Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

1100 Chapter 1100: Backed Up By A Powerful Person

He knew this woman. She was the owner of the famous HuiQi Jade Store. Seeing the girl who kicked his friend whined to this woman, meaning the girl had a close relationship with HuiQi Jade's owner.

"Please call his family and inform them about this incident. And please tell them about this." Yu Qi said.

"Yes... of course.... of course..." The man nodded.

"I have caused a problem for Sister Yu Qi. I am sorry." Dian Qi Qi frowned.

"Never mind. It is probably the man who wants to take advantage of you first." Yu Qi patted Dian Qi Qi's head.

The next 15 minutes later, the ambulance came and took the man to the hospital. Yu Qi and Dian Qi Qi would follow them by the car. Yu Qi explained what had happened.

Elder Zheng Zhuxian knew the man. It was the younger generation from Sun Family. Their Family's business was related to jewelry. The worst thing was the man was a playboy. He liked to date many women. After sleeping with the woman two and three times, he would break up and date another woman. Totally a scumbag.

While driving to the hospital, there was a loud rumbling sound. It was Dian Qi Qi's stomach. She was hungry. It had already passed lunchtime. They had been in the store for a long time.

"Well, it is better if we eat first before going to the hospital." Yu Qi said.

So, they stopped by the restaurant on the way to the hospital. There were not many people there since it had passed lunchtime.

Dian Qi Qi was glad that she could eat first before going to the hospital. If they went to the hospital first, who knew how much time it would take to settle the issue. However, she did feel horrible about causing trouble to Yu Qi.

"Don't think much about that. I will settle it." Yu Qi said.

Dian Qi Qi smiled. Having an older sister was different from having older brothers. Even though they would help her settle the problem, she would be scolded before that.

After having a late lunch, they went to the hospital. Yu Qi asked the counter about the man who was sent one hour before. The nurse informed the location. They went to the ward. Outside the ward, they could hear their conversation.

"My poor baby, I will make sure that they have the worse." A woman was crying.

Yu Qi decided to enter without knocking. The people inside were surprised when seeing a girl entering their ward. It was a private ward. So, there should no one else here. This girl should be got the wrong room.

"Miss, I think you get the wrong room." A middle-aged man said.

"No, I get it right." Yu Qi said. "My sister has caused him into that state."

The middle-aged woman, seeming she was the man's mother turned angrily toward Yu Qi.

"You are the one who has made my son like this? I will make sure you pay for this." The woman said.

Then the middle-aged man pulled his wife before his wife managed to point a finger at the girl.

"Why are you stopping me?" The middle-aged woman became angry when her husband stopped her.

"Miss Tang..." The middle-aged man greeted Yu Qi.

It seemed the middle-aged man had recognized Yu Qi.

" Do you know me?" Yu Qi asked.

"Yes. You are the owner of HuiQi Jade." The man said.

The middle-aged woman was shocked when her husband mentioned the name. She knew the HuiQi Jade. She also liked the Jade there. The owner was also Long Hui's fiancee, a promising soldier who probably would become a general in the future. She was also from the Tang Family.

"I am sorry for what my sister has done to your son. I will cover his medical expenses until he has recovered." Yu Qi said.

"I am sorry too." Dian Qi Qi apologized too. It was her fault that her Sister Yu Qi needed to bow to those people.

"You need to control your son as well." Elder Zheng Zhuxian entered.

''Elder Zheng." The middle-aged man and woman greeted Elder Zheng Zhuxian.

Elder Zheng Zhuxian was famous in the jewelry business too. So, of course, they knew her too.

"It was your son who wanted to put his hands on this girl. She just protected herself although the force that she used was exaggerated" Elder Zheng Zhuxian explained.

"Yes, Elder Zheng. I will make sure that he will never do that anymore." The middle-aged man said.

The middle-aged woman also nodded. She could not do anything to the culprit who harmed her son since she was backed up by others.

The middle-aged man felt relieved. Even though his son wanted to make a move on that girl, the people behind that girl would not do anything after this. Otherwise, his business might be at stake.

"You can contact me by this name for the medical expenses." Yu Qi gave her doctor's card to the middle-aged man.

Once the middle-aged man received the card, he understood that Yu Qi did not want to have anything with his family other than the medical expenses. Otherwise, she would give him, the business card.

Yu Qi felt the matter was settled for now.  They excused themselves. However, Yu Qi went to the counter to ask for the man's information and the doctor who treated him.

***This novel is a contracted work with w e b n o v e l. c o m. If you do not read this novel on w e b n o v e l. c o m, it has been stolen. It breaks my heart when someone steals my hard work. Can you consider reading it on the original website for those who read my novel on another website besides w e b n o v e l .c o m, as your support to me? Thank you, for your shameless author, ZerahNeko***

This chapter is edited by Dream Spirit... Thank you for your help...

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