
Training Ground 7…

After Naruto took Sadaharu to walk around the village only Kirito and Saito was left in there.

"So kid what do you want to talk to me about??? " Saito asked with curiosity looking at his student.

"I wanted to show you something that I discovered recently. " Kirito said with a serious tone looking at Saito.

"Did you find something when you went on your last mission??? " Saito asked with a serious to be because he knows if something isn't that serious Kirito wouldn't show this kind of serious face.

"No, it's I didn't find anything weird except Sadaharu in this mission. " Kirito said while shaking his head.

"Then what??? " Saito got really surprised.

"I think I possess some kind of Dojutsu. " Kirito said with a very difficult tone pointing at his eyes.

"Can you show them to me??? " Saito didn't believe it at first but still he decided to see if his student is telling him the truth or not.

"Alright look at my eyes sensei… " Kirito said and closed his eyes and opened it again.

As he opened his eyes his eye color changed from blue to red and there was two tomoe like "Sharingan" and the vines of his eyes popped just like "Byakugan".

Well, the thing which surprised Saito is that the Dojutsu looked like a "Byakugan" if the tomoe is removed just in red color while the dojutsu is red like "Sharingan" but is quite different because the tomoe's are white unlike "Sharingan" which should have red ones.

"Can you tell me what can you do with this dojutsu of yours???  " Saito asked interestingly at this new dojutsu which is kind of like a combination of 'Byakugan' and 'Sharingan' but he knows it is none of them or not a combination of them both because if a Hyuuga and An Uchiha get married then their child might poses one of their clan dojutsu or one "Byakugan" and "Sharingan".

While in Kirito's case none of his parents are from Hyuuga or Uchiha. So this must be a new dojutsu which is unique to him only.  

"If I want I can see anybody's chakra links and I also have 360° sight and " Here Kirito got stopped by Saito.

"Do you have a small blind spot. " Saito stop thinking of "Byakugan"

"No, I can see all 360° things around me within 20 meters and even if it is underground I can even see there. I can even see through clothing and objects. " Kirito said after checking to confirm if what Saito asked him.

"I see what a useful Dojutsu. " after saying that he thought 'I wonder what Jiraiya would think when he hears about this dojutsu ability and I know I how I would have used. '

"Did you say something Sensei??? " Because Saito didn't say it probably Kirito wasn't able to capture Saito's whole sentence so he asked confused by it.

"Yes, I think your dojutsu is a little similar to Hyuga's "Byakugan" but a little better because it doesn't have any blindness like "Byakugan".  " Saito said with a nod.

"Yes, I think you are right because also researched on Dojutsu and read about it but none of them matched with mine but my dojutsu has similarity with 2 of them in work. " Kirito said with a nod.

"So your dojutsu also has some similarity with "Sharingan" as well. " Saito thought with more curiosity.

"Yes. When I want I can get a perfect view of anyone every action in slow motion no matter how fast they are and I can even see into the future for 10 seconds of anybody and their action but I don't know if I can copy any movement or just like the "Sharingan" because I have a photographic memory. " Kirito explained looking very serious.

"I see… " Saito said after which the student and Sensei started testing the different abilities of the Dojutsu.

After an hour...

"I know you won't be affected by any kind of Genjutsu because of the characteristic of the of your Dojutsu which is similar to "Byakugan" but did you test if you can also cast "Genjutsu" with it. " Saito asked with a serious tone they were done with a basic test of the Dojutsu.

"I used on a man when I was in the land of snow and made him tell me the way. " Kirito said with a nod.

"If you used it to test your dojutsu I can't say anything but I think you should practice Uchiha "Genjutsu" manual.  " When Saito said that Kirito looked at him with a strange look because he knew Uchiha clan won't share it with anyone so Saito explained "I know what you are thinking but I got a copy which was made by me and almost similar to the uses of their for Kakashi back in the day. Now I can't give you because I don't have it with me but when you meet me at the Academy next time I will give it to you. "

"That sounds like a plan. " Kirito said with a nod and asked "Sensei does Naruto also have a Dojutsu like me. "

" I can't be sure but from what I know he shouldn't have one or not similar to yours. " Saito said with a thinking posture.

"Why? I mean he is my twin brother so… " Kirito really didn't understand.

"That is because none of your parent's clan possessed a dojutsu but I think because of something you awaken it yourself so Naruto shouldn't have one and if he did have one by somehow it shouldn't be similar to you. " Saito explained after thinking a little and added "Besides we will find out in the future if anything like that happens. "

"You are right about that. " Kirito thought it might be better that way.

"Anyway, I called you for something important to tell you today remember?  " Saito said with a shake of his head after remembering why he called Kirito.

"Yes, I think you told me about that before and I think you want to make me a contract with the Toads am I right. " Kirito said with a nod.

"You are right about it that I want you to make contracts with the toads but you are not prepared right now. " Saito said shaking his head as he thought 'I know you are strong enough to make a summoning contract but you are too young for that. '

"I that is not that case what did you want to tell me today??? " Kirito asked getting really surprised by it because he didn't think Saito would say he is too young.

"I wanted to give you this pill. " Saito said handing a pill on Kirito's hand.

"What does it do??? " Kirito asked getting really surprised looking at the pill because he has never seen this kind of medicinal pill before and only saw food pills and chakra boost pills but from this pill, he felt it is made of Chakra.

"This is actually a forbidden pill and is called "Future time" because it makes one 20 years older than his or her current age for 2 months, in exchange of the one who consumes 1/3 of chakra reserves for 2 years and no medicines can heal that lose of Chakra until he or she passes that 2 years. " Saito said with a serious tone.

"why are you giving me this pill if it is that dangerous and I don't want it in exchange for my chakra resources for 2 years. " Kirito said while trying to give Saito the pill back.

"Now now don't be so important kid. " Saito said giving the pill back in Kirito's hand and continued "The reason why I am giving you the pill is that this pill also increases the consumer's chakra reserves by 3 times for whole 2 months and that is the resin 2nd Hokage made it for the shinobi's  of our village when we were losing the war. "

"I understand all that but why are you giving me this pill all of sudden as if something is about to happen??? " Kirito asked with a surprise.

"That is because your next mission will start tomorrow and... " Saito explained with a serious tone.

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