Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

1099 Chapter 1099: Dian Qi Qi's Strength

That woman was very good. It was not bad to build a relationship with that woman. That was what the owner thought.

Yu Qi was talking to Elder Zheng Zhuxian. Elder Zheng Zhuxian was not called an expert for no reason. Yu Qi could see that all the stones that Elder Zheng Zhuxian had chosen had something worth inside them.

"I guess it is enough for our  supply." Elder Zheng Zhuxian said.

"Yeah." Yu Qi nodded. She was very satisfied with today's harvest.

Then they could see that a storekeeper was running towards them. He stopped in front of Yu Qi and gave him a card to Yu Qi.

"Miss Tang, our owner would like you to accept this." The storekeeper said to Yu Qi.

Yu Qi reached out for the card and read it.

'Heaven Paradise, Mr. Chu Nan.' That was the written on the card.

"Mr. Chu is the owner of the store." The storekeeper explained.

"I see... Thank you for the card." Yu Qi said. She then took out something from her bag.

It was a box of cards. She had many cards, to begin with because she was the owner of many businesses. She did not want to make them but Su Yu Hi made them without her knowing and gave them to her after the cards were ready.

Since it was related to her Jade business, she took out the HuiQi Jade card owner and gave it to the storekeeper.

"Please give this to your owner." Yu Qi said.

"Yes, Miss Tang." The storekeeper nodded and left.

"Let's go and make the payment for our purchases." Yu Qi said.

There were four carts that were full of stones. People were surprised to see someone buying so much. It was probably worth a few million money.

The storekeeper took over over cashier's job. He did not dare to let the newbie cashier process this purchase. It was better for him to do it by himself.

"Everything is 20 million RMB. Do you need to use our cutting service?" The storekeeper gulped as he said the price.

"No. We don't need the cutting service. Just pack and deliver them to this address." Yu Qi gave the address where her jade warehouse was.

"Yes, Miss Tang." The storekeeper nodded.

Yu Qi paid 20 million RMB with her card. People who looked at her were stunned as she did not hesitate to pay such an amount for the stones which they did not know whether the stone was worth or not.

"Hai beauty! Do you like to have a drink with me?" A young man said to Dian Qi Qi who waiting for Yu Qi to complete her transaction.

Dian Qi Qi was looking at the gallery which showed the picture of the jade at the side corner of the store. She never thought that there might be jade or crystal in those stones.

Then she heard someone beside her. At first, she thought he was talking to someone else. So, she ignored him. Then the man started talking more.

"Hey, are you listening to me?" The man said.

Dian Qi Qi turned with a frowning expression. She was having fun looking at the pictures. Which idiot was disturbing her peace?

"What do you want?" Dian Qi Qi asked in a displeased tone.

The man was stunned as he looked at the girl's face. He did not expect that she was such a beauty. He was from the young generation. So he knew what kind of clothes she wore. It was gothic lolita. It was cute clothes, to begin with.

"I want to invite you to some drink. Do you want to join me?" The man invited Dian Qi Qi again.

"I am sorry. I have some accompanies." Even though she was displeased with the man, she still refused him politely.

However, the man did not seem to take the 'no' answer. He took an action to pull the beauty's hand.

Of course, Dian Qi Qi would not let someone that she did not know touch herself. So, she stepped back.

But the man did not give up and managed to grab Dian Qi Qi's hand. However, before he managed to do something else, he could feel the pain in his stomach followed by the pain in his back.

It was a loud sound. Everything in the store went to see the source of the sound. They could see a man was sitting leaning on the wall. The most surprising thing was the wall behind the man was cracked.

"What is happening here?" A man asked.

"That girl has kicked him." Someone said. He was also in shock.

He was a friend of the man who had been kicked. He saw everything that happened.

Yu Qi walked to Dian Qi Qi.

With a sad expression, Dian Qi Qi whined to Yu Qi. "He has touched me first. So, I have kicked him but I am using a little force. I don't know that he is so weak."

Everyone was speechless with that. 'Little force? That can crack the wall?' How could that be a little force? The man was conscious when he heard what Dian Qi Qi said and ended up losing his consciousness when listening to Dian Qi Qi.

Yu Qi sighed. "I am calling the ambulance." She immediately called the ambulance.

Then she turned to the man who seemed to befriend the unconscious man.

"Do you know him?" Yu Qi asked.

"Yeah." The man nodded several times.

***This novel is a contracted work with w e b n o v e l. c o m. If you do not read this novel on w e b n o v e l. c o m, it has been stolen. It breaks my heart when someone steals my hard work. Can you consider reading it on the original website for those who read my novel on another website besides w e b n o v e l .c o m, as your support to me? Thank you, for your shameless author, ZerahNeko***

This chapter is edited by Dream Spirit... Thank you for your help...

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