A few K.M away from Konoha…

Fox and Dog are skipping from tree one branches from another but suddenly they felt someone is following them from behind with very fast speed.

"Do you think someone is flowing us from behind??? " Fox asked with a serious tone while taking out his kunai.

"Yes and from the speed, whoever or whatever is chasing us must be very strong. " Dog said as he also took a battle stance with his companion and removed the cover from his "Sharingan" and focused on the incoming thing.

As they looked toward the direction suddenly something white came into their view and when it cam enough closer Dog asked surprisingly "Didn't you say he left for Land of Iron. "

"Yes, he told me he had to take care of something and also help Koyuki from something there. " Fox said with a sigh while putting his kunai inside his pocket.

"And here I thought we are under enemy attack. " Dog said while covering the "Sharingan" after a sign of relief.

"Why are you flowing us ??? " Fox asked when the White Shadow came near them with a curious tone.

"I wasn't flowing you but I took this road because this the shortest way to go where Koyuki currently is. " Sadaharu said with a serious tone.

"Do you mean they are still in the Fire country??? " Fox asked with surprise because by now they should have already gone from the land of fire.

"Yes and I think I need to hurry because I have some works there. " Sadaharu said with an excited tone.

"Oh before you go take the scroll and give it to her when you meet Koyuki. " Fox said while handing a sealing scroll to Sadaharu.

After putting the scroll inside his white fur "Good. "

After a nod, they again departed in different directions.


After half a day Fox and Dog finally arrived at the doc from where they will join the team members for their next mission.

"Don't you think this ship looks a little bit??? " Fox asked surprised by the size and thought if they use it they will get spotted by the enemy and their mission might fail.

"No, we are going to enter the land of water like common civilian then blend in with the revel. " Dog replied and added "besides this is a passenger ship and if we don't show our Anbu clothes nobody will know we went there. "

"So we are going to change our normal dress. For my case, I also need to use transformation jutsu to make myself look older and almost the same age as you guys???   " Fox asked while flowing behind the dog.

"Anyway, we are here. " Dog said after they arrived where the rest of the team members are currently.

"Captain you have finally arrived. " Wolf masked shinobi with 3 dogs behind her said excitedly looking at the 2 people who just joined them.

"Yes, we tried to come as soon as possible. " Dog says with a normal nod.

"It's good that you arrived on time or else this shop would have left us behind. " Rabbit masked anbu girl said with a soft tone.

" anyway let me describe the plan clearly and the way we will handle our mission and if you have a better idea we are still open for that. " Dog said with a serious tone and they heard the ship starting moving.

"It should take up about 15 days to arrive near the land of water right??? " Fox asked with a curious tone.

"No that was before but now we can arrive there on only 10 days. " Dog replied and started to explain again.

After the ship started moving and Dog was done with his explanation Fox looked at everyone and asked "We should change our clothes as soon as possible for not leaving behind any clue and we should get off the ship when we are near enough to the land of water. "

"Yes you are right about that anyway Rabbit and Wolf join you while I will go with the wolf and we will meet at Kiri 2 days after we land. "  Dog said while looking at 3 dogs that are Wolf's companions.

"What do you think you will do with them??? " As Dog wasn't able to say it straight Fox said it instead because he was also thinking the same from the beginning.

"Hey don't call them dogs. Call them by their names kid.  " the wolf said with an annoyed kid.

"Woof~~~" Hearing wolf the 3 dog shout at the same time signaling they also think the same.

"Oh right you might not know their name so let me introduce them to you he is called Haimaru Sankyodai and he is called and he is called Haimaru Littermate. " Wolf said pointing at her dogs and finally the one a little smaller than the other tow "Finally he is Haimaru Hatomate and together they are known as the Haimaru brothers. "

"Woof~~~" the 3 Haimaru brothers again dave a shout of agreement.

'They look the same to me. ' Fox said shaking his head and said "Don't get angry at me now ok you know they are trained shinobi dog's and if others see them there is a chance for them to know we are from Konoha because only Konoha's a single clan shinobi have a dog as their companion like you. "

As fox explained everyone else nodded and the wolf didn't have any other way but to agree with him as she asked "How about me and Captain continue as anbu while you two go undercover???  "

"Yes, that way we will have a two-way connection.

One if we got caught you guys will still be able to continue the mission.

Second, they wouldn't suspect that we would use such tactics. " Dog said with a nod.

"That can also work. " Fox also agreed.

"So we are going to be using this plan. " Rabbit asked with a curious tone in which everyone agreed and this plan was approved.



Finally, the ship arrived at the spot from where it is a day away from the lands of water from where the 2 man Anbu team will depart….

"Let's meet after 3 days. " Dog and wolf got of the shop leaving behind Kirito and Izumi who are pretending to be siblings.

"You know I should be the older sister among us. " Izumi complained looking at Kirito who is just a little kid even younger then Itachi's little brother.

"That is true if we calculate by our true age but in this, I am older than you because of how much missions I completed by now. " Kirito said while shaking his head and indicating his time in Anbu.

"So what I am still older than you. " Izumi said with pout and disappointment because she didn't like that proud look on the face of the little kid and especially calling him elder brother in the mission.

"That is not the point here besides it's just a mission. " Kirito said with a sigh and asked curiously "Anyway can you tell me why are they making that sound? "

As it is middle of the night some couples were doing their night activity so Kirito who is hearing the sound for quite some time couldn't stop himself from asking the question which is bugging him ever since the Tanzaku city incident and finally asked her the question.

"You are too young for knowing that. So don't ask me about it again because you will know when you are old enough. " Izumi said with a red face looking at that serious yet curious face of Kirito.

"Everyone says that. " Kirito complained while shaking his head in disappointment and looked at the sea.

looking at the sad yet disappointment face of the kid Izumi couldn't take it anymore and said with after a deep thought "If you are so curious then you can ask Itachi about it and if he refuses you can tell him that I asked him to explain everything to you. "

"Do you know to Itachi Senpai??? " Kirito asked with a smile.

"Yes he is a good friend of mine, after all, we are from the same clan. " Izumi said activating her Dojutsu and pointing at it with her hand.

"Right he is the son of the clan head. " Kirito said with a nod and thought it is quiet understandable actually.

"Do you also know his little brother???" Kirito asked with a curious tone.

"Are you talking about little Sasuke, yes what about him???" Izumi asked curiously because she felt something was strange in Kirito's tone asking about Sasuke.

"Well you see there is a friend of mine back at the village who likes him and I agreed to help her becoming friends with Sasuke, so to do that I need to know about him. " Kirito said the truth with a serious tone because he really wanted to help Ino.

"Actually both of the brothers are really among the girls but I think you don't look that bad from Sasuke and in my personal opinion you look way better than Sasuke. " Izumi said comparing Sasuke with Kirito while thinking 'Not only are you better looking you are also a lot better than him in every way and from your achievement you have already surpassed Itachi by age of success rate I mean. '

"That you guess but to be honest I hear that a lot anyway can you tell me how does he compare against the children of the same age??? " Kirito said with a smile.

Looking at that smile anyone can understand he also might have some feeling for the girl so Izumi said with a smile "How about we talk about him tomorrow??? " with a yearning indicating she is feeling sleepy right now.

"Yes that's fine after all we still have a day before we arrive at the port. " With that, they went to sleep for the night.

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