My Star Teacher

Chapter 607:

Signed a contract with CCTV.

in the afternoon.

Luminous and leaves also flew back to Nanchang.

The events broadcast on the Journey to the West are settled, and Luminous and CCTV will also start some previews and publicity.

On the day after returning to Nanchang, Yeguang used the official Weibo to release the news of the upcoming Journey to the West animation.

However, many viewers did not buy it when they saw the news.

"Anime? Are you kidding me?"

"Hahaha, animated cartoons, who can watch them?"

"I'm speechless. I've been looking forward to a new work of fairy light for a long time. I didn't expect to wait for a cartoon."

"Can you watch cartoons? Except for children, who would like cartoons."

"Luminous this is a stinky chess move."

"That's why it's not good to make a movie or a TV, even if it's a variety show, why do you make a cartoon?"

"The night light is gone, shouldn't he really think that as long as it is something he tinkers with, the audience will like it?"

"No matter how good the cartoons are, I have no love, and Luminous is afraid that it will be cold this time."

"The horse has stumbled, hey, wait for his next work, this time he is afraid he will fall off the altar."


Netizens have talked on the Internet.

Of course, there are some netizens who support Luminous, saying that even if they are cartoons, they will also support a wave. However, these netizens are either fans of Luminous or fans of Liu Chiyan. Still skeptical.

This is not to blame them. It is really the world. The development of cartoons is really a bit loyal. Cartoons are directly defined as children's viewing. As an adult netizen, how can many people be interested in such works.

The next day.

CCTV and Youxian jointly issued a statement, publicizing the news that the Journey to the West animation was broadcasted on CCTV's golden file.

Pause time.

One stone caused a thousand layers of waves.

Night light to make a cartoon, just animation. Although many netizens don't like cartoons, others will shoot, and it's no big deal.

But do you make a cartoon and broadcast it on CCTV prime?

Play it!

How can cartoons be broadcast on prime time? !!

Netizens quit, this is unheard of. It's unprecedented. Watching TV for so many years, what a storm and strange things have not been seen?


I have never seen it before.

I'm so surprised that my jaw won't close.

Internet users have always been skeptical about this cartoon, so they will not buy it anymore.

For a while, the internet was questioned.

Some people with ulterior motives, or psychologically gloomy, began to make a lengthy analysis of various 'insiders' or shady acts.

Many boring netizens have also tweeted @ 夜光, @ 有 仙气, let Yeguang show up to explain.

Luminous was speechless.


Explain something?

Who is hindering us from making a cartoon? This hasn't aired yet, what would you tell me?

Even the fans of Luminous, many of the Fifty Maoists have personally trusted Luminous and advised him to handle this matter with caution. If this is not the case, do n’t broadcast it on the golden file. .

It's better to lose face than to ruin the reputation of I.

The one who doesn't want Yeguang to fall to the altar is probably the fans of Yeguang.

What else can Luminous say?

In response, Luminous could simply respond to the four words, "Stay tuned!"


time flies.

Faced with various questions from outside, neither Yeguang nor CCTV made any response.

However, CCTV updated the trailer for the Journey to the West animation on Weibo three days before the start of the cartoon.

And, it has a title: the answer you want.

The trailer doesn't have much to say about the plot, but in the fragmented trailer, the scene has a grand background, colorful special effects, a lively fight, and awe-inspiring pictures abound.

But just this cartoon, it also instantly wiped out almost all the doubts on the Internet.

Netizens' attitudes have reversed 180 degrees.

"I have never seen such a magnificent cartoon."

"Is this still a cartoon?"

"Can cartoons be made like this?"

"So Ye Daxian is Ye Daxian, no matter what he fears, we will not be disappointed."

"It turned out that I didn't say a word, so I waited for Ye Daxian to create another miracle and face. Sure enough, this animation is god!"

"I have a hunch that Luminous will start a new era of cartoons. I never thought that a cartoon can attract me so much with a single trailer."

"Not to mention anything else, just watching this fight scene, I will definitely watch it! It's shocking!"


The wind direction of the Internet has changed drastically, and they are all moving in the direction of good night light.

Journey to the West animation, because previous netizens questioned it, and now it has completed a reversal, and the heat is also rising.

Many netizens who didn't pay attention to the cartoons at all, have started to pay attention to this revolutionary cartoon which is said to be revolutionary.

Liu Tianwang came and Yeguang Hexi came, "Xiao Ye, congratulations, it seems that the cartoon has already been fired before it is broadcast, and viewing should not be a problem."

Ye Guang smiled, "Tong Xi, there are two waves, and the heat is enough, and I don't blame myself for making myself so miserable."

Liu Tianwang said, "What do you mean?"

Yeguang looked at Liu Tianwang, then smiled slyly, "The wave that had darkened me before, I was looking for a rhythm."


Liu Tianwang looked at Luminous for two seconds, pointed at Luminous, and laughed, "... Xiaoye, you have failed to learn."

Luminous smiled, "No way, the cartoon's domestic market and status is really embarrassing. I don't want to do anything. If the heat does not rise, I am afraid that it will have no effect after being broadcast."

The questioning sounds on the Yeguang network, as well as all kinds of hacking, were actually made by Yeguang himself.

Be regarded as a kind of hype.

The Journey to the West animation is very important for Luminous, which is the top priority of his current work.

Although Journey to the West has already been made and the film Yeguang is very satisfied, he cannot guarantee that the audience will definitely buy it.

No matter how good you shoot it ~ ~ The audience doesn't even have to look at it. When they hear the cartoons, they will detour. What can I do?

So, just in case, Luminous used a little trick, from the dark, to attract the attention of netizens and the people to the animation of Journey to the West.

Then CCTV had a momentum like rainbow, which made people watch the **** trailer, which made him instantly whitewash.

It can be said that this is a perfect hype.

Hype is a common practice in the entertainment industry, and many people don't like it.

But in fact, the masses don't like the hype, they just don't like being maliciously consumed by others.

A bad movie was hyped up, and then the audience paid for it, but found that it was a bad movie.

A work hyped up a gimmick, a celebrity, and then the audience paid for it, but found out, but that's it.

This kind of hype is actually consuming the audience.

And the consumer audience will one day be abandoned by the audience.

No one is always willing to be deceived like a fool.

Hype is a means of publicity. It is not impossible to speculate. For the popularity and effect of the work, it is understandable to speculate. It is not normal to not hype.

However, the premise of the hype should be based on the premise that it is hard enough and the quality of the work is qualified.

At least, let's not let the audience decide the value for money after paying the bill, but at least, to make the audience not feel deceived, there is no waste of money.

After all, in fact, it is to let the producers pay more attention to making a good work when making a work, rather than leaving for a wave.

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