
Training Ground 7…

As Kirito and Sato were discussing Kirito's mission. Kirito was remembering about the time of his birth and the anger started showing on his face.

Looking at the anger which became visible Saito asked with confusion "Is something wrong kid??? "

Because Kirito is well aware of Saito's character he knew Sato wouldn't let him go on this mission if he knew how Kirito is feeling right now so he acted calm and replied with a smile "It's nothing I just got a like angry because I remember that the masked man destroyed the village and I think he should be quite strong so… "

"Yes, I understand how you feel so I gave you this pill to you.

Also, I don't want you to use it unless you confirm that the masked man is an Uchiha with "MS" and if you are able to confirm it then it will confirm his identity

After that try your best to defeat with you curr et ability and use the pill only if you guys fall in a situation of life and death.  

Understand???  " Saito said with a serious tone reminding Kirito with a nod.

"Yea sensei I understand the danger and thank you for giving me this pill which might help me when I am in a hard position. " Kirito replied with a serious nod.

As they were talking Kirito's stomach gave a big growl indicating his hunger as Saito said with a smile " It looks like you are hungry and I am also feeling kind of empty right now why dont we get something to eat. "

"Yea lets go and eat some Ramen I was away from the village for quite some time. " Kirito didn't deny and replied with a smile.

As Saito and Kirito were going toward the gate 3 more people also entered the training ground.

Currently, Naruto is walking beside Sadaharu while Kakashi arrived beside him with his anbu clothes on.

Looking at the Anbu dress and tge signal Kirito first went to him and asked with a serious tone "Is there anything wrong Senpai??? "

"No, I just came here to inform you that we are going on our next mission tomorrow morning and I want you to join me in the headquarters before 6 as the other new members will join tomorrow with us. " Dog said while shaking his head.

"Yes, I heard about it from Sensi. " Kirito said with a serious tone pointing at Saito. who gave a small wave toward Kakashi underdog mask.

After giving a nod Kakashi said "Ok then let's meet in the headquarters tomorrow morning. "

After giving each other an approving nod Kakashi left them alone.

When Kirito arrived beside Naruto Sadaharu complained "I am not going with you on your mission kid. "

"Are you going to stay while I am gone??? " Kirito asked with a curious tone.

"Dont worry I am going to visit Koyuki that girl needs my protection. " Sadaharu said with a shake of his head.

"Are you going out again Kirito??? " Naruto asked with a serious tone because ever since Kirito started going out on a mission he bearly stayed in the village.

"Yes but now I am going to Ramen with Sensei do you want to join us??? " Kirito replied with a dry smile.

"Let's go … " hearing the Ramen Naruto forgot everything and got excited to eat Ramen.

"But I want to eat meat.   " Sadaharu complained.

"We can buy that on our way. " Saito said with a smile.

"Then that is good. " Sadaharu replied with a smile.


Ichiraku ramen shop…

While Naruto, Kirito and Saito walked in the Ramen shop Sadaharu went above the Homage Mountain to eat his meal and look at the village.

"Welcome!!!  " Ayame said looking at the 3 people entering the shop but upon noticing Kirito she pushed and asked with a surprisingly smile "Kirito??? "

"Sister Ayame. " Kirito nod with a smile.

"Oh! You have finally returned. "Ayame is very happy for his return to the village.

"Yes, it was a long journey this time. " Kirito said while taking a seat.

After they were done with the meal Kirito returned to their house with Naruto.


At the Twins apartment…

After entering the room Kirito felt really disappointed toward his brother for the condition of it.

'I dont know what I should even say??? ' Kirito thought as he turned at Naruto who seemed to have no problem at all but he still said "I know you dont like to clean but at least don't make my bed dirty. "

"Hey, it is not I just put my things there because I didn't have anywhere else to put them on. " Naruto replied with a dissatisfied tone at his ignorant brother.

"Do you think we should move to a new place, where we will have our own rooms??? " Kirito asked while removing empty Ramen canes, some woods, a cardboard box, a dozen of eggs and a kunai with amazement and wondering what is all these things are doing here.

"If we can get out own room that will be amazing but where will we find that place. " Naruto said with a rather happy tone.

"Leave it to me I will try to find someplace for us. " Kirito said as he found was done cleaning his bed with some efforts then he took a sealing scroll and made some hand signs after which he took out some winter clothes then handed over them to Naruto.

"Wow, this is amazing. " Naruto said while taking the cloths with a smile and asked "Did you get them when you were out??? "

"Yes that place was covered with snow so this kind of clothes were everywhere. " Kirito said with a nod.

As Sadaharu entered the room he didn't felt good looking at it and said "I will spend the night outside as I dont think I will fit here.

So I will just sleep outside for the night.  "

Understanding Sadaharu's thoughts Kirito said with a nod "Then we will meet in the morning. "

"Good. " With that Sadaharu went above the roof to sleep.


The next morning…

Kirito woke up very early in the morning and sent Sadaharu to Koyuki as he told him she might need his help very soon.

After saying his goodbye to Naruto and Sadaharu, Kirito went to the Anbu headquarters because he knew he needs to go on a mission today.

[Note: He wasn't able to meet any of his friends in the village because it was too late and that is also the reason for him failing to give anyone any of the gifts he got from Land of Snow. ]

When Kirito arrived at the entrance of the Anbu headquarters he found Dog standing there for him.

"Captain why are you here??? "Kirito asked with a surprise looking at Dog.

"We need to hurry as you know this is an SSS-Rank mission so everyone already started moving I was just waiting for you here and we will meat when we arrive at the seas port where they will hire a Ship and wait for us to arrive. " Dog said and indicated Kirito to were his Anbu dress.

"Good I will return in a minute… " Kirito went inside the headquarters and gave his signature after changing his dress.

"Well let's go...  " Dog said when fox arrived by his side.

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