industry. Given this price, there may be other reasons.

Of course, CCTV also has its own opinions on the price rise. On the one hand, the standard of the golden file and the standard of the animation world are really different. On the other hand, CCTV also put forward a small requirement that it be available at the noon theater the next day. Rebroadcast, so, in terms of price, CCTV slightly floated up.

After hearing about this request made by Director Lu, Ye Guang cried and laughed.

Journey to the West animation, at present he did not intend to make money, although the price increased to 700,000, but everything is a loss.

All he wants is radiant influence and word-of-mouth influence.

These are all good, let alone the price goes up, people will broadcast to you again.


How can I not agree with Luminous, immediately settle down.

The day.

Luminous signed a contract with CCTV, and the animation of Journey to the West was also scheduled to be broadcast after the end of the series that CCTV's current prime time aired.

After signing the agreement.

Luminous also had to say a word.

Sometimes the world is very real ...

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